< Matthew 17 >

1 And after six days Jesus takes with [him] Peter, and James, and John his brother, and brings them up into a high mountain apart.
anantaraṁ ṣaḍdinēbhyaḥ paraṁ yīśuḥ pitaraṁ yākūbaṁ tatsahajaṁ yōhanañca gr̥hlan uccādrē rviviktasthānam āgatya tēṣāṁ samakṣaṁ rūpamanyat dadhāra|
2 And he was transfigured before them. And his face shone as the sun, and his garments became white as the light;
tēna tadāsyaṁ tējasvi, tadābharaṇam ālōkavat pāṇḍaramabhavat|
3 and lo, Moses and Elias appeared to them talking with him.
anyacca tēna sākaṁ saṁlapantau mūsā ēliyaśca tēbhyō darśanaṁ dadatuḥ|
4 And Peter answering said to Jesus, Lord, it is good we should be here. If thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles: for thee one, and for Moses one, and one for Elias.
tadānīṁ pitarō yīśuṁ jagāda, hē prabhō sthitiratrāsmākaṁ śubhā, yadi bhavatānumanyatē, tarhi bhavadarthamēkaṁ mūsārthamēkam ēliyārthañcaikam iti trīṇi dūṣyāṇi nirmmama|
5 While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and lo, a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I have found my delight: hear him.
ētatkathanakāla ēka ujjavalaḥ payōdastēṣāmupari chāyāṁ kr̥tavān, vāridād ēṣā nabhasīyā vāg babhūva, mamāyaṁ priyaḥ putraḥ, asmin mama mahāsantōṣa ētasya vākyaṁ yūyaṁ niśāmayata|
6 And the disciples hearing [it] fell upon their faces, and were greatly terrified.
kintu vācamētāṁ śr̥ṇvantaēva śiṣyā mr̥śaṁ śaṅkamānā nyubjā nyapatan|
7 And Jesus coming to [them] touched them, and said, Rise up, and be not terrified.
tadā yīśurāgatya tēṣāṁ gātrāṇi spr̥śan uvāca, uttiṣṭhata, mā bhaiṣṭa|
8 And lifting up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus alone.
tadānīṁ nētrāṇyunmīlya yīśuṁ vinā kamapi na dadr̥śuḥ|
9 And as they descended from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no one, until the Son of man be risen up from among [the] dead.
tataḥ param adrēravarōhaṇakālē yīśustān ityādidēśa, manujasutasya mr̥tānāṁ madhyādutthānaṁ yāvanna jāyatē, tāvat yuṣmābhirētaddarśanaṁ kasmaicidapi na kathayitavyaṁ|
10 And [his] disciples demanded of him saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first have come?
tadā śiṣyāstaṁ papracchuḥ, prathamam ēliya āyāsyatīti kuta upādhyāyairucyatē?
11 And he answering said to them, Elias indeed comes first and will restore all things.
tatō yīśuḥ pratyavādīt, ēliyaḥ prāgētya sarvvāṇi sādhayiṣyatīti satyaṁ,
12 But I say unto you that Elias has already come, and they have not known him, but have done unto him whatever they would. Thus also the Son of man is about to suffer from them.
kintvahaṁ yuṣmān vacmi, ēliya ētya gataḥ, tē tamaparicitya tasmin yathēcchaṁ vyavajahuḥ; manujasutēnāpi tēṣāmantikē tādr̥g duḥkhaṁ bhōktavyaṁ|
13 Then the disciples understood that he spoke to them of John the baptist.
tadānīṁ sa majjayitāraṁ yōhanamadhi kathāmētāṁ vyāhr̥tavān, itthaṁ tacchiṣyā bubudhirē|
14 And when they came to the crowd, a man came to him, falling on his knees before him, and saying,
paścāt tēṣu jananivahasyāntikamāgatēṣu kaścit manujastadantikamētya jānūnī pātayitvā kathitavān,
15 Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is lunatic, and suffers sorely; for often he falls into the fire and often into the water.
hē prabhō, matputraṁ prati kr̥pāṁ vidadhātu, sōpasmārāmayēna bhr̥śaṁ vyathitaḥ san punaḥ puna rvahnau muhu rjalamadhyē patati|
16 And I brought him to thy disciples, and they were not able to heal him.
tasmād bhavataḥ śiṣyāṇāṁ samīpē tamānayaṁ kintu tē taṁ svāsthaṁ karttuṁ na śaktāḥ|
17 And Jesus answering said, O unbelieving and perverted generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to me.
tadā yīśuḥ kathitavān rē aviśvāsinaḥ, rē vipathagāminaḥ, punaḥ katikālān ahaṁ yuṣmākaṁ sannidhau sthāsyāmi? katikālān vā yuṣmān sahiṣyē? tamatra mamāntikamānayata|
18 And Jesus rebuked him, and the demon went out from him, and the boy was healed from that hour.
paścād yīśunā tarjataēva sa bhūtastaṁ vihāya gatavān, taddaṇḍaēva sa bālakō nirāmayō'bhūt|
19 Then the disciples, coming to Jesus apart, said [to him], Why were not we able to cast him out?
tataḥ śiṣyā guptaṁ yīśumupāgatya babhāṣirē, kutō vayaṁ taṁ bhūtaṁ tyājayituṁ na śaktāḥ?
20 And he says to them, Because of your unbelief; for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard [seed], ye shall say to this mountain, Be transported hence there, and it shall transport itself; and nothing shall be impossible to you.
yīśunā tē prōktāḥ, yuṣmākamapratyayāt;
21 But this kind does not go out but by prayer and fasting.
yuṣmānahaṁ tathyaṁ vacmi yadi yuṣmākaṁ sarṣapaikamātrōpi viśvāsō jāyatē, tarhi yuṣmābhirasmin śailē tvamitaḥ sthānāt tat sthānaṁ yāhīti brūtē sa tadaiva caliṣyati, yuṣmākaṁ kimapyasādhyañca karmma na sthāsyāti| kintu prārthanōpavāsau vinaitādr̥śō bhūtō na tyājyēta|
22 And while they abode in Galilee, Jesus said to them, The Son of man is about to be delivered up into [the] hands of men,
aparaṁ tēṣāṁ gālīlpradēśē bhramaṇakālē yīśunā tē gaditāḥ, manujasutō janānāṁ karēṣu samarpayiṣyatē tai rhaniṣyatē ca,
23 and they shall kill him; and the third day he shall be raised up. And they were greatly grieved.
kintu tr̥tīyē'hina ma utthāpiṣyatē, tēna tē bhr̥śaṁ duḥkhitā babhūvaḥ|
24 And when they came to Capernaum, those who received the didrachmas came to Peter and said, Does your teacher not pay the didrachmas?
tadanantaraṁ tēṣu kapharnāhūmnagaramāgatēṣu karasaṁgrāhiṇaḥ pitarāntikamāgatya papracchuḥ, yuṣmākaṁ guruḥ kiṁ mandirārthaṁ karaṁ na dadāti? tataḥ pitaraḥ kathitavān dadāti|
25 He says, Yes. And when he came into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, What dost thou think, Simon? the kings of the earth, from whom do they receive custom or tribute? from their own sons or from strangers?
tatastasmin gr̥hamadhyamāgatē tasya kathākathanāt pūrvvamēva yīśuruvāca, hē śimōn, mēdinyā rājānaḥ svasvāpatyēbhyaḥ kiṁ vidēśibhyaḥ kēbhyaḥ karaṁ gr̥hlanti? atra tvaṁ kiṁ budhyasē? tataḥ pitara uktavān, vidēśibhyaḥ|
26 Peter says to him, From strangers. Jesus said to him, Then are the sons free.
tadā yīśuruktavān, tarhi santānā muktāḥ santi|
27 But that we may not be an offence to them, go to the sea and cast a hook, and take the first fish that comes up, and when thou hast opened its mouth thou wilt find a stater; take that and give it to them for me and thee.
tathāpi yathāsmābhistēṣāmantarāyō na janyatē, tatkr̥tē jaladhēstīraṁ gatvā vaḍiśaṁ kṣipa, tēnādau yō mīna utthāsyati, taṁ ghr̥tvā tanmukhē mōcitē tōlakaikaṁ rūpyaṁ prāpsyasi, tad gr̥hītvā tava mama ca kr̥tē tēbhyō dēhi|

< Matthew 17 >