< Judges 9 >

1 And Abimelech son of Jerubbaal went to Shechem to his mother's brethren, and spoke to them, and to all the family of the house of his mother's father, saying,
Abimeleki, mwana mobali ya Yerubali, akendeki na Sishemi epai ya banoko na ye mpe na ndako mobimba ya tata ya mama na ye. Alobaki:
2 Speak, I pray you, in the ears of all the citizens of Shechem, Which is better for you, that seventy persons, all sons of Jerubbaal, rule over you, or that one man rule over you? And remember that I am your bone and your flesh.
« Botuna nanu motuna oyo epai ya bakambi nyonso ya engumba Sishemi: ‹ Eloko nini eleki malamu mpo na bino? Bakamba bino na bana mibali tuku sambo ya Yerubali to na mwana mobali moko? › Boyeba ete ngai mpe bino tozali makila moko mpe nzoto moko. »
3 And his mother's brethren spoke of him in the ears of all the citizens of Shechem all these words. And their heart inclined after Abimelech; for they said, He is our brother.
Tango banoko na ye balobaki maloba nyonso ya Abimeleki epai ya bakambi nyonso ya Sishemi, mitema na bango nyonso ekendeki epai ya Abimeleki, pamba te balobaki ete azali ndeko na bango ya mobali.
4 And they gave him seventy pieces of silver out of the house of Baal-Berith, and Abimelech hired with them vain and wanton men, and they followed him.
Bapesaki ye mbongo ya bibende ya palata, tuku sambo oyo bazwaki na tempelo ya Bala-Beriti. Na mbongo yango, Abimeleki afutaki bato ya mobulu mpo na kolanda ye.
5 And he came to his father's house, to Ophrah, and slew his brethren the sons of Jerubbaal, seventy persons upon one stone; but there remained Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal; for he had hid himself.
Akendeki na Ofira, na ndako ya tata na ye, mpe abomaki bandeko na ye ya mibali tuku sambo, bana ya Yerubali na likolo ya libanga moko ya monene. Kasi Yotami, mwana mobali ya suka ya Yerubali, abikaki mpo ete amibombaki.
6 And all the citizens of Shechem gathered together, and all the house of Millo, and went and made Abimelech king, by the memorial-oak that is in Shechem.
Bakambi nyonso ya Sishemi mpe ndako nyonso ya Milo basanganaki mpo na kokende kokomisa Abimeleki mokonzi, pembeni ya terebente, na likonzi ya mabanga kati na Sishemi.
7 And they told it to Jotham, and he went and stood on the top of mount Gerizim, and lifted up his voice, and cried, and said to them, Hearken to me, ye citizens of Shechem, that God may hearken to you.
Tango bayebisaki makambo yango epai ya Yotami, amataki likolo ya ngomba Garizimi mpe agangaki makasi: « Bino bakambi ya Sishemi, boyoka ngai, mpo ete Nzambe ayoka bino.
8 The trees once went forth to anoint a king over them; and they said to the olive-tree, Reign over us.
Mokolo moko, banzete ebimaki mpo na kokomisa moko kati na yango mokonzi. Elobaki na nzete ya Olive: ‹ Zala mokonzi na biso. ›
9 And the olive-tree said to them, Should I leave my fatness, wherewith by me they honour God and man, and go to wave over the trees?
Nzete ya Olive ezongiselaki yango: ‹ Natika penza mafuta na ngai, oyo bapesaka na yango Nzambe mpe bato lokumu, mpo ete nakende koningana-ningana na likolo ya banzete mosusu? ›
10 And the trees said to the fig-tree, Come thou, reign over us.
Banzete elobaki na nzete ya figi: ‹ Yaka mpe zala mokonzi na biso. ›
11 But the fig-tree said to them, Should I leave my sweetness, and my good fruit, and go to wave over the trees?
Nzete ya figi ezongiselaki yango: ‹ Natika penza elengi na ngai mpe mbuma na ngai ya kitoko mpo ete nakende koningana-ningana na likolo ya banzete mosusu? ›
12 Then said the trees to the vine, Come thou, reign over us.
Banzete elobaki na nzete ya vino: ‹ Yaka mpe zala mokonzi na biso. ›
13 And the vine said to them, Should I leave my new wine, which cheers God and man, and go to wave over the trees?
Kasi nzete ya vino ezongiselaki yango: ‹ Natika penza vino na ngai, oyo esepelisaka banzambe mpe bato mpo ete nakende koningana-ningana na likolo ya banzete mosusu? ›
14 Then said all the trees to the thorn-bush, Come thou, reign over us.
Sima, banzete nyonso elobaki na nzete ya nzube: ‹ Yaka mpe zala mokonzi na biso. ›
15 And the thorn-bush said to the trees, If in truth ye anoint me king over you, come, put confidence in my shadow; but if not, fire shall come out of the thorn-bush and devour the cedars of Lebanon.
Nzete ya nzube ezongiselaki yango: ‹ Soki bolingi penza kopakola ngai mafuta mpo ete nazala mokonzi na bino, boya kobombama na se ya pio na ngai. Soki bongo te, tika ete moto ebima na nzete ya nzube mpe ezikisa banzete ya sedele ya Libani! ›
16 Now therefore, if ye have dealt truly and sincerely in that ye have made Abimelech king, and if ye have dealt well with Jerubbaal and his house, and if ye have done to him according to the deserving of his hands;
Soki penza bosaleli na bosembo mpe na bosolo, wana bokomisi Abimeleki mokonzi; soki bozalaki na motema malamu liboso ya Yerubali mpe libota na ye, soki bosalelaki ye kolanda misala malamu oyo ye asalelaki bino,
17 — for my father fought for you, and endangered his life, and delivered you out of the hand of Midian;
bobosana te ete tata na ngai abundelaki bino, andimaki ata kokufa mpo na kokangola bino wuta na loboko ya Madiani.
18 but ye are risen up against my father's house this day, and have slain his sons, seventy men, upon one stone, and have made Abimelech, the son of his handmaid, king over the citizens of Shechem, because he is your brother;
Kasi na mokolo ya lelo, botombokeli libota ya tata na ngai, bobomi bana na ye ya mibali tuku sambo, na libanga moko, mpe botie Abimeleki, mwana mobali ya mwasi mowumbu na ye, mokonzi ya bato ya Sishemi, pamba te azali ndeko na bino ya mobali.
19 — if ye then have dealt truly and sincerely with Jerubbaal and with his house this day, rejoice ye in Abimelech, and let him also rejoice in you;
Soki bosaleli na bosembo mpe bosolo liboso ya Yerubali mpe libota na ye, na mokolo ya lelo, tika ete Abimeleki asepela na bino, mpe bino bosepela na ye!
20 but if not, let fire come out from Abimelech, and devour the citizens of Shechem and the house of Millo; and let fire come out from the citizens of Shechem and from the house of Millo, and devour Abimelech.
Kasi soki ezali bongo te, tika ete moto ebima wuta na Abimeleki mpe etumba bino bavandi ya Sishemi mpe ya Beti-Milo; mpe tika ete moto ebima wuta na bino bavandi ya Sishemi mpe ya Beti-Milo, mpe etumba Abimeleki! »
21 And Jotham ran away, and fled, and went to Beer, and dwelt there, because of Abimelech his brother.
Yotami abimaki, akendeki na Beri mpe avandaki kuna, pamba te azalaki kobanga Abimeleki, ndeko na ye ya mobali.
22 And Abimelech ruled over Israel three years.
Sima, Abimeleki akambaki Isalaele mibu misato.
23 And God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the citizens of Shechem; and the citizens of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech,
Nzambe atindaki molimo mabe kati na Abimeleki mpe bavandi ya Sishemi, mpe bavandi ya Sishemi basalelaki Abimeleki likita.
24 that the violence [done] to the seventy sons of Jerubbaal might come, and their blood be laid upon Abimelech their brother, who slew them, and upon the citizens of Shechem, who had strengthened his hands to slay his brethren.
Nzambe asalaki bongo mpo na kozongisa mabe na mabe na oyo basalaki tango babomaki bana mibali tuku sambo ya Yerubali, mpo ete makila na bango etangama na moto ya ndeko na bango ya mobali, Abimeleki, mpe na mito ya bato ya Sishemi oyo basungaki ye mpo na koboma bandeko na ye ya mibali.
25 And the citizens of Shechem set liers in wait for him on the tops of the mountains, and they robbed all that came along that way by them. And it was told Abimelech.
Bavandi ya Sishemi batielaki Abimeleki motambo na likolo ya bangomba: batiaki bato na esika ya kobombama mpo na kobotola biloko epai ya baleki nzela nyonso oyo bazalaki koleka pene na bango. Mpe bamemelaki Abimeleki sango yango.
26 And Gaal the son of Ebed came with his brethren, and went over to Shechem; and the citizens of Shechem put confidence in him.
Nzokande Gali, mwana mobali ya Ebedi, akendeki na Sishemi, elongo na bandeko na ye ya mibali; mpe bato ya Sishemi batielaki ye motema.
27 And they went out into the fields, and gathered their vineyards, and trode [the grapes], and made rejoicings, and went into the house of their god, and ate and drank, and cursed Abimelech.
Na tango ya kobuka bambuma ya vino, bato ya Sishemi bakendeki na bilanga, bakamolaki vino mpe basalaki feti monene kati na tempelo ya nzambe na bango. Wana bazalaki kolia mpe komela, balakelaki Abimeleki mabe.
28 And Gaal the son of Ebed said, Who is Abimelech, and who is Shechem, that we should serve him? is he not the son of Jerubbaal? and Zebul his overseer? Serve the men of Hamor the father of Shechem! and why should we serve him?
Bongo Gali, mwana mobali ya Ebedi, alobaki: « Abimeleki nde nani liboso ya Sishemi mpo ete biso bato ya Sishemi tosalela ye? Boni, azali mwana mobali ya Yerubali te? Zebuli azali molobeli na ye te? Bosalela bato ya Amori, tata ya Sishemi! Kasi mpo na nini tosalela Abimeleki?
29 Oh! would that this people were under my hand! then would I remove Abimelech. And he said to Abimelech, Increase thine army, and come out.
Oh soki kaka nazalaki kokamba bato oyo, mbele nalingaki kobengana Abimeleki, mpe nalingaki koloba na ye: ‹ Bakisa lisusu makasi ya mampinga na yo, mpe yaka tobunda. › »
30 And Zebul the ruler of the city heard the words of Gaal the son of Ebed, and his anger was kindled;
Tango Zebuli, moyangeli ya engumba, ayokaki makambo oyo Gali, mwana mobali ya Ebedi, alobaki, asilikaki makasi.
31 and he sent messengers to Abimelech craftily, saying, Behold, Gaal the son of Ebed and his brethren are come to Shechem, and behold, they shut up the city against thee;
Atindaki bantoma na nkuku epai ya Abimeleki mpo na koloba na ye: « Gali, mwana mobali ya Ebedi, mpe bandeko na ye ya mibali bayaki na Sishemi, mpe bazali kotindika bato ya engumba mpo ete batombokela yo.
32 and now, rise up by night, thou and the people that are with thee, and lie in ambush in the fields.
Sik’oyo telema, na butu, yo elongo na bato na yo; bokende kovanda kati na elanga, na esika ya kobombama.
33 And it shall be in the morning when the sun is up, thou shalt rise early, and fall upon the city; and behold, he and the people that is with him shall come out against thee, and thou shalt do with him as thou shalt find occasion.
Bongo, na tongo-tongo, wana moyi ezali kobima, okokende mpe okobundisa engumba. Tango Gali elongo na bato na ye nyonso bakobima mpo na kokutana na yo, sala nyonso oyo loboko na yo ekoki kosala. »
34 And Abimelech rose up, and all the people that were with him, by night, and they lay in ambush against Shechem in four companies.
Na butu, Abimeleki elongo na mampinga na ye nyonso batelemaki, bakabwanaki na biteni minei mpe bakendeki kovanda kati na esika ya kobombama, pene ya Sishemi.
35 And Gaal the son of Ebed went out, and stood in the entrance of the gate of the city. Then Abimelech rose up, and the people that were with him, out of the ambush.
Tango Gali, mwana mobali ya Ebedi, abimaki mpe atelemaki na ekuke ya engumba, Abimeleki elongo na basoda na ye babimaki na esika oyo babombamaki.
36 And Gaal saw the people, and said to Zebul, Behold, people are coming down from the tops of the mountains. And Zebul said to him, Thou seest the shadow of the mountains as men.
Tango Gali amonaki bato, alobaki na Zebuli: — Tala, bato bazali kokita wuta na likolo na bangomba. Kasi Zebuli alobaki na ye: — Oyo ozali komona lokola bato, ezali nde bililingi ya bangomba.
37 And Gaal spoke again, and said, Behold, people are coming down from the high part of the land, and one company is coming along by the way of the Magician's oak.
Kasi Gali alobaki lisusu: — Tala, bato bazali kokita elongo na basoda wuta na likolo ya ngomba ya kati-kati ya engumba, mpe bamosusu bazali koya na nzela ya terebente ya bamoni makambo.
38 Then said Zebul to him, Where is now thy mouth, thou that saidst, Who is Abimelech, that we should serve him? is not this the people that thou hast despised? go out now, I pray, and fight against them.
Zebuli alobaki na Gali: — Sik’oyo, tia lisusu monoko! Mpe loba lisusu: « Abimeleki nde nani mpo ete tosalela ye? » Ezali te bato oyo yo otiolaki? Kende sik’oyo kobunda!
39 And Gaal went out before the citizens of Shechem, and fought against Abimelech.
Boye, Gali amemaki bavandi ya Sishemi mpe abundisaki Abimeleki.
40 And Abimelech pursued him, and he fled before him, and there fell many wounded, as far as the entrance of the gate.
Abimeleki alandaki Gali, mpe Gali akimaki liboso ya Abimeleki, mpe bato ebele penza bakufaki kino na ekotelo ya ekuke.
41 And Abimelech dwelt at Arumah. And Zebul drove out Gaal and his brethren, that they might not dwell in Shechem.
Abimeleki avandaki na Aruma, mpe Zebuli abenganaki Gali elongo na bandeko na ye ya mibali mpo ete bavanda lisusu te na Sishemi.
42 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the people went out into the field; and they told Abimelech.
Mokolo oyo elandaki, bato ya Sishemi babimaki mpe bakendeki na bilanga. Bato bamemaki sango epai ya Abimeleki.
43 And he took the people, and divided them into three companies, and lay in ambush in the field. And he looked, and behold, the people came forth out of the city; and he rose up against them and smote them.
Abimeleki azwaki bato na ye mpe akabolaki bango na biteni misato ya basoda, mpe atiaki bango kati na bilanga, na esika ya kobombama. Tango amonaki bato kobima longwa na engumba, atelemaki mpo na kobundisa bango.
44 And Abimelech, and the companies that were with him, rushed forward, and stood in the entrance of the gate of the city; and two of the companies ran upon all that were in the fields, and slew them.
Nzokande, tango Abimeleki mpe masanga ya mampinga oyo bazalaki elongo na ye bakendeki na lombangu mpe batelemaki na ekuke ya engumba, masanga mibale mosusu ya mampinga balandaki bato kino na bilanga mpe babomaki bango nyonso.
45 And Abimelech fought against the city all that day; and he took the city, and slew the people that were in it, and broke down the city, and sowed it with salt.
Abimeleki abundisaki engumba mokolo mobimba, abotolaki engumba yango mpe abomaki bato oyo bazalaki kuna. Bongo abebisaki engumba mpe asopelaki yango mungwa.
46 And all the men of the tower of Shechem heard [that], and they entered into the stronghold of the house of the god Berith.
Tango bavandi nyonso ya ndako molayi ya Sishemi bayokaki makambo yango, bakendeki kobombama kati na libulu ya mabanga ya tempelo ya Beriti, nzambe na bango.
47 And it was told Abimelech that all the men of the tower of Shechem had gathered together.
Bamemelaki Abimeleki sango ete bavandi ya ndako molayi ya Sishemi basangani wana.
48 Then Abimelech went up to mount Zalmon, he and all the people that were with him; and Abimelech took an axe in his hand, and cut down a bough from the trees, and took it up and laid it on his shoulder, and said to the people that was with him, What ye have seen me do, make haste, do as I have done.
Abimeleki elongo na bato na ye nyonso bamataki na ngomba Tsalimoni. Abimeleki azwaki epasola mpe akataki mwa bitape ya nzete, amemaki yango na mapeka na ye mpe alobaki na bato nyonso oyo bazalaki elongo na ye: « Oyo bomoni ngai kosala, bino mpe bosala bongo na lombangu. »
49 And all the people likewise cut down every man his bough, and they followed Abimelech, and put [them] to the hold, and burned the hold with fire upon them. And all the men of the tower of Shechem died also, about a thousand men and women.
Boye bato nyonso bakataki, moto na moto etape na ye ya nzete. Balandaki Abimeleki, batiaki bitape ya nzete na libulu ya mabanga mpe batumbaki libulu yango ya mabanga elongo na bato nyonso oyo bazalaki kati na yango. Boye bato nyonso ya ndako molayi ya Sishemi bakufaki: bato pene nkoto moko, mibali mpe basi.
50 And Abimelech went to Thebez, and encamped against Thebez, and took it.
Sima na yango, Abimeleki akendeki na Tebesi, azingelaki mpe abotolaki yango.
51 But there was a strong tower in the midst of the city, and thither fled all the men and women, all the citizens of the city; and they shut it behind them, and went up to the roof of the tower.
Nzokande, ezalaki na ndako moko ya molayi mpe ya makasi kati na engumba. Bavandi nyonso, mibali mpe basi, bakimelaki kuna; bakangaki ekuke sima na bango mpe bamataki na likolo ya ndako yango.
52 And Abimelech came to the tower, and fought against it, and he drew near to the entrance of the tower to burn it with fire;
Abimeleki ayaki kino na ndako molayi mpo na kobundisa yango, mpe apusanaki kino na ekuke ya ndako yango mpo na kotumba yango.
53 and a woman cast the upper stone of a handmill on Abimelech's head, and crushed his skull.
Na tango yango, mwasi moko abwakaki libanga oyo banikelaka ble na moto ya Abimeleki mpe epanzaki ye moto.
54 Then he called hastily to the young man that carried his armour, and said to him, Draw thy sword, and slay me, that they say not of me, A woman killed him. And his young man thrust him through, and he died.
Abimeleki abengaki na lombangu elenge mobali oyo azalaki komema bibundeli na ye mpe alobaki na ye: « Bimisa mopanga na yo mpe boma ngai mpo baloba te na tina na ngai: ‹ Mwasi moko abomaki ye. › » Boye, elenge mobali atobolaki ye mopanga mpe akufaki.
55 And when the men of Israel saw that Abimelech was dead, they went every man to his place.
Tango bana ya Isalaele bamonaki ete Abimeleki akufi, bazongaki moto na moto epai na ye.
56 And God rendered back the wickedness of Abimelech, which he did to his father in slaying his seventy brethren.
Boye, Nzambe azongiselaki Abimeleki mabe oyo asalaki tata na ye tango abomaki bandeko na ye ya mibali tuku sambo.
57 And all the evil of the men of Shechem did God render back upon their heads; and upon them came the curse of Jotham the son of Jerubbaal.
Nzambe azongiselaki bato ya Sishemi mabe nyonso oyo basalaki. Ezali ndenge wana nde elakeli mabe oyo Yotami, mwana mobali ya Yerubali, asakolaki ekokisamaki.

< Judges 9 >