< Psalms 130 >

1 A Song of degrees. Out of the depths do I call upon thee, Jehovah.
Wer ma ji wero kadhi e hekalu. Aywakni ka an e chuny bur matut, yaye Jehova Nyasaye,
2 Lord, hear my voice; let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
Yaye Jehova Nyasaye, yie iwinj dwonda. Chik iti ne ywakna ma aywaknigo mondo ikecha.
3 If thou, Jah, shouldest mark iniquities, Lord, who shall stand?
Yaye Jehova Nyasaye, ka dine bed ni isiko iparo richo, ma ji timo, yaye Jehova Nyasaye, to en ngʼa ma dichungʼ e nyimi ka ok bura oloyo?
4 But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.
To kata kamano kuomi nitiere weyo richo; kuom mano watiyoni gi luor.
5 I wait for Jehovah; my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.
Arito Jehova Nyasaye, chunya rite kendo aketo genona kuom wachne.
6 My soul [waiteth] for the Lord more than the watchers [wait] for the morning, [more than] the watchers for the morning.
Chunya rito Ruoth Nyasaye, moloyo kaka jorito rito ru piny, chunya riti, yaye Nyasaye, moloyo kaka jorito rito ru piny.
7 Let Israel hope in Jehovah, because with Jehovah there is loving-kindness, and with him is plenteous redemption;
Yaye jo-Israel, keturu genou kuom Jehova Nyasaye, nimar Jehova Nyasaye nigi (hera) ma ok rem, kendo en ema owaro ji chuth.
8 And he will redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
En owuon ema obiro waro jo-Israel kuom richogi duto.

< Psalms 130 >