< 1 Kings 13 >
1 And behold there came a man of God out of Juda, by the word of the Lord to Bethel, when Jeroboam was standing upon the altar, and burning incense.
И се, человек Божий прииде от Иуды по словеси Господню в Вефиль, и Иеровоам стояше на олтари своем жрети хотя:
2 And he cried out against the altar in the word of the Lord, and said: O altar, altar, thus saith the Lord: Behold a child shall be born to the house of David, Josias by name, and he shall immolate upon thee the priests of the high places, who now burn incense upon thee, and he shall burn men’s bones upon thee.
и воззва ко олтарю словом Господним и рече: олтарю, олтарю, сице глаголет Господь: се, сын раждается дому Давидову, Иосиа имя ему, и пожрет на тебе жерцы, иже на высоких жрущыя на тебе, и кости человеческия сожжет на тебе.
3 And he gave a sign the same day, saying: This shall be the sign, that the Lord hath spoken: Behold the altar shall be rent, and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out.
И даст в день той чудо, глаголя: сей глаголгол, егоже рече Господь, глаголя: се, олтарь разсядется, и излиется тук иже на нем.
4 And when the king had heard the word of the man of God, which he had cried out against the altar in Bethel, he stretched forth his hand from the altar, saying: Lay hold on him. And his hand which he stretched forth against him withered: and he was not able to draw it back again to him.
И бысть егда услыша царь Иеровоам словеса человека Божия воззвавшаго ко олтарю иже в Вефили, и простре царь руку свою от олтаря, глаголя: имите его. И се, усше рука его, юже простре нань, и не можаше возвратити ю к себе:
5 The altar also was rent, and the ashes were poured out from the altar, according to the sign which the man of God had given before in the word of the Lord.
и олтарь разседеся, и излияся тук от олтаря, по чудеси, еже даде человек Божий словом Господним.
6 And the king said to the man of God: Entreat the face of the Lord thy God, and pray for me, that my hand may be restored to me. And the man of God besought the face of the Lord, and the king’s hand was restored to him, and it became as it was before.
И рече царь Иеровоам человеку Божию: помолися ныне пред лицем Господа Бога твоего, дабы возвратилася рука моя ко мне. И помолися человек Божий пред лицем Господним, и возвратися рука царя к нему, и бысть якоже прежде.
7 And the king said to the man of God: Come home with me to dine, and I will make thee presents.
И глагола царь к человеку Божию: вниди со мною в дом, и обедай, и дам ти дар.
8 And the man of God answered the king: If thou wouldst give me half thy house I will not go with thee, nor eat bread, nor drink water in this place:
И рече человек Божий к цареви: аще даси ми пол дому твоего, не вниду с тобою, ниже ям хлеба, ниже пию воды на месте сем,
9 For so it was enjoined me by the word of the Lord commanding me: Thou shalt not eat bread nor drink water, nor return by the same way that thou camest.
яко тако заповеда ми Господь словом, глаголя: ни яждь хлеба, ни пий воды, ниже возвратися путем, имже шел еси.
10 So he departed by another way, and returned not by the way that he came into Bethel.
И отиде путем иным, и не возвратися путем, имже прииде во Вефиль.
11 Now a certain old prophet dwelt in Bethel, and his sons came to him and told him all the works that the man of God had done that day in Bethel: and they told their father the words which he had spoken to the king.
И пророк един стар живяше в Вефили, и приидоша сынове его и поведаша ему вся дела, яже сотвори человек Божий в день той в Вефили, и словеса, яже глагола цареви, поведаша отцу своему.
12 And their father said to them: What way went he? His sons shewed him the way by which the man of God went, who came out of Juda.
И рече к ним отец их, глаголя: киим путем иде? И показаша ему сынове его путь, имже иде человек Божий изшедый от Иуды.
13 And he said to his sons: Saddle me the ass. And when they had saddled him, he got up,
И рече сыном своим: оседлайте ми осля. И оседлаша ему осля, и вседе на не,
14 And went after the man of God, and found him sitting under a turpentine tree: and he said to him: Art thou the man of God that camest from Juda? He answered: I am.
и иде вслед человека Божия, и обрете его под дубом седяща, и рече ему: ты ли еси человек Божий пришедый от Иуды? И рече ему: аз.
15 And he said to him: Come home with me, to eat bread.
И рече ему: гряди со мною, и яждь хлеб.
16 But he said: I must not return, nor go with thee, neither will I eat bread, nor drink water in this place:
И рече ему: не могу возвратитися с тобою, ниже ям хлеба, ни пию воды на месте сем,
17 Because the Lord spoke to me in the word of the Lord, saying: Thou shalt not eat bread, and thou shalt not drink water there, nor return by the way thou wentest.
яко тако заповеда ми Господь словом, глаголя: не яждь хлеба тамо, ниже пий воды тамо, и да не возвратишися путем тем, имже шел еси.
18 He said to him: I also am a prophet like unto thee: and an angel spoke to me in the word of the Lord, saying: Bring him back with thee into thy house, that he may eat bread, and drink water. He deceived him,
И рече к нему: и аз пророк есмь якоже ты, и Ангел глагола ко мне словом Господним, глаголя: возврати его к себе в дом твой, да снест хлеба и пиет воду. И солга ему,
19 And brought him back with him: so he ate bread and drank water in his house.
и возврати его: и яде хлеб, и пи воду в дому его.
20 And as they sat at table, the word of the Lord came to the prophet that brought him back:
И бысть им седящым на трапезе, и бысть слово Господне ко пророку возвращшему его.
21 And he cried out to the man of God who came out of Juda, saying: Thus saith the Lord: Because thou hast not been obedient to the Lord, and hast not kept the commandment which the Lord thy God commanded thee,
И рече к человеку Божию пришедшему от Иуды, глаголя: сице глаголет Господь: понеже преогорчил еси глаголгол Господень и не сохранил еси заповеди, юже заповеда тебе Господь Бог твой,
22 And hast returned and eaten bread, and drunk water in the place wherein he commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat bread, nor drink water, thy dead body shall not be brought into the sepulchre of thy fathers.
и возвратився ял еси хлеб и пил еси воду на месте сем, о немже рече к тебе, глаголя: да не яси хлеба и не пиеши воды: сего ради не внидет во гроб тело твое со отцы твоими.
23 And when he had eaten and drunk, he saddled his ass for the prophet, whom he had brought back.
И бысть по ядении хлеба и по питии воды, и оседла осля тому пророку, и возвратися, и отиде:
24 And when he was gone, a lion found him in the way, and killed him, and his body was cast in the way: and the ass stood by him, and the lion stood by the dead body.
и обрете его лев на пути, и умертви его: и бе тело его повержено на пути, и осел стояше над ним, и лев стояше близ телесе (его):
25 And behold, men passing by saw the dead body cast in the way, and the lion standing by the body. And they came and told it in the city, wherein that old prophet dwelt.
и се, мужие мимоидуще, и видеша мертва повержена на пути и льва стояща близ мертваго: и приидоша, и поведаша во граде, в немже живяше пророк старый.
26 And when that prophet, who had brought him back out of the way, heard of it, he said: It is the man of God, that was disobedient to the mouth of the Lord, and the Lord hath delivered him to the lion, and he hath torn him, and killed him according to the word of the Lord, which he spoke to him.
И услыша (сие пророк) возвративый его с пути и рече: человек Божии сей есть, иже преступи глаголгол Божий, и предаде его Господь льву, и сокруши его, и умертви его по глаголголу Господню, егоже рече ему.
27 And he said to his sons: Saddle me an ass. And when they had saddled it,
И повеле сыном своим, глаголя: оседлайте ми осля. И оседлаша.
28 And he was gone, he found the dead body cast in the way, and the ass and the lion standing by the carcass: the lion had not eaten of the dead body, nor hurt the ass.
И пойде, и обрете тело его повержено на пути, и осел и лев стояста над телом, и не снеде лев телесе человека Божия и не сокруши осла.
29 And the prophet took up the body of the man of God, and laid it upon the ass, and going back brought it into the city of the old prophet, to mourn for him.
И взя пророк тело человека Божия, и возложи е на осля, и возврати е пророк, и вниде во град погребсти его,
30 And he laid his dead body in his own sepulchre: and they mourned over him, saying: Alas! alas! my brother.
и положи тело его во гробе своем, и рыдаше по нем: увы, брате.
31 And when they had mourned over him, he said to his sons: When I am dead, bury me in the sepulchre wherein the man of God is buried: lay my bones beside his bones.
И бысть по рыдании о нем, и рече к сыном своим, глаголя: аще умру, погребите мя во гробе сем, идеже человек Божий погребен есть, при костех его положите мя, да спасутся кости моя с костьми его,
32 For assuredly the word shall come to pass which he hath foretold in the word of the Lord against the altar that is in Bethel: and against all the temples of the high places, that are in the cities of Samaria.
яко сбудется глагол, егоже глагола словом Господним о олтари, иже во Вефили, и о домех высоких, иже в Самарии.
33 After these words Jeroboam came not back from his wicked way: but on the contrary he made of the meanest of the people priests of the high places: whosoever would, he filled his hand, and he was made a priest of the high places.
И по глаголе сем не обратися Иеровоам от злобы своея, и возвратися, и сотвори от части единыя людий жерцы высоких: иже хотяше, исполняше руку свою, и бываше жрец на высоких.
34 And for this cause did the house of Jeroboam sin, and was cut off and destroyed from the face of the earth.
И бысть глагол сей в прегрешение дому Иеровоамлю, и на испровержение, и на изчезновение от лица земли.