< 2 Chronicles 20 >

1 After this the children of Moab, and the children of Ammon, and with them of the Ammonites, were gathered together to fight against Josaphat.
Siden hændte det sig, at Moabiterne og Ammoniterne sammen med Folk fra Maon drog i Krig mod Josafat.
2 And there came messengers, and told Josaphat, saying: There cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea, and out of Syria, and behold they are in Asasonthamar, which is Engaddi.
Og man kom og bragte Josafat den Efterretning: »En vældig Menneskemængde rykker frem imod dig fra Egnene hinsides Havet, fra Edom, og de staar allerede i Hazazon-Tamar (det er En-Gedi)!«
3 And Josaphat being seized with fear betook himself wholly to pray to the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Juda.
Da grebes Josafat af Frygt, og han vendte sig til HERREN og søgte ham og lod en Faste udraabe i hele Juda.
4 And Juda gathered themselves together to pray to the Lord: and all came out of their cities to make supplication to him.
Saa samledes Judæerne for at søge Hjælp hos HERREN; ogsaa fra alle Judas Byer kom de for at søge HERREN.
5 And Josaphat stood in the midst of the assembly of Juda, and Jerusalem, in the house of the Lord before the new court,
Men Josafat traadte frem i Judas og Jerusalems Forsamling i HERRENS Hus foran den nye Forgaard
6 And said: O Lord God of our fathers, thou art God in heaven, and rulest over all the kingdoms and nations, in thy hand is strength and power, and no one can resist thee.
og sagde: »HERRE, vore Fædres Gud! Er du ikke Gud i Himmelen, er det ikke dig, der hersker over alle Hedningerigerne? I din Haand er Kraft og Styrke, og mod dig kan ingen holde Stand!
7 Didst not thou our God kill all the inhabitants of this land before thy people Israel, and gavest it to the seed of Abraham thy friend for ever?
Var det ikke dig, vor Gud, der drev dette Lands Indbyggere bort foran dit Folk Israel og gav din Ven Abrahams Efterkommere det for evigt?
8 And they dwelt in it, and built in it a sanctuary to thy name, saying:
Og de bosatte sig der og byggede dig der en Helligdom for dit Navn, idet de sagde:
9 If evils fall upon us, the sword of judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we will stand in thy presence before this house, in which thy name is called upon: and we will cry to thee in our afflictions, and thou wilt hear, and save us.
Hvis Ulykke rammer os, Sværd, Straffedom, Pest eller Hungersnød, vil vi træde frem foran dette Hus og for dit Aasyn, thi dit Navn bor i dette Hus, og raabe til dig om Hjælp i vor Nød, og du vil høre det og frelse os!
10 Now therefore behold the children of Ammon, and of Moab, and mount Seir, through whose lands thou didst not allow Israel to pass, when they came out of Egypt, but they turned aside from them, and slew them not,
Se nu, hvorledes Ammoniterne og Moabiterne og de fra Se'irs Bjerge, hvem du ikke tillod Israeliterne at angribe, da de kom fra Ægypten, tværtimod holdt de sig tilbage fra dem og tilintetgjorde dem ikke,
11 Do the contrary, and endeavour to cast us out of the possession which thou hast delivered to us.
se nu, hvorledes de gengælder os det med at komme for at drive os bort fra din Ejendom, som du gav os i Eje!
12 O our God, wilt thou not then judge them? as for us we have not strength enough, to be able to resist this multitude, which cometh violently upon us. But as we know not what to do, we can only turn our eyes to thee.
Vor Gud, vil du ikke holde Dom over dem? Thi vi er afmægtige over for denne vældige Menneskemængde, som kommer over os; vi ved ikke, hvad vi skal gøre, men vore Øjne er vendt til dig!«
13 And all Juda stood before the Lord with their little ones, and their wives, and their children.
Medens nu alle Judæerne stod for HERRENS Aasyn med deres Familier, Kvinder og Børn,
14 And Jahaziel the son of Zacharias, the son of Banaias, the son of Jehiel, the son of Mathanias, a Levite of the sons of Asaph, was there, upon whom the spirit of the Lord came in the midst of the multitude,
kom HERRENS Aand midt i Forsamlingen over Leviten Jahaziel, en Søn af Zekarja, en Søn af Benaja, en Søn af Je'iel, en Søn af Mattanja, af Asafs Sønner,
15 And he said: Attend ye, all Juda, and you that dwell in Jerusalem, and thou king Josaphat: Thus saith the Lord to you: Fear ye not, and be not dismayed at this multitude: for the battle is not yours, but God’s.
og han sagde: »Lyt til, alle I Judæere, Jerusalems Indbyggere og Kong Josafat! Saa siger HERREN til eder: Frygt ikke og forfærdes ikke for denne vældige Menneskemængde, thi Kampen er ikke eders, men Guds!
16 Tomorrow you shall go down against them: for they will come up by the ascent named Sis, and you shall find them at the head of the torrent, which is over against the wilderness of Jeruel.
Drag i Morgen ned imod dem; se, de er ved at stige op ad Vejen ved Hazziz, og I vil træffe dem ved Enden af Dalen østen for Jeruels Ørken.
17 It shall not be you that shall fight, but only stand with confidence, and you shall see the help of the Lord over you, O Juda, and Jerusalem: fear ye not, nor be you dismayed: tomorrow you shall go out against them, and the Lord will be with you.
Det er ikke eder, der skal kæmpe her; stil eder op og bliv staaende, saa skal I se, hvorledes HERREN frelser eder, I Judæere og Jerusalems Indbyggere! Frygt ikke og forfærdes ikke, men drag i Morgen imod dem, og HERREN vil være med eder!«
18 Then Josaphat, and Juda, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell hat on the ground before the Lord, and adored him.
Da bøjede Josafat sig med Ansigtet til Jorden, og alle Judæerne og Jerusalems Indbyggere faldt ned for HERREN og tilbad ham;
19 And the Levites of the sons of Caath, and of the sons of Core praised the Lord the God of Israel with a loud voice, on high.
men Leviterne af Kehatiternes og Koraiternes Sønner stod op for at lovprise HERREN, Israels Gud, med vældig Røst.
20 And they rose early in the morning, and went out through the desert of Thecua: and as they were marching, Josaphat standing in the midst of them, said: Hear me, ye men of Juda, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem: believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be secure: believe his prophets, and all things shall succeed well.
Tidligt næste Morgen drog de ud til Tekoas Ørken; og medens de drog ud, stod Josafat og sagde: »Hør mig, I Judæere og Jerusalems Indbyggere! Tro paa HERREN eders Gud, og I skal blive boende, tro paa hans Profeter, og Lykken skal følge eder!«
21 And he gave counsel to the people, and appointed the singing men of the Lord, to praise him by their companies, and to go before the army, and with one voice to say: Give glory to the Lord, for his mercy endureth for ever.
Og efter at have raadført sig med Folket opstillede han Sangere til med Ordene »lov HERREN, thi hans Miskundhed varer evindelig!« at lovprise HERREN i helligt Skrud, medens de drog frem foran de væbnede.
22 And when they began to sing praises, the Lord turned their ambushments upon themselves, that is to say, of the children of Ammon, and of Moab, and of mount Seir, who were come out to fight against Juda, and they were slain.
Og i samme Stund de begyndte med Jubelraab og Lovsang, lod HERREN et Baghold komme over Ammoniterne, Moabiterne og dem fra Se'irs Bjerge, der rykkede frem mod Juda, saa de blev slaaet.
23 For the children of Ammon, and of Moab, rose up against the inhabitants of mount Seir, to kill and destroy them: and when they had made an end of them, they turned also against one another, and destroyed one another.
Ammoniterne og Moabiterne angreb dem, der boede i Se'irs Bjerge, og lagde Band paa dem og tilintetgjorde dem, og da de var færdige med dem fra Se'ir, gav de sig til at udrydde hverandre.
24 And when Juda came to the watch tower, that looketh toward the desert, they saw afar off all the country, for a great space, full of dead bodies, and that no one was left that could escape death.
Da saa Judæerne kom op paa Varden, hvorfra man ser ud over Ørkenen, og vendte Blikket mod Menneskemængden, se, da laa deres døde Kroppe paa Jorden, ingen var undsluppet.
25 Then Josaphat came, and all the people with him to take away the spoils of the dead, and they found among the dead bodies, stuff of various kinds, and garments, and most precious vessels: and they took them for themselves, insomuch that they could not carry all, nor in three days take away the spoils, the booty was so great.
Saa kom Josafat og hans Folk hen for at udplyndre dem, og de fandt en Mængde Kvæg, Gods, Klæder og kostbare Ting. De røvede saa meget, at de ikke kunde slæbe det bort, og brugte tre Dage til at plyndre; saa meget var der.
26 And on the fourth day they were assembled in the valley of Blessing: for there they blessed the Lord, and therefore they called that place the valley of Blessing until this day.
Den fjerde Dag samledes de i Berakadalen, thi der lovpriste de HERREN, og derfor kaldte man Stedet Berakadalen, som det hedder den Dag i Dag.
27 And every man of Juda, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem returned, and Josaphat at their head, into Jerusalem with great joy, because the Lord had made them rejoice over their enemies.
Derpaa vendte alle Folkene fra Juda og Jerusalem med Josafat i Spidsen om og drog tilbage til Jerusalem med Glæde, thi HERREN havde bragt dem Glæde over deres Fjender;
28 And they came into Jerusalem with psalteries, and harps, and trumpets into the house of the Lord.
og med Harper, Citre og Trompeter kom de til Jerusalem, til HERRENS Hus.
29 And the fear of the Lord fell upon all the kingdoms of the lands when they heard that the Lord had fought against the enemies of Israel.
Men en Guds Rædsel kom over alle Lande og Riger, da de hørte, at HERREN havde kæmpet mod Israels Fjender.
30 And the kingdom of Josaphat was quiet, and God gave him peace round about.
Saaledes fik Josafats Rige Fred, og hans Gud skaffede ham Ro til alle Sider.
31 And Josaphat reigned over Juda, and he was five and thirty years old when he began to reign: and he reigned five and twenty years in Jerusalem: and the name of his mother was Azuba the daughter of Selahi.
Josafat var fem og tredive Aar gammel, da han blev Konge over Juda, og han herskede fem og tyve Aar i Jerusalem. Hans Moder hed Azuba og var Datter af Sjilhi.
32 And he walked in the way of his father Asa, and departed not from it, doing the things that were pleasing before the Lord.
Han vandrede i sin Fader Asas Spor og veg ikke derfra, idet han gjorde, hvad der var ret i HERRENS Øjne.
33 But yet he took not away the high places, and the people had not yet turned their heart to the Lord the God of their fathers.
Kun blev Offerhøjene ikke fjernet, og Folket vendte endnu ikke Hjertet til deres Fædres Gud.
34 But the rest of the acts of Josaphat, first and last, are written in the words of Jehu the son of Hanani, which he digested into the books of the kings of Israel.
Hvad der ellers er at fortælle om Josafat fra først til sidst, staar jo optegnet i Jehus, Hananis Søns, Krønike, som er optaget i Bogen om Israels Konger.
35 After these things Josaphat king of Juda made friendship with Ochozias king of Israel, whose works were very wicked.
Senere slog Kong Josafat af Juda sig sammen med Kong Ahazja af Israel, der var ugudelig i al sin Færd;
36 And he was partner with him in making ships, to go to Tharsis: and they made the ships in Asiongaber.
han slog sig sammen med ham om at bygge Skibe, der skulde sejle til Tarsis. De byggede Skibe i Ezjongeber.
37 And Eliezer the son of Dodau of Maresa prophesied to Josaphat, saying: Because thou hast made a league with Ochozias, the Lord hath destroyed thy works, and the ships are broken, and they could not go to Tharsis.
Men Eliezer, Dodavahus Søn, fra Maresja profeterede mod Josafat og sagde: »Fordi du har slaaet dig sammen med Ahazja, vil HERREN gøre dit Værk til intet!« Og Skibene gik under og naaede ikke Tarsis.

< 2 Chronicles 20 >