< Proverbs 2 >

1 My son, if thou receivest my words, and layest up my commandments with thee,
Mi sone, if thou resseyuest my wordis, `and hidist myn heestis anentis thee;
2 so that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom [and] thou apply thy heart to understanding;
that thin eere here wisdom, bowe thin herte to knowe prudence.
3 yea, if thou criest after discernment [and] liftest up thy voice to understanding;
For if thou inwardli clepist wisdom, and bowist thin herte to prudence;
4 if thou seekest her as silver and searchest for her as for hidden treasures:
if thou sekist it as money, and diggist it out as tresours;
5 then shalt thou understand the fear of Jehovah, and find the knowledge of God.
thanne thou schalt vndirstonde the drede of the Lord, and schalt fynde the kunnyng of God.
6 For Jehovah giveth wisdom; out of his mouth [come] knowledge and understanding.
For the Lord yyueth wisdom; and prudence and kunnyng is of his mouth.
7 He layeth up sound wisdom for the upright; [he] is a shield to them that walk in integrity;
He schal kepe the heelthe of riytful men, and he schal defende hem that goen sympli.
8 guarding the paths of just judgment and keeping the way of his godly ones.
And he schal kepe the pathis of riytfulnesse, and he schal kepe the weies of hooli men.
9 Then shalt thou understand righteousness and judgment and equity: every good path.
Thanne thou schalt vndirstonde riytfulnesse, and dom, and equytee, and ech good path.
10 When wisdom entereth into thy heart and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul,
If wysdom entrith in to thin herte, and kunnyng plesith thi soule,
11 discretion shall keep thee, understanding shall preserve thee:
good councel schal kepe thee, and prudence schal kepe thee; that thou be delyuered fro an yuel weie,
12 To deliver thee from the way of evil, from the man that speaketh froward things;
and fro a man that spekith weiward thingis.
13 [from those] who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in the ways of darkness;
Whiche forsaken a riytful weie, and goen bi derk weies;
14 who rejoice to do evil, [and] delight in the frowardness of evil;
whiche ben glad, whanne thei han do yuel, and maken ful out ioye in worste thingis;
15 whose paths are crooked, and who are perverted in their course:
whose weies ben weywerd, and her goyingis ben of yuel fame.
16 To deliver thee from the strange woman, from the stranger who flattereth with her words;
That thou be delyuered fro an alien womman, and fro a straunge womman, that makith soft hir wordis;
17 who forsaketh the guide of her youth, and forgetteth the covenant of her God;
and forsakith the duyk of hir tyme of mariage,
18 — for her house inclineth unto death, and her paths unto the dead;
and hath foryete the couenaunt of hir God. For the hous of hir is bowid to deeth, and hir pathis to helle.
19 none that go unto her return again, neither do they attain to the paths of life:
Alle that entren to hir, schulen not turne ayen, nether schulen catche the pathis of lijf.
20 — that thou mayest walk in the way of the good, and keep the paths of the righteous.
That thou go in a good weie, and kepe the pathis of iust men.
21 For the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall remain in it;
Forsothe thei that ben riytful, schulen dwelle in the lond; and symple men schulen perfitli dwelle ther ynne.
22 but the wicked shall be cut off from the land, and the unfaithful shall be plucked up out of it.
But vnfeithful men schulen be lost fro the loond; and thei that doen wickidli, schulen be takun awey fro it.

< Proverbs 2 >