< Song of Solomon 8 >
1 Oh that thou wert as my brother, That sucked the breasts of my mother! Should I find thee without, I would kiss thee; And they would not despise me.
Oh, da bi bil kakor moj brat, ki je sesal prsi moje matere! Ko bi te našla zunaj, bi te poljubila, da, ne bi bila prezirana.
2 I would lead thee, bring thee into my mother's house; Thou wouldest instruct me: I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine, Of the juice of my pomegranate.
Vodila bi te in te privedla v hišo svoje matere, ki bi me poučila. Povzročila bi ti, da piješ dišeč vinski sok mojih granatnih jabolk.
3 His left hand would be under my head, And his right hand embrace me.
Njegova leva roka bi bila pod mojo glavo in njegova desnica bi me objela.
4 I charge you, daughters of Jerusalem, ...Why should ye stir up, why awake [my] love, till he please?
Naročam vam, oh hčere jeruzalemske, da ne razvnamete niti ne zbudite moje ljubezni, dokler njemu ugaja.
5 Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, Leaning upon her beloved? I awoke thee under the apple-tree: There thy mother brought thee forth; There she brought thee forth [that] bore thee.
Kdo je ta, ki prihaja iz divjine, naslonjena na svojega ljubljenega? Dvignil sem te pod jablano; tam te je rodila tvoja mati, tam te je rodila, ki te je nosila.
6 Set me as a seal upon thy heart, As a seal upon thine arm: For love is strong as death; Jealousy is cruel as Sheol: The flashes thereof are flashes of fire, Flames of Jah. (Sheol )
Postavi me kakor pečat na svoje srce, kakor pečat na svoj laket, kajti ljubezen je močna kakor smrt, ljubosumje je kruto kakor grob. Njegovi ogorki so ognjeno oglje, ki ima najbolj silovit plamen. (Sheol )
7 Many waters cannot quench love, Neither do the floods drown it: Even if a man gave all the substance of his house for love, It would utterly be contemned.
Mnogo vodá ne more pogasiti ljubezni niti je poplave ne morejo potopiti. Če bi človek vse imetje svoje hiše dal za ljubezen, bi bil popolnoma zaničevan.
8 We have a little sister, And she hath no breasts: What shall we do for our sister In the day when she shall be spoken for? —
Imamo majhno sestro in ona nima prsi. Kaj bomo storili za svojo sestro na dan, ko jo bodo snubili?
9 If she be a wall, We will build upon her a turret of silver; And if she be a door, We will enclose her with boards of cedar.
Če bo zid, bomo na njej zgradili srebrno palačo in če bo vrata, jo bomo obdali s cedrovimi deskami.
10 I am a wall, and my breasts like towers; Then was I in his eyes as one that findeth peace.
Jaz sem zid in moje prsi kakor stolpa. Potem sem bila v njegovih očeh kakor nekdo, ki je našel naklonjenost.
11 Solomon had a vineyard at Baal-hamon: He let out the vineyard unto keepers; Every one for the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand silver-pieces.
Salomon je imel vinograd v Báal Hamónu; vinograd je dal v najem čuvajem. Vsak naj bi za njegov sad prinesel tisoč koščkov srebra.
12 My vineyard, which is mine, is before me: The thousand [silver-pieces] be to thee, Solomon; And to the keepers of its fruit, two hundred.
Moj vinograd, ki je moj, je pred menoj. Ti, oh Salomon, moraš imeti tisoč, tisti, ki varujejo sad od njega, pa dvesto.
13 Thou that dwellest in the gardens, The companions hearken to thy voice: Let me hear [it].
Ti, ki prebivaš v vrtovih, družabniki prisluhnejo tvojemu glasu; pripravi me, da ga slišim.
14 Haste, my beloved, And be thou like a gazelle or a young hart Upon the mountains of spices.
Podvizaj se, moj ljubljeni in bodi podoben srni ali mlademu jelenu na gorah dišav.