< Psalms 62 >

1 To the chief Musician. On Jeduthun. A Psalm of David. Upon God alone doth my soul rest peacefully; from him is my salvation.
Anumzamo'ma nazama hanigu akohe'na avegante'na mani'noe. Na'ankure Agrake nagura nevazie.
2 He only is my rock and my salvation; my high fortress: I shall not be greatly moved.
Agrake'za fraki haveni'a mani'neno, nagura nevazie. Agra fraki kumani'a mani'neankina, antria hu'na korora osugahue.
3 How long will ye assail a man; will ye [seek], all of you, to break him down as a bowing wall or a tottering fence?
Hago zazate ana maka vahe'mota magoke nera hara renteta aze. Ana maka'moza nahenaku nenavararize. Zamagrama nagazana nagra fraguvazirami have keginagna huge, kuraramperami keginagna hu'noe.
4 They only consult to thrust [him] down from his excellency; they delight in lies; they bless with their mouth, but in their inward part they curse. (Selah)
Nagrama ra nagima eri'na mani'noa zana, nazeri fenkami atrenaku, keaga retro nehaze. Havigema hu'za nagri'ma nazeri havizama hu'nakura tusi muse nehaze. Navurera husga hunenantazanagi, zamagu'afina antahi haviza hunenantaze.
5 Upon God alone, O my soul, rest peacefully; for my expectation is from him.
Anumzamoka Kagrikuke nagra akohe'na kavega ante'na mani'noe. Nagra Kagripi amuha zani'a ante'noe.
6 He only is my rock and my salvation; my high fortress: I shall not be moved.
Agrake'zage framaki hanave havenia mani'neankino, kegava hunenanteno nagu'nevazie. Agra fraki kumani'a mani'neankina, antria hu'na korora osugahue.
7 With God is my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.
Anumzamoke nagura nevazino, ra nagia nenamie. Anumzamoke havegani'ane, fraki kumani'anena mani'ne.
8 Confide in him at all times, ye people; pour out your heart before him: God is our refuge. (Selah)
Vahe'nimota Agriteke maka kna tamentintia hiho. Maka tamagu'a Agriteke anteho, na'ankure Agra fraki kumati mani'ne.
9 Men of low degree are only vanity; men of high degree, a lie: laid in the balance, they go up together [lighter] than vanity.
Agima me'nea vahetetima vuno agima omane vahetema vu'neana, mago asimu'ma hutreankna hu'nazankiza, zamagra amne'za Agri avufina mani'naze. Hanki zamagra'a knama sigelire'ma erinte'zama kesazana, knazmimo'a zahomofo kna'a agateore'ne.
10 Put not confidence in oppression, and become not vain in robbery; if wealth increase, set not your heart upon it.
Vahe'ma knama amino azeri havizama hu'zamo naza hugahie hunka kamentintina huge, musufamase avu'avazamo naza hugahie hunka amuhara huge, fenozanka'amo'ma ome rama huno nevanigenka, ana zamo'a naza hugahie hunka amuhara osuo.
11 Once hath God spoken, twice have I heard this, that strength [belongeth] unto God.
Anumzamo'ma magoke kema nehige'na, tare zanku nagesa nentahue. Hihamu hankaveane Anumza mani'nane.
12 And unto thee, O Lord, [belongeth] loving-kindness; for thou renderest to every man according to his work.
Vagaore kavesizana, Ra Anumzamoka Kagri suzane. Tamage hunka maka vahera refko huzmantenka nazanoma hu'nenarera nona hunka mizana zamigahane.

< Psalms 62 >