< Proverbs 26 >

1 As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honour beseemeth not a fool.
Kawmpoi e tadamtui hoi canganae kho patetlah, tamipathu hoi barinae kamcu hoeh.
2 As the sparrow for flitting about, as the swallow for flying, so a curse undeserved shall not come.
Kamleng rumram e pusu hoi pingpit patetlah, a khuekhaw awm laipalah thoebo e teh api koehai bawt mahoeh.
3 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the back of fools.
Marang hanelah ruibongpai, la hanelah kammoumrui, tamipathu e keng hanelah bongpai teh a kamcu doeh.
4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
Tamipathu teh a pathunae patetlah pato hanh, hoehpawiteh ama patetlah na awm payon vaih.
5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.
Tamipathu teh a pathunae patetlah pato, hoehpawiteh a lungkaang lah kâpouk payon vaih.
6 He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool cutteth off [his own] feet, [and] drinketh damage.
Tamipathu koe lawk ka thui e tami teh amae khok ka tâtueng ni teh rawknae tui ka net e lah ao.
7 The legs of the lame hang loose; so is a proverb in the mouth of fools.
Khokkhem e khoktakan a kânging hoeh e patetlah, tamipathu e pahni dawk cingthuilawk teh ao.
8 As a bag of gems in a stoneheap, so is he that giveth honour to a fool.
Tamipathu bari e teh tâyaicung dawk hluemhluem kawm e patetlah doeh ao.
9 [As] a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a proverb in the mouth of fools.
Tamipathunaw ni dei e cingthuilawk teh yamuhri kut dawk ka um e pâkhing hoi a kâvan.
10 A master roughly worketh every one: he both hireth the fool and hireth passers-by.
Bangpuengpa kasakkung lentoe Cathut ni tamipathu hoi kâtapoe kung aphu a poe.
11 As a dog turneth back to its vomit, [so] a fool repeateth his folly.
Ui ni a palo bout a ca e patetlah tamipathu ni a pathunae hah a kamnue sak.
12 Hast thou seen a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope of a fool than of him.
Ama pouknae dawk tamilungkaang lah ka kâpouk e na hmu ou. Hote tami koehoi hlak teh tamipathu koehoi ngaihawinae bet aohnawn.
13 The sluggard saith, There is a fierce lion in the way; a lion is in the midst of the streets!
Tami pangak ni, lam dawk sendek ao, thongma vah sendek ao telah a ti.
14 [As] the door turneth upon its hinges, so the sluggard upon his bed.
Tho teh takhang dawk a kâhei e patetlah tami pangak teh ikhun dawk a kâhei.
15 The sluggard burieth his hand in the dish: it wearieth him to bring it again to his mouth.
Tami pangak ni rawca a kâyap teh a kâtu hane boehai ngai hoeh.
16 A sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven [men] that answer discreetly.
Ka pangak e ni, kahawicalah khopouk thai e tami sari touh hlak ka lunganghnawn telah a kâpouk.
17 He that passing by vexeth himself with strife belonging not to him, is [like] one that taketh a dog by the ears.
Yuengyoe cei lahoi ayânaw e kong dawk ka bawk e tami teh ui hnâ ka kuen e hoi a kâvan.
18 As a madman who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death,
Na pacai e doeh na a tihoi, a imri ka dum e tami teh,
19 so is a man that deceiveth his neighbour, and saith, Am I not in sport?
hmaito, pala, duenae hoi ka ka e tamipathu hoi a kâvan.
20 Where no wood is, the fire goeth out; and where there is no talebearer, the contention ceaseth.
Thing awm hoehpawiteh hmai a roum e patetlah, tamcueklawk deinae awm hoehpawiteh kâyuenae hai a roum.
21 [As] coals for hot coals, and wood for fire, so is a contentious man to inflame strife.
Hmaisaan ni hmaisaei a kamtawi sak, thing ni hmai a kak sak e patetlah, kâoun ka ngai e ni kâyuenae a kamtawi sak.
22 The words of a talebearer are as dainty morsels, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.
Tamcueklawk teh katuipounge rawca patetlah ao teh, von thung a kâen.
23 Ardent lips, and a wicked heart, are [as] an earthen vessel overlaid with silver dross.
Apâhni pâhnan hoi lungthinkathout e tami teh, talai hlaam ngun hoi pâbing e hoi a kâvan.
24 He that hateth dissembleth with his lips, but he layeth up deceit within him:
Tami hmuhmanae ka tawn e tami ni a pahni hoi a hro teh, a lung thung dumyennae hah a hro.
25 when his voice is gracious, believe him not, for there are seven abominations in his heart.
Pahren lahoi, ati ei nakunghai yuem hanh, bangkongtetpawiteh a lungthung vah panuettho e sari touh ao.
26 Though [his] hatred is covered by dissimulation, his wickedness shall be made manifest in the congregation.
A hmuhmanae hah dumnae lahoi ka hrawk nakunghai, thoenae teh tamimaya ni panuenae koe kamnue sak lah ao han.
27 Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein; and he that rolleth a stone, it shall return upon him.
Tangkom kataikung teh a tai e tangkom dawk a bo han, talung kapaletkung koe talung bout a kamlei han.
28 A lying tongue hateth those that are injured by it, and a flattering mouth worketh ruin.
Laithoe ka dei e ni a rektap e naw hah ouk a hmuhma, oupnae kaphawk ni rawknae a tâcokhai.

< Proverbs 26 >