< Romans 10 >

1 Brethren, the delight of my own heart and my supplication which [I address] to God for them is for salvation.
Eigi ichil-inaosa, eigi thamoigi pamjaba amasung Tengban Mapuda haijaba adudi Israel-gi misingna kanbiba phangba asini.
2 For I bear them witness that they have zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.
Maramadi makhoina Tengban Mapugi maramda thawai yamna yao-i haibasi eina haiba ngam-i, adubu makhoigi thawai yaoba adu achumba khangbada yumpham oide.
3 For they, being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own [righteousness], have not submitted to the righteousness of God.
Tengban Mapugi achumba chatpa adu makhoina khanglamde, madugi mahutta makhoina masagi oiba semgatnaba hotnei; maram aduna Tengban Mapugi achumba chatpa aduda makhoina makha ponde.
4 For Christ is [the] end of law for righteousness to every one that believes.
Maramdi thajaba mi pumnamakna achumba chatpa oinabagidamak Christtana Wayel Yathanggi aroiba adu oire.
5 For Moses lays down in writing the righteousness which is of the law, The man who has practised those things shall live by them.
Wayel Yathanggi mapanna achumba chatpa oiba adugi maramda Moses-na asumna irammi: “Wayel Yathanggi yathangsing adu inba mi adu hinggani.”
6 But the righteousness of faith speaks thus: Do not say in thine heart, Who shall ascend to the heavens? that is, to bring Christ down;
Adubu thajabagi mapanna achumba chatpa oiba aduna asumna hai, “‘Kanana swargada kagani?’ haina nahakki napukningda haiganu.” (Madudi Christtabu mathaktagi putharakpani)
7 or, Who shall descend into the abyss? that is, to bring up Christ from among [the] dead. (Abyssos g12)
“nattraga, Kanana makha naidaba komda kumthagani?” (Madudi Christtabu asibasinggi maraktagi pukhatpani). (Abyssos g12)
8 But what says it? The word is near thee, in thy mouth and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach:
Adubu maduna kari haibage? “Wahei adu nahakki nanakta lei; madu nahakki nachinda amadi nahakki thamoida lei,” madudi eikhoina sandokliba thajabagi paojel aduni.
9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised him from among [the] dead, thou shalt be saved.
Nahakna nahakki nachinna “Jisudi Mapu Ibungoni,” haina haidokcharabadi amasung Tengban Mapuna mahakpu asibasinggi maraktagi hinggat-hanbire haina nahakki thamoida thajarabadi nahakpu kanbigani.
10 For with [the] heart is believed to righteousness; and with [the] mouth confession made to salvation.
Maramdi eikhoigi thamoina thajaduna chumhanbire aduga eikhoigi ichinna haidokchaduna kanbiba phangjare.
11 For the scripture says, No one believing on him shall be ashamed.
Maramdi Mapugi puyana hai, “Ibungo mahakpu thajaba mi khuding ikaiba nanghalloi.”
12 For there is no difference of Jew and Greek; for the same Lord of all [is] rich towards all that call upon him.
Maramdi Jihudi amadi Jihudi nattaba phurupsinggi marakta karisu khennaba leite; maramdi Ibungo mahakpu koujaba makhoida marang kaina yaipha thoujal pibiba Mapu Ibungo adumak pumnamakki Mapu Ibungoni.
13 For every one whosoever, who shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved.
Maramdi “MAPU IBUNGO-gi ming koujaba mi khudingbu kanbigani.”
14 How then shall they call upon him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe on him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without one who preaches?
Adunadi makhoina thajadana Ibungo mangonda karamna kougani? Makhoina mahakki paojel adu tadana mahakpu karamna thajaba ngamgani? Aduga paodam adu makhoida sandokpipa yaodana makhoina karamna tagani?
15 and how shall they preach unless they have been sent? according as it is written, How beautiful the feet of them that announce glad tidings of peace, of them that announce glad tidings of good things!
Aduga makhoibu thabidrabadi, makhoina karamna sandokpa ngamgani? Masi Mapugi puyada ikhibagumbani; “Aphaba pao sandokliba makhoigi khong adu kayada ningthijakhraba!”
16 But they have not all obeyed the glad tidings. For Esaias says, Lord, who has believed our report?
Adubu mi pumnamakna Aphaba Pao adu lousinbadi natte. Maramdi Isaiah-na hai, “Mapu Ibungo, kanana eikhoigi paojelbu thajarabage?”
17 So faith then [is] by a report, but the report by God's word.
Maram aduna paojel tabadagi thajaba lak-i aduga paojel adu Christtabu sandokpadagi lak-i.
18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yea, surely, Their voice has gone out into all the earth, and their words to the extremities of the habitable world.
Adubu eina hangjei; Makhoina takhidri haibasi achumba nattra? Tasengnamak makhoina tare, Mapugi puyana asumna hai: “Makhoigi khonjel malemgi mapham pumnamakta chatkhre; makhoigi waheising taibangpan-gi aroiba maphamsing phaoba youre.”
19 But I say, Has not Israel known? First, Moses says, I will provoke you to jealousy through [them that are] not a nation: through a nation without understanding I will anger you.
Eina amuk hangjei: Israel-gi misingna khangdabra? Ahanba paokhum adu Moses masamakna pi, “Phurupni haina kounariba makhoibu sijinnaduna eina eigi misingbu kalak-han-gani; aduga apangba phurup amagi mapanna eina eigi misingbu saohan-gani.”
20 But Esaias is very bold, and says, I have been found by those not seeking me; I have become manifest to those not inquiring after me.
Aduga Isaiah-na thouna henna phana hai, “Eibu thidaba makhoina eibu phangle; eigi maramda hangdaba makhoida ei isamak phongdokle.”
21 But unto Israel he says, All the day long I have stretched out my hands unto a people disobeying and opposing.
Adubu Israel-gi maramda Ibungona hai, “Haiba indaba amasung ngak-kanba misingda taramna oknaba eina numit chuppa ikhut tingthokli.”

< Romans 10 >