< Psalms 76 >

1 To the chief Musician. On stringed instruments. A Psalm of Asaph: a Song. In Judah is God known, his name is great in Israel;
in finem in laudibus psalmus Asaph canticum ad Assyrium notus in Iudaea Deus in Israhel magnum nomen eius
2 And in Salem is his tent, and his dwelling-place in Zion.
et factus est in pace locus eius et habitatio eius in Sion
3 There broke he the flashings of the bow, shield and sword and battle. (Selah)
ibi confregit potentias arcuum scutum et gladium et bellum diapsalma
4 More glorious art thou, more excellent, than the mountains of prey.
inluminas tu mirabiliter de montibus aeternis
5 The stout-hearted are made a spoil, they have slept their sleep; and none of the men of might have found their hands.
turbati sunt omnes insipientes corde dormierunt somnum suum et nihil invenerunt omnes viri divitiarum manibus suis
6 At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, both chariot and horse are cast into a dead sleep.
ab increpatione tua Deus Iacob dormitaverunt qui ascenderunt equos
7 Thou, thou art to be feared, and who can stand before thee when once thou art angry?
tu terribilis es et quis resistet tibi ex tunc ira tua
8 Thou didst cause judgment to be heard from the heavens; the earth feared, and was still,
de caelo auditum fecisti iudicium terra timuit et quievit
9 When God rose up to judgment, to save all the meek of the earth. (Selah)
cum exsurgeret in iudicium Deus ut salvos faceret omnes mansuetos terrae diapsalma
10 For the fury of man shall praise thee; the remainder of fury wilt thou gird on thyself.
quoniam cogitatio hominis confitebitur tibi et reliquiae cogitationis diem festum agent tibi
11 Vow and pay unto Jehovah your God: let all that are round about him bring presents unto him that is to be feared.
vovete et reddite Domino Deo vestro omnes qui in circuitu eius adferent munera terribili
12 He cutteth off the spirit of princes; [he] is terrible to the kings of the earth.
et ei qui aufert spiritus principum terribili apud reges terrae

< Psalms 76 >