< Psalms 100 >
1 A Psalm of thanksgiving. Shout aloud unto Jehovah, all the earth!
Naredite radosten glas Gospodu, vse ve dežele.
2 Serve Jehovah with joy: come before his presence with exultation.
Služite Gospodu z veseljem. Pred njegovo prisotnost pridite s petjem.
3 Know that Jehovah is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; [we are] his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Védite, da Gospod je Bog. On je tisti, ki nas je ustvaril in ne mi sami; mi smo njegovo ljudstvo in ovce njegovega pašnika.
4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving [and] into his courts with praise; give thanks unto him, bless his name:
Vstopite v njegova velika vrata z zahvaljevanjem in v njegove dvore s hvalo. Bodite mu hvaležni in blagoslavljate njegovo ime.
5 For Jehovah is good; his loving-kindness [endureth] for ever; and his faithfulness from generation to generation.
Kajti Gospod je dober, njegovo usmiljenje je večno in njegova resnica traja vsem rodovom.