< Proverbs 16 >

1 The purposes of the heart are of man, but the answer of the tongue is from Jehovah.
Čovjek snuje u srcu, a od Jahve je što će jezik odgovoriti.
2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but Jehovah weigheth the spirits.
Čovjeku se svi njegovi putovi čine čisti, a Jahve ispituje duhove.
3 Commit thy works unto Jehovah, and thy thoughts shall be established.
Prepusti Jahvi svoja djela, i tvoje će se namisli ostvariti.
4 Jehovah hath wrought everything on his own account, yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
Jahve je sve stvorio u svoju svrhu, pa i opakoga za dan zli.
5 Every proud heart is an abomination to Jehovah: hand for hand, he shall not be held innocent.
Mrzak je Jahvi svatko ohola duha: takav zaista ne ostaje bez kazne.
6 By loving-kindness and truth iniquity is atoned for; and by the fear of Jehovah [men] depart from evil.
Ljubavlju se i vjernošću pomiruje krivnja, i strahom se Gospodnjim uklanja zlo.
7 When a man's ways please Jehovah, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Kad su Jahvi mili putovi čovječji, i neprijatelje njegove miri s njim.
8 Better is a little with righteousness, than great revenues without right.
Bolje je malo s pravednošću nego veliki dohoci s nepravdom.
9 The heart of man deviseth his way, but Jehovah directeth his steps.
Srce čovječje smišlja svoj put, ali Jahve upravlja korake njegove.
10 An oracle is on the lips of the king: his mouth will not err in judgment.
Proročanstvo je na usnama kraljevim: u osudi se njegova usta neće ogriješiti.
11 The just balance and scales are Jehovah's; all the weights of the bag are his work.
Mjere i tezulje pripadaju Jahvi; njegovo su djelo i svi utezi.
12 It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness; for the throne is established by righteousness.
Mrsko je kraljevima počiniti opačinu, jer se pravdom utvrđuje prijestolje.
13 Righteous lips are the delight of kings, and they love him that speaketh aright.
Mile su kraljevima usne pravedne i oni ljube onog koji govori pravo.
14 The fury of a king is [as] messengers of death; but a wise man will pacify it.
Jarost je kraljeva vjesnik smrti ali je mudar čovjek ublaži.
15 In the light of the king's countenance is life, and his favour is as a cloud of the latter rain.
U kraljevu je vedru licu život, i njegova je milost kao oblak s kišom proljetnom.
16 How much better is it to get wisdom than fine gold, and the getting of intelligence to be preferred to silver!
Probitačnije je steći mudrost nego zlato, i stjecati razbor dragocjenije je nego srebro.
17 The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that taketh heed to his way keepeth his soul.
Životni je put pravednih: kloniti se zla, i tko pazi na svoj put, čuva život svoj.
18 Pride [goeth] before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Pred slomom ide oholost i pred padom uznositost.
19 Better is it to be of a humble spirit with the meek, than to divide the spoil with the proud.
Bolje je biti krotak s poniznima nego dijeliti plijen s oholima.
20 He that giveth heed to the word shall find good; and whoso confideth in Jehovah, happy is he.
Tko pazi na riječ, nalazi sreću, i tko se uzda u Jahvu, blago njemu.
21 The wise in heart is called intelligent, and the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning.
Mudar srcem naziva se razumnim i prijazne usne uvećavaju znanje.
22 Wisdom is a fountain of life for him that hath it; but the instruction of fools is folly.
Izvor je životni razum onima koji ga imaju, a ludima je kazna njihova ludost.
23 The heart of the wise maketh his mouth intelligent, and upon his lips increaseth learning.
Mudračev duh urazumljuje usta njegova, na usnama mu znanje umnožava.
24 Pleasant words are [as] a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health for the bones.
Saće meda riječi su ljupke, slatke duši i lijek kostima.
25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death.
Neki se put čini čovjeku prav, a na kraju vodi k smrti.
26 The appetite of the labourer laboureth for him, for his mouth urgeth him on.
Radnikova glad radi za nj; jer ga tjeraju usta njegova.
27 A man of Belial diggeth up evil, and on his lips there is as a scorching fire.
Bezočnik pripravlja samo zlo i na usnama mu je oganj plameni.
28 A false man soweth contention; and a talebearer separateth very friends.
Himben čovjek zameće svađu i klevetnik razdor među prijatelje.
29 A violent man enticeth his neighbour, and leadeth him into a way that is not good.
Nasilnik zavodi bližnjega svoga i navodi ga na rđav put.
30 He that shutteth his eyes, [it is] to devise froward things; biting his lips, he bringeth evil to pass.
Tko očima namiguje, himbu smišlja, a tko usne stišće, već je smislio pakost.
31 The hoary head is a crown of glory, [if] it is found in the way of righteousness.
Sijede su kose prekrasna kruna, nalaze se na putu pravednosti.
32 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.
Tko se teško srdi, bolji je od junaka, i tko nad sobom vlada, bolji je od osvojitelja grada.
33 The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole decision is of Jehovah.
U krilo plašta baca se kocka, ali je od Jahve svaka odluka.

< Proverbs 16 >