< Matthew 9 >
1 And going on board the ship, he passed over and came to his own city.
I ARI kotida pon sop o, kotela pur ong sapwilim a kanim.
2 And behold, they brought to him a paralytic, laid upon a bed; and Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, Be of good courage, child; thy sins are forgiven.
A kilang, re wa dong i me somau kokon madak, me wonon pon pet. Iesus lao kotin masani ar poson, ap masani ong me somau kokon madak: Nai, kaporopor mau, dip om akan me lapwadar.
3 And behold, certain of the scribes said to themselves, This [man] blasphemes.
A kilang, saunkawewe kai mongemongeloleki: Lap o kin lalaue.
4 And Jesus, seeing their thoughts, said, Why do ye think evil things in your hearts?
A Iesus lao mangi arail lamelam, ap kotin, masani: Menda komail lamelam sued nan mongiong omail?
5 For which is easier: to say, Thy sins are forgiven; or to say, Rise up and walk?
Pwe ia me mongai ren inda: Dip om akan lapwadar! De inda: Uda aluwei?
6 But that ye may know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins, (then he says to the paralytic, ) Rise up, take up thy bed and go to thy house.
A pwe komail en asa, me Nain aramas me manaman ong lapwada dip nin sappa iei me a kotin masanieki ong me somau kokon madak: Uda, ale ki om ko ong deu om!
7 And he rose up and went to his house.
I ari udar, koieilar deu a.
8 But the crowds seeing [it], were in fear, and glorified God who gave such power to men.
Pokon lao kilanger mepukat, rap malamalauak kila kapinga Kot, me kotiki ong aramas manaman due met.
9 And Jesus, passing on thence, saw a man sitting at the tax-office, called Matthew, and says to him, Follow me. And he rose up and followed him.
Iesus lao kotiwei sang wasa o, ap masani aramas amen, me ad a Matäus, me momod nan deun nopwei, ap kotin masani ong i: Idauen ia do! I ari uda idauenla i.
10 And it came to pass, as he lay at table in the house, that behold, many tax-gatherers and sinners came and lay at table with Jesus and his disciples.
Kadekadeo a lao kaipokedi konot nan im o, kilang saunopwei o me dipan me toto iang Iesus o sapwilim a tounpadak kan konokonot.
11 And the Pharisees seeing [it], said to his disciples, Why does your teacher eat with tax-gatherers and sinners?
Parisär akan lao kilanger met, ap indang sapwilim a tounpadak kan: Da me omail Saunpadak iangki saunopwei o me dipan akan konokonot?
12 But [Jesus] hearing it, said, They that are strong have not need of a physician, but those that are ill.
Iesus lao mangi mepukat, ap kotin masani: Me kelail akan sota mau ong saunwini, pwe me somau eta.
13 But go and learn what [that] is — I will have mercy and not sacrifice; for I have not come to call righteous [men] but sinners.
A komail kola, padakki wewen kasoi pot et: I kin polauleki kadek a kaidin mairong isis. I kodon eker dong kalula me dipan akan, a kaidin me pung kan.
14 Then come to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees often fast, but thy disciples fast not?
En Ioanes a tounpadak kan ap pwara dong re a potoan ong: Da me kit o Parisär akan kin kaisesol pan pak toto, a sapwilim omui tounpadak kang sota kin kaisesol?
15 And Jesus said to them, Can the sons of the bridechamber mourn so long as the bridegroom is with them? But days will come when the bridegroom will have been taken away from them, and then they will fast.
Iesus ap kotin masani ong irail: Da, toun kamadip en kapapaud pan kak kamauk ni ansau ol kamot mi re’rail? A kadekadeo eu ran ol kamod pan peukawei sang irail, re ap pan kaisesol.
16 But no one puts a patch of new cloth on an old garment, for its filling up takes from the garment and a worse rent takes place.
Sota amen me kin deipinaki likau kap likau maring, pwe me depin a pan teirok sang likau o, a por o pan laudela.
17 Nor do men put new wine into old skins, otherwise the skins burst and the wine is poured out, and the skins will be destroyed; but they put new wine into new skins, and both are preserved together.
Pil sota amen me kin kodie ong wain kap nan ed maring, a ma ei ed akan pan ola, a wain pan wudokela, o ed akan pan ola. A re kin kodie ong wain kap nan ed kap, ira karos ap nekinek mau.
18 As he spoke these things to them, behold, a ruler coming in did homage to him, saying, My daughter has by this died; but come and lay thy hand upon her and she shall live.
Ni a kotin masani ong irail mepukat, kilang saupeidi amen ap pedelong, poridi ong i potoan ong: Nai seripein apton melar, a ren kotido, pwil po a lim ar, a ap pan maureda.
19 And Jesus rose up and followed him, and [so did] his disciples.
Iesus ari kotida idauenla i, o sapwilim a tounpadak kan pil iang.
20 And behold, a woman, who had had a bloody flux [for] twelve years, came behind and touched the hem of his garment;
A kilang, li amen, me nta pwilipwil par ngaulriau, a kai ong pon palikia o sair imwin sapwilim a likau.
21 for she said within herself, If I should only touch his garment I shall be healed.
Pwe a lamelame: Ma i doke sapwilim a likau, i pan kelailada.
22 But Jesus turning and seeing her, said, Be of good courage, daughter; thy faith has healed thee. And the woman was healed from that hour.
A Iesus kotin saupeila; a lao masani i, ap kotin masani: Seripein kaporopor mau, om poson me kakelail uk ada. A li o kelailadar ni auer ota.
23 And when Jesus was come to the house of the ruler, and saw the flute-players and the crowd making a tumult,
A Iesus lao kotilong ong nan im en saupeidi o, ap masani saunkasang o moromorong en aramas akan,
24 he said, Withdraw, for the damsel is not dead, but sleeps. And they derided him.
Ap kotin masani: Kowei sang, pwe seripein en sota melar, pwe a mamair. Irail ap kaurureki i.
25 But when the crowd had been put out, he went in and took her hand; and the damsel rose up.
Aramas akan lao kokok sang, i ap kotilong ong, ale pa a, seripein ap paurida.
26 And the fame of it went out into all that land.
Mepukat ap lolok sili nan sap karos.
27 And as Jesus passed on thence, two blind [men] followed him, crying and saying, Have mercy on us, Son of David.
Iesus lao kotila sang wasa o, ol maskun riamen idauenla i, weriwer indada: Kupura kit, Komui sapwilim en Dawid!
28 And when he was come to the house, the blind [men] came to him. And Jesus says to them, Do ye believe that I am able to do this? They say to him, Yea, Lord.
A lao kotilong ong nan im o, me maskun ko ap ko dong i. Iesus ari masani ong ira: Koma kamelele, me I kak ong wiada met? Ira potoan ong: Ei Maing.
29 Then he touched their eyes, saying, According to your faith, be it unto you.
I ap kotin sair mas ara masani: Duen oma poson a pan wiaui ong koma.
30 And their eyes were opened; and Jesus charged them sharply, saying, See, let no man know it.
Mas ara ari pad pasang. Iesus ap kotin kalik ira di masani: Kalaka, pwe meamen de asa!
31 But they, when they were gone out, spread his name abroad in all that land.
A ira koieilar katiti sili ni sap karos.
32 But as these were going out, behold, they brought to him a dumb man possessed by a demon.
Ira lao koieilar, kilang, irail ap wa dong i aramas amen, me lotong o tewil ti poa.
33 And the demon having been cast out, the dumb spake. And the crowds were astonished, saying, It has never been seen thus in Israel.
Tewil lao pakausa sang, me lotong o ap lokaia; pokon o ap malamalauak kila indada: Nan dueta met a saikenta wiauier nan Israel.
34 But the Pharisees said, He casts out the demons through the prince of the demons.
A Parisär indada: Nan saumas en tewil akan me a kausaki sang tewil akan.
35 And Jesus went round all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the glad tidings of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every bodily weakness.
Iesus ap kotin kakan sili nan kanim laud o me tikitik kan kawewe nan ar sinakoke kan o padapadaki rongamau en wei, o kotin kakelada song en somau o luet akan karos.
36 But when he saw the crowds he was moved with compassion for them, because they were harassed, and cast away as sheep not having a shepherd.
A lao masani pokon o, ap kotin kupuro kin irail, pwe irail soangiangalar o dupokalar dueta sip akan, me sota sile parail.
37 Then saith he to his disciples, The harvest [is] great and the workmen [are] few;
I ap kotin masani ong sapwilim a tounpadak kan: Nan melel rak me kalaimun, a men dodok me malaulau.
38 supplicate therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth workmen unto his harvest.
Komail ari poeki ren Kaun en rak, en kadarala toun dodok kan nan a rak.