< Revelation 22 +

1 And he shewed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, going out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Maniyere il melakiyo Ik'onat mereero naashi joorotse keshiru mastayiti s'ayinok'o golirwo kash imts aatsi foko taash b́kitsi,
2 In the midst of its street, and of the river, on this side and on that side, [the] tree of life, producing twelve fruits, in each month yielding its fruit; and the leaves of the tree for healing of the nations.
fokaan kitutsi een een werindwotsi taalon kap'de'er beshitwe, fokman giromaantsonat k'aniweeron shaash shaashon shuufetst worwotootse tatse gitoto shuwo imet kashi mito fa'e b́teshi, mitman maarwotswere ash kashiykno.
3 And no curse shall be any more; and the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him,
Haniyere okonowere kon naari c'asho aaliye, Ik'onat mereeron naashi jooro kit manits wotituwe, b́ guutswotswere bín ik'itune.
4 and they shall see his face; and his name [is] on their foreheads.
B́ shitsono bek'etúnee, b́ shúútsonwere bo barats wotitwe.
5 And night shall not be any more, and no need of a lamp, and light of [the] sun; for [the] Lord God shall shine upon them, and they shall reign to the ages of ages. (aiōn g165)
Haniyere okoon t'úwo beeratse, doonzo Izar Izewer boosh b́ sháánitwotse, aaw golo wee c'eeshi shááno boosh geyiratse, dúre dúrosh naashitúne. (aiōn g165)
6 And he said to me, These words [are] faithful and true; and [the] Lord God of the spirits of the prophets has sent his angel to shew to his bondmen the things which must soon come to pass.
Maniyere il melakiyo taash hank'owa bíet, «Aap'ets aap'anots amanetswotsnat arikwotsiye, nebiyiwotssh shayir imiru doonzo Izar Izewer karnon wotitwo b́ guutsuwotssh kitsosh b́ melakiyo b́ woshi.»
7 And behold, I come quickly. Blessed [is] he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.
Iyesuswere «Hamb eshe! taa káári weetwe! mas'aafanitsi bek'on aap'ets aap'o kordek'etwo deereke!» bí eti.
8 And I, John, [was] he who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to do homage before the feet of the angel who shewed me these things.
Keewanotsi shishtsonat bek'tsoon taane Yohansiye, keewanotsi t shishtsok'onat tbek'tsok'on hanotsi taash kitsts melakiwosh sagadosh b́tufishirots tdihi.
9 And he says to me, See [thou do it] not. I am thy fellow-bondman, and [the fellow-bondman] of thy brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Do homage to God.
Melakiyonmó «K'aye han k'alk'aye! taa neenat mas'aafanitsi aap'wotsi s'eentsiru nebiyi eshuwwotsnton guuts taane, Ik'osh sagadowe!» bí eti.
10 And he says to me, Seal not the words of the prophecy of this book. The time is near.
Manats dabt taash hank'o bíeti, «Dúro karnk b́wottsotse mas'aafanitsi bek'on aap'etso matabon is'k'aye,
11 Let him that does unrighteously do unrighteously still; and let the filthy make himself filthy still; and let him that is righteous practise righteousness still; and he that is holy, let him be sanctified still.
Haniyak weer gondonu b́ weeri gondo need'ik'aye, kiimonúwere kiime, kááwonwere kááwowe, S'ayinonwere S'ayine.»
12 Behold, I come quickly, and my reward with me, to render to every one as his work shall be.
«Eshe taa káári weeetwe! ik ikosh b́ finok'o bísh t imet k'awntso detsdek're,
13 I [am] the Alpha and the Omega, [the] first and [the] last, the beginning and the end.
Alfonat Omegon, shinaatstsonat shuutstson, shintsonat s'uwatstso taane.»
14 Blessed [are] they that wash their robes, that they may have right to the tree of life, and that they should go in by the gates into the city.
Kash imiru mitu shuwo máár bfengeshonowere kituts kindosh bofalitwok'o bo taho mashdek'tswots derekne.
15 Without [are] the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the fornicators, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and every one that loves and makes a lie.
Kanok'o jamkeewo kiimshirwots, atetswots, widetswots, kash úd'tswots, woteraw ik' ik'iruwots, koot shuntswotsnat kooti weeron sha'iru jamwots kitmaniyere úre bowotiti.
16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify these things to you in the assemblies. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright [and] morning star.
«Taa Iyesus gawan boosh b́ imetwok'o t melakiyo Ik'i moowwotssh woshere, taa Dawit s'oot'i s'ap'taane, c'eeshiru datsigatsi mozofo taane.»
17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that hears say, Come. And let him that is athirst come; he that will, let him take [the] water of life freely.
S'ayin shayironat guuyun «Wowe!» etirune, shishirwonwere «Wowe!» eree, shashutso wowe, b́ geets kash imet aatso k'awntsalo hank'on úyee.
18 I testify to every one who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If any one shall add to these things, God shall add to him the plagues which are written in this book.
Hamb mas'afanitsere guut'ets bek'on aap'o shishetu jamo bí atso korb́dek'etwok'owa etirwe, konwor aap'anatse ik keewo b́ dabiyal mas'afanitsere guut'ets fayuwotsi Ik'o bíyats dabitwe.
19 And if any one take from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life, and out of the holy city, which are written in this book.
Konworu bek'i mas'afanits guut'etswotsitse ik keewo b́ shapiyal, mas'afanitsitse keewets kash imet mit shuwonat S'ayin kitutsere Ik'o b́ bano shapitwe.
20 He that testifies these things says, Yea, I come quickly. Amen; come, Lord Jesus.
Keewanotssh gaw wottso «Arikon káári weetwe!» etfe. Amen, doonzo Iyesuso wowe!
21 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ [be] with all the saints.
Doonzo Iyesus s'aato it únetsnton wotowe.

< Revelation 22 +