< Isaiah 60 >

1 Arise, shine! for thy light is come, and the glory of Jehovah is risen upon thee.
Vuka, ukhanye, ngoba ukukhanya kwakho kufikile, lodumo lweNkosi luphume phezu kwakho.
2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples; but Jehovah will arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen on thee.
Ngoba khangela, umnyama uzasibekela umhlaba, lomnyama omkhulu izizwe; kodwa iNkosi izaphuma phezu kwakho, lodumo lwayo luzabonakala phezu kwakho.
3 And the nations shall walk by thy light, and kings by the brightness of thy rising.
Labezizwe bazakuza ekukhanyeni kwakho, lamakhosi ekukhazimuleni kokuphuma kwakho.
4 Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons come from afar, and thy daughters are carried upon the side.
Phakamisa amehlo akho inhlangothi zonke, ubone; bonke bayabuthana, beze kuwe; amadodana akho azavela khatshana, lamadodakazi akho azakondliwa eceleni.
5 Then thou shalt see, and shalt be brightened, and thy heart shall throb, and be enlarged; for the abundance of the sea shall be turned unto thee, the wealth of the nations shall come unto thee.
Khona uzabona, ugeleze ndawonye, lenhliziyo yakho izakwesaba, yenziwe banzi; ngoba ubunengi bolwandle buzaphendulelwa kuwe, amabutho ezizwe azakuza kuwe.
6 A multitude of camels shall cover thee, young camels of Midian and Ephah; all they from Sheba shall come: they shall bring gold and incense; and they shall publish the praises of Jehovah.
Ubunengi bamakamela buzakwembesa, amakamela amatsha eMidiyani leEfa; wonke evela eShebha azakuza; azaletha igolide lempepha, amemezele indumiso zeNkosi.
7 All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall serve thee: they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar, and I will beautify the house of my magnificence.
Yonke imihlambi yeKedari izabuthelwa kuwe; izinqama zeNebayothi zizakukhonza; zizakuza ngokwemukeleka phezu kwelathi lami, njalo ngizadumisa indlu yodumo lwami.
8 Who are these that come flying as a cloud, and as doves to their dove-cotes?
Ngobani laba abandiza njengeyezi, lanjengamajuba esiya emawindini awo?
9 For the isles shall await me, and the ships of Tarshish first, to bring thy sons from afar, their silver and their gold with them, unto the name of Jehovah thy God, and to the Holy One of Israel, for he hath glorified thee.
Qotho izihlenge zizangilindela, lemikhumbi yeThashishi kuqala, ukuletha amadodana akho evela khatshana, isiliva sawo legolide lawo kanye lawo, kulo ibizo leNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho, lakoNgcwele kaIsrayeli, ngoba ukudumisile.
10 And the sons of the alien shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee. For in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favour have I had mercy on thee.
Lamadodana abezizwe azakwakha imiduli yakho, lamakhosi abo akukhonze; ngoba elakeni lwami ngakutshaya, kodwa ngomusa wami ngikuhawukele.
11 And thy gates shall stand open continually: (they shall not be shut day nor night, ) that the wealth of the nations may be brought unto thee, and that their kings may be led [to thee].
Njalo amasango akho azahlala evulekile, emini lebusuku kawayikuvalwa, ukuze bakulethele inotho yabezizwe, lamakhosi azo alethwe.
12 For the nation and the kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; and those nations shall be utterly wasted.
Ngoba isizwe lombuso okungayikukukhonza kuzabhubha; yebo, lezozizwe zizaphela nya.
13 The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the cypress, pine, and box-tree together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary; and I will make the place of my feet glorious.
Udumo lweLebhanoni luzakuza kuwe, isihlahla sefiri, umangwe, lomsayiphuresi kanyekanye, ukucecisa indawo yendlu yami engcwele; njalo ngizakwenza indawo yenyawo zami ikhazimule.
14 And the children of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee The city of Jehovah, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel.
Amadodana lawo awabakucindezelayo azakuza kuwe akhothame; labo bonke abakudelelayo bazakhothamela kungaphansi yezinyawo zakho, bakubize ngokuthi umuzi weNkosi, iZiyoni yoNgcwele kaIsrayeli.
15 Instead of thy being forsaken and hated, so that no one went through [thee], I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy from generation to generation.
Esikhundleni sokuthi wawutshiyiwe, wazondwa, okokuthi kwakungekho odabula phakathi kwakho, ngizakwenza ube ludumo laphakade, intokozo yezizukulwana ngezizukulwana.
16 And thou shalt suck the milk of the nations, and shalt suck the breast of kings; and thou shalt know that I, Jehovah, [am] thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.
Uzamunya futhi uchago lwabezizwe, yebo, umunye amabele amakhosi; njalo uzakwazi ukuthi mina Nkosi nginguMsindisi wakho loMhlengi wakho, oLamandla kaJakobe.
17 For bronze I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver, and for wood bronze, and for stones iron; and I will make thine officers peace, and thy rulers righteousness.
Endaweni yethusi ngizaletha igolide, lendaweni yensimbi ngilethe isiliva, lendaweni yesigodo ithusi, lendaweni yamatshe insimbi. Ngizakwenza futhi ababonisi bakho babe yikuthula, labacindezeli bakho babe yikulunga.
18 Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.
Udlakela kalusayikuzwakala elizweni lakho, ukuchitheka lokubhubhisa phakathi kwemingcele yakho; kodwa uzabiza imiduli yakho ngokuthi luSindiso, lamasango akho iNdumiso.
19 The sun shall be no more thy light by day, neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee; but Jehovah shall be thine everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.
Ilanga kalisayikuba yikukhanya kuwe emini, lenyanga kayisayikukukhanyisela kube yikukhazimula; kodwa iNkosi izakuba yikukhanya okulaphakade kuwe, loNkulunkulu wakho abe ludumo lwakho.
20 Thy sun shall no more go down, neither shall thy moon withdraw itself; for Jehovah shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended.
Ilanga lakho kalisayikutshona, lenyanga yakho kayiyikuhlehlela nyovane; ngoba iNkosi izakuba yikukhanya kwakho okulaphakade, lensuku zokulila kwakho zizaphela.
21 Thy people also shall be all righteous: they shall possess the land for ever — the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified.
Njalo abantu bakho bonke bazakuba ngabalungileyo, badle ilifa lelizwe kuze kube laphakade, ugatsha lokuhlanyela kwami, umsebenzi wezandla zami, ukuze ngidunyiswe.
22 The little one shall become a thousand, and the smallest a mighty nation: I, Jehovah, will hasten it in its time.
Omncinyane uzakuba yinkulungwane, lomncane abe yisizwe esilamandla. Mina Nkosi ngizakuphangisisa ngesikhathi sakhe.

< Isaiah 60 >