< Luke 11 >

1 And it came to pass as he was in a certain place praying, when he ceased, one of his disciples said to him, Lord, teach us to pray, even as John also taught his disciples.
In pripetilo se je, medtem ko je na nekem kraju molil, ko je prenehal, da mu je eden izmed njegovih učencev rekel: »Gospod, nauči nas moliti, kakor je tudi Janez naučil svoje učence.«
2 And he said to them, When ye pray, say, Father, thy name be hallowed; thy kingdom come;
Rekel jim je: »Kadar vi molite, recite: ›Naš Oče, ki si v nebesih: ›Posvečuje naj se tvoje ime. Pridi tvoje kraljestvo. Zgôdi se tvoja volja, kakor je v nebesih, tako na zemlji.
3 give us our needed bread for each day;
Daj nam dan za dnem naš vsakdanji kruh.
4 and remit us our sins, for we also remit to every one indebted to us; and lead us not into temptation.
In odpusti nam naše grehe, kajti tudi mi odpuščamo vsakemu, ki nam je dolžan. In ne vôdi nas v skušnjavo, temveč nas osvobodi pred zlom.‹«
5 And he said to them, Who among you shall have a friend, and shall go to him at midnight and say to him, Friend, let me have three loaves,
In rekel jim je: »Kateri izmed vas bo imel prijatelja in bo šel k njemu ob polnoči ter mu rekel: ›Prijatelj, posodi mi tri hlebe,
6 since a friend of mine on a journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him;
kajti moj prijatelj je na svojem potovanju prišel k meni, pa nimam ničesar, da postavim predenj?‹
7 and he within answering should say, Do not disturb me; the door is already shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise up to give [it] thee?
In ta od znotraj bo odgovoril ter rekel: ›Ne moti me. Vrata so sedaj zaprta in moji otroci so z menoj v postelji. Ne morem vstati in ti dati.‹
8 — I say to you, Although he will not get up and give [them] to him because he is his friend, because of his shamelessness, at any rate, he will rise and give him as many as he wants.
Povem vam: ›Čeprav ne bo vstal in mu dal, ker je njegov prijatelj, bo vendarle vstal zaradi njegove vsiljivosti ter mu dal toliko, kolikor potrebuje.‹
9 And I say to you, Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.
In jaz vam pravim: ›Prosite in to vam bo dano. Iščite in boste našli. Trkajte in to se vam bo odprlo.‹
10 For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it will be opened.
Kajti vsak, kdor prosi, prejema; in kdor išče, najde; in tistemu, ki trka, se bo odprlo.
11 But of whom of you that is a father shall a son ask bread, and [the father] shall give him a stone? or also a fish, and instead of a fish shall give him a serpent?
Če bo sin kogarkoli izmed vas, ki je oče, prosil kruha ali mu bo dal kamen? Ali če prosi ribe ali mu bo namesto ribe dal kačo?
12 or if also he shall ask an egg, shall give him a scorpion?
Ali če bo prosil jajce ali mu bo ponudil škorpijona?
13 If therefore ye, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much rather shall the Father who is of heaven give [the] Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
Če torej vi, ki ste hudobni, veste kako dajati svojim otrokom dobre darove, koliko bolj bo vaš nebeški Oče dal Svetega Duha tistim, ki ga prosijo?«
14 And he was casting out a demon, and it was dumb; and it came to pass, the demon being gone out, the dumb [man] spoke. And the crowds wondered.
In izganjal je hudiča, ta pa je bil nem. In pripetilo se je, ko je hudič odšel ven, [da] je nemi spregovoril in množica se je čudila.
15 But some from among them said, By Beelzebub the prince of the demons casts he out demons.
Toda nekateri izmed njih so rekli: »Hudiče izganja preko Bélcebuba, vodilnega izmed hudičev.«
16 And others tempting [him] sought from him a sign out of heaven.
In drugi so ga skušali in od njega hoteli znamenje z neba.
17 But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation: and a house set against a house falls;
Vendar jim je on, ker je poznal njihove misli, rekel: »Vsako kraljestvo, razdvojeno zoper sebe, je privedeno v opustošenje; in hiša, razdvojena zoper hišo, pade.
18 and if also Satan is divided against himself, how shall his kingdom subsist? because ye say that I cast out demons by Beelzebub.
Če bi bil tudi Satan razdeljen zoper samega sebe, kako bi obstalo njegovo kraljestvo, ker pravite, da s pomočjo Bélcebuba izganjam hudiče?
19 But if I by Beelzebub cast out demons, your sons — by whom do they cast [them] out? For this reason they shall be your judges.
In če jaz z Bélcebubom izganjam hudiče, s kom [jih] izganjajo vaši sinovi? Zatorej bodo oni vaši sodniki.
20 But if by the finger of God I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God is come upon you.
Toda če jaz z Božjim prstom izganjam hudiče, je brez dvoma nad vas prišlo Božje kraljestvo.
21 When the strong [man] armed keeps his own house, his goods are in peace;
Ko močan mož oborožen čuva svojo palačo, so njegove dobrine v miru,
22 but when the stronger than he coming upon [him] overcomes him, he takes away his panoply in which he trusted, and he will divide the spoil [he has taken] from him.
toda ko bo nadenj prišel močnejši od njega in ga premagal, mu odvzame vso njegovo bojno opremo, v katero je zaupal in razdeli njegove plene.
23 He that is not with me is against me, and he that gathers not with me scatters.
Kdor ni z menoj, je proti meni, in kdor ne zbira z menoj, raztresa.
24 When the unclean spirit has gone out of the man, he goes through dry places seeking rest; and not finding [any] he says, I will return to my house whence I came out.
Ko je nečisti duh odšel iz človeka, hodi skozi suhe kraje, iščoč počitka; ker pa ga ne najde, pravi: ›Vrnil se bom k svoji hiši, od koder sem prišel ven.‹
25 And having come, he finds it swept and adorned.
In ko pride, jo najde pometeno in okrašeno.
26 Then he goes and takes seven other spirits worse than himself, and entering in, they dwell there; and the last condition of that man becomes worse than the first.
Tedaj gre in vzame k sebi sedem drugih duhov, zlobnejših kakor on sam; in vstopijo vanjo ter tam prebivajo in zadnje stanje tega človeka je hujše kakor prvo.«
27 And it came to pass as he spake these things, a certain woman, lifting up her voice out of the crowd, said to him, Blessed is the womb that has borne thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked.
In pripetilo se je, medtem ko je govoril te besede, [da] je neka ženska iz skupine povzdignila svoj glas in mu rekla: »Blagoslovljena je maternica te, ki te je nosila in prsi, ki si jih sesal.«
28 But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep [it].
Toda rekel je: »Da, toliko bolj blagoslovljeni so tisti, ki poslušajo Božjo besedo in se je držijo.«
29 But as the crowds thronged together, he began to say, This generation is a wicked generation: it seeks a sign, and a sign shall not be given to it but the sign of Jonas.
In ko je bila množica zbrana tesno skupaj, je začel govoriti: »To je hudoben rod. Iščejo znamenje, pa jim ne bo dano nobeno znamenje, razen znamenja preroka Jona.
30 For as Jonas was a sign to the Ninevites, thus shall also the Son of man be to this generation.
Kajti kakor je bil Jona znamenje Ninivljanom, tako bo tudi Sin človekov temu rodu.
31 A queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and shall condemn them: for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, more than Solomon is here.
Kraljica juga bo ob sodbi vstala z ljudmi tega rodu in jih obsodila, kajti prišla je iz skrajnih delov zemlje, da sliši Salomonovo modrost; in glejte, večji kakor Salomon je tukaj.
32 Men of Nineveh shall stand up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and behold, more than Jonas is here.
Ljudje iz Niniv bodo ob sodbi vstali s tem rodom in ga obsodili, kajti pokesali so se ob Jonovem oznanjevanju; in glejte, večji kakor Jona je tukaj.
33 But no one having lit a lamp sets it in secret, nor under the corn-measure, but on the lamp-stand, that they who enter in may see the light.
Nihče, ko je prižgal svetilko, je ne položi na skrivno mesto niti ne pod mernik, temveč na svečnik, da tisti, ki vstopajo, lahko vidijo svetlobo.
34 The lamp of the body is thine eye: when thine eye is simple, thy whole body also is light; but when it is wicked, thy body also is dark.
Svetloba telesa je oko. Ko je torej tvoje oko enovito, je tudi tvoje celó telo polno svetlobe, toda kadar je tvoje oko hudobno, je tudi tvoje telo polno teme.
35 See therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.
Pazite torej potemtakem, da svetloba, ki je v tebi, ne bo tema.
36 If therefore thy whole body [is] light, not having any part dark, it shall be all light as when the lamp lights thee with its brightness.
Če je torej tvoje celotno telo polno svetlobe in nima nobenega dela temnega, bo vse polno svetlobe, kot kadar ti lesketajoče sijanje svečnika daje svetlobo.«
37 But as he spoke, a certain Pharisee asked him that he would dine with him; and entering in he placed himself at table.
In medtem ko je govoril, ga je nek farizej rotil, naj obeduje z njim. In vstopil je ter se usedel k obedu.
38 But the Pharisee seeing [it] wondered that he had not first washed before dinner.
Ko je farizej to videl, se je čudil, da se pred obedom ni najprej umil.
39 But the Lord said to him, Now do ye Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but your inward [parts] are full of plunder and wickedness.
Gospod pa mu je rekel: »Torej vi farizeji čistite zunanjost čaše in pladnja, toda vaš notranji del je poln požrešnosti in zlobnosti.
40 Fools, has not he who has made the outside made the inside also?
Vi bedaki, mar ni tisti, ki je naredil to, kar je zunaj, naredil tudi tega, kar je znotraj?
41 But rather give alms of what ye have, and behold, all things are clean to you.
Toda raje dajte miloščino od takih stvari, kot jih imate, in glejte, vse stvari so vam čiste.
42 But woe unto you, Pharisees, for ye pay tithes of mint and rue and every herb, and pass by the judgment and the love of God: these ye ought to have done, and not have left those aside.
Toda gorje vam, farizeji! Kajti desetinite meto in ruto ter vse vrste zelišč, prezirate pa sodbo in Božjo ljubezen; te bi morali imeti narejene in ne pustiti drugih nenarejenih.
43 Woe unto you, Pharisees, for ye love the first seat in the synagogues and salutations in the market-places.
Gorje vam, farizeji! Ker ljubite najvišje sedeže v sinagogah in pozdrave na trgih.
44 Woe unto you, for ye are as the sepulchres which appear not, and the men walking over them do not know [it].
Gorje vam, pisarji in farizeji, hinavci! Kajti vi ste kakor grobovi, ki se ne razločijo in ljudje, ki hodijo čeznje, se jih ne zavedajo.«
45 And one of the doctors of the law answering says to him, Teacher, in saying these things thou insultest us also.
Potem je odgovoril eden izmed izvedencev v postavi in mu rekel: »Učitelj, s takšnim govorjenjem grajaš tudi nas.«
46 And he said, To you also woe, doctors of the law, for ye lay upon men burdens heavy to bear, and yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers.
On pa je rekel: »Gorje tudi vam, vi, izvedenci v postavi! Kajti ljudi natovarjate z bremeni, bridkimi za prenašanje, vi sami pa se niti z enim izmed svojih prstov ne dotaknete teh bremen.
47 Woe unto you, for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, but your fathers killed them.
Gorje vam! Kajti prerokom gradite mavzoleje, vaši očetje pa so jih ubili.
48 Ye bear witness then, and consent to the works of your fathers; for they killed them, and ye build [their sepulchres].
Resnično, vi pričujete, da odobravate dejanja svojih očetov; kajti zares so jih ubili, vi pa gradite njihove mavzoleje.
49 For this reason also the wisdom of God has said, I will send to them prophets and apostles, and of these shall they kill and drive out by persecution,
Zaradi tega je tudi Božja modrost rekla: ›Poslala jim bom preroke in apostole in nekatere izmed njih bodo ubili in preganjali,
50 that the blood of all the prophets which has been poured out from the foundation of the world may be required of this generation,
da bo od tega rodu lahko zahtevana kri vseh prerokov, ki je bila prelita od ustanovitve sveta;
51 from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zacharias, who perished between the altar and the house; yea, I say to you, it shall be required of this generation.
od krvi Abela do krvi Zaharija, ki je umrl med oltarjem in templjem.‹ Resnično, povem vam: ›Zahtevala se bo od tega rodu.‹
52 Woe unto you, the doctors of the law, for ye have taken away the key of knowledge; yourselves have not entered in, and those who were entering in ye have hindered.
Gorje vam, izvedenci v postavi! Kajti odvzeli ste ključ spoznanja. Sami niste vstopili, tem, ki so vstopali, pa ste preprečevali.«
53 And as he said these things to them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to press him urgently, and to make him speak of many things;
In ko jim je povedal te besede, so ga pisarji in farizeji začeli silovito nagovarjati in ga izzivati, da bi govoril o mnogih stvareh,
54 watching him, [and seeking] to catch something out of his mouth, [that they might accuse him].
ker so prežali nanj in si prizadevali, da ujamejo kaj iz njegovih ust, da bi ga lahko obtožili.

< Luke 11 >