< Job 22 >

1 And Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said,
Elifazi, moto ya Temani, azwaki maloba mpe alobaki:
2 Can a man be profitable to God? surely it is unto himself that the wise man is profitable.
« Boni, litomba nini Nzambe akoki kozwa epai ya moto? Ezala ata moto ya bwanya, azalaka na litomba kaka mpo na ye moko.
3 Is it any pleasure to the Almighty if thou art righteous? And is it gain [to him] that thou makest thy ways perfect?
Ezala soki ozali moyengebene, litomba nini Nkolo-Na-Nguya-Nyonso akoki kozwa, ata ozali kobongisa nzela na yo ya bosembo?
4 Will he reason with thee for fear of thee? Will he enter with thee into judgment?
Boni, okanisi ete ezali mpo na boyengebene na yo nde azali kopamela yo mpe kosambisa yo?
5 Is not thy wickedness great? and thine iniquities without end?
Mabe na yo ezali monene te? Masumu na yo eleki ndelo te?
6 For thou hast taken a pledge of thy brother for nought, and stripped off the clothing of the naked.
Ozalaki koluka na pamba ndanga epai ya bandeko na yo ya mibali, ozalaki kolongola bato bilamba mpe kotika bango bolumbu,
7 Thou hast not given water to the fainting to drink, and thou hast withholden bread from the hungry.
ozalaki kopesa mayi te na moto oyo azalaki na posa ya mayi, mpe ozalaki kopimela moto oyo azalaki na nzala bilei,
8 But the powerful man, he had the land; and the man of high rank dwelt in it.
atako ozalaki moto monene, nkolo mabele, mpe ozalaki kovanda na mabele yango lokola moto ya lokumu;
9 Widows hast thou sent empty away, and the arms of the fatherless have been broken.
ozalaki kozongisa basi bakufisa mibali maboko pamba, mpe ozalaki kosilisa makasi ya bana bitike.
10 Therefore snares are round about thee, and sudden fear troubleth thee;
Yango wana, mitambo ezingeli yo, kobebisama ya mbalakata ekomi kopesa yo somo,
11 Or darkness, that thou canst not see, and floods of waters cover thee.
molili makasi ezwi yo mpe ozali kokoka komona te, mpe mpela ezipi yo.
12 Is not God in the height of the heavens? And behold the summit of the stars: how exalted are they!
Boni, Nzambe azali te kuna na likolo, kati na Lola? Tala ndenge nini etando ya minzoto ezali likolo koleka!
13 And thou sayest, What doth God know? will he judge through the dark cloud?
Nzokande, ozali koloba: ‹ Nzambe ayebi nini? Akoki kosambisa kati na mapata ya molili ya boye? ›
14 Thick clouds are a covering to him, that he seeth not; and he walketh on the vault of the heavens.
Mapata minene ezipi Ye, yango wana azali komona biso te, wana azali kotambola-tambola na etando ya Lola?
15 Dost thou mark the ancient path which wicked men have trodden?
Olingi solo kotikala kaka na nzela ya kala, nzela oyo bato mabe balekelaki?
16 Who were carried off before the time, whose foundation was overflowed with a flood;
Kufa ememaki bango na mbalakata, mpe miboko na bango etiolaki na mpela.
17 Who said unto God, Depart from us! and what could the Almighty do to them?
Bazalaki koloba na Nzambe: ‹ Tika biso, biso moko! Nkolo-Na-Nguya-Nyonso akosala biso nini? ›
18 Yet he filled their houses with good. But the counsel of the wicked is far from me.
Nzokande, Ye nde atondisaki bandako na bango na biloko ya kitoko. Yango wana, ngai, naboyaka toli ya bato mabe.
19 The righteous see it, and are glad; and the innocent laugh them to scorn:
Bato ya sembo bazali komona kobebisama na bango mpe bazali kosepela, bayengebene bazali koseka bango mpe bazali koloba:
20 Is not he who rose against us destroyed, and doth not the fire consume his residue?
‹ Solo, banguna na biso babebi, moto ezikisi bomengo na bango. ›
21 Reconcile thyself now with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.
Zongisa boyokani na yo elongo na Ye mpe luka kimia. Na nzela wana, bomengo ekoya lisusu epai na yo.
22 Receive, I pray thee, instruction from his mouth, and lay up his words in thy heart.
Ndima malako oyo ekowuta na monoko na Ye, mpe batela maloba na Ye kati na motema na yo.
23 If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up. If thou remove unrighteousness far from thy tents,
Soki ozongi epai na Nkolo-Na-Nguya-Nyonso, soki obengani mabe mosika ya ndako na yo, bomengo na yo ekozongela yo.
24 And put the precious ore with the dust, and [the gold of] Ophir among the stones of the torrents,
Bwaka wolo na yo kati na putulu, wolo na yo ya Ofiri kati na mabanga ya lubwaku;
25 Then the Almighty will be thy precious ore, and silver heaped up unto thee;
bongo Nkolo-Na-Nguya-Nyonso akozala wolo na yo, mpe palata oyo eleki kitoko mpo na yo.
26 Yea, then shalt thou delight thyself in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face unto God:
Solo, okozwa esengo epai ya Nkolo-Na-Nguya-Nyonso mpe okotombola elongi na yo epai ya Nzambe.
27 Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he will hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows;
Okosambela Ye, Ye akoyoka yo, mpe okokokisa ndayi na yo.
28 And thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee; and light shall shine upon thy ways.
Makambo oyo okokana, ekosalema, mpe pole ekongenga na nzela na yo.
29 When they are made low, then thou shalt say, Rise up! and he shall save him that is of downcast eyes.
Soki bato balembi, mpe yo olobi: ‹ Telema! › Nzambe akobikisa bango,
30 [Even] him that is not innocent shall he deliver; yea, he shall be delivered by the pureness of thy hands.
akokangola ata moto oyo asali mabe, akokangola ye penza mpo na bopeto ya maboko na yo. »

< Job 22 >