< Habakkuk 2 >

1 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will look forth to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer as to my reproof.
Zan tsaya wurin tsarona in kuma zauna a kan katanga; zan jira in ga abin da zai ce mini, da kuma wace amsa zan bayar ga wannan kuka.
2 And Jehovah answered me and said, Write the vision, and engrave it upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it.
Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya amsa ya ce, “Ka rubuta wannan ru’uya ka bayyana ta a fili a kan alluna don mai shela yă ruga da ita, yă kai.
3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but it hasteth to the end, and shall not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; for it will surely come, it will not delay.
Gama ru’uyar tana jiran ƙayyadadden lokaci; tana zancen ƙarshe kuma ba za tă zama ƙarya ba. Ko da ka ga kamar tana jinkiri, ka jira ta; lalle za tă zo, ba za tă makara ba.
4 Behold, his soul is puffed up, it is not upright within him: but the just shall live by his faith.
“Duba, abokin gāba ya cika da ɗaga kai; sha’awarsa ba daidai ba ce, amma mai adalci zai rayu ta wurin bangaskiyarsa,
5 And moreover, the wine is treacherous: he is a proud man, and keepeth not at rest, he enlargeth his desire as Sheol, and he is like death and cannot be satisfied; and he assembleth unto him all nations, and gathereth unto him all peoples. (Sheol h7585)
ba shakka, ruwan inabi ya yaudare shi; yana fariya kuma ba ya hutu. Domin shi mai haɗama ne kamar kabari kuma kamar mutuwa, ba ya ƙoshi; yakan tattara dukan al’ummai wa kansa yana kuma kama dukan mutane su zama kamammu. (Sheol h7585)
6 Shall not all these take up a proverb about him, and a taunting riddle against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? — and to him that loadeth himself with pledges!
“Dukansu ba za su yi masa tsiya, suna yin masa ba’a da dariya ba, suna cewa, “‘Kaito ga wannan wanda ya tara wa kansa kayan sata ya kuma wadatar da kansa da kayan ƙwace! Har yaushe wannan abu zai ci gaba?’
7 Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and they awake up that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them?
Masu binka bashi ba za su taso maka nan da nan ba? Ba za su farka su sa ka fargaba ba? Ta haka ka zama ganima a gare su.
8 Because thou hast plundered many nations, all the rest of the peoples shall plunder thee; because of men's blood, and for the violence [done] to the land, to the city, and all that dwell therein.
Domin ka washe al’ummai masu yawa, mutanen da suka rage za su washe ka. Domin ka zub da jinin mutane; ka hallaka ƙasashe, da birane, da kuma kowa da yake cikinsu.
9 Woe to him that getteth iniquitous gain to his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the grasp of evil!
“Kaito ga wanda ya gina masarautarsa da ƙazamar riba don yă kafa sheƙarsa can bisa, don yă tsere wa zama kango!
10 Thou hast devised shame to thy house, by cutting off many peoples, and hast sinned against thine own soul.
Ka ƙulla lalacin mutane masu yawa, ta haka ka kunyatar da gidanka ka kuma hallaka ranka.
11 For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it.
Duwatsun katanga za su yi kuka, ginshiƙan katako kuma za su amsa.
12 Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and establisheth a city by unrighteousness!
“Kaiton mutumin da ya gina birni da jinin da ya zubar ya kuma kafa gari ta wurin mugun aiki!
13 Behold, is it not of Jehovah of hosts that the peoples labour for the fire, and the nations weary themselves in vain?
Ba Ubangiji Maɗaukaki ne ya ƙudura cewa wahalar mutane ta zama mai kawai don wuta ba, cewa al’ummai su gajiyar da kansu a banza ba?
14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Jehovah as the waters cover the sea.
Gama duniya za tă cika da sanin ɗaukakar Ubangiji, yadda ruwaye suka rufe teku.
15 Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, — that pourest out thy flask, and makest [him] drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!
“Kaito wanda ya ba wa maƙwabtansa abin sha, yana ta zubawa daga salkan ruwan inabi har sai sun bugu, don dai yă ga tsiraicinsu.
16 Thou art filled with shame instead of glory; drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of Jehovah's right hand shall be turned unto thee, and a shameful spewing shall be on thy glory.
Za ka cika da kunya a maimakon ɗaukaka. Yanzu lokacinka ne! Kai ma ka sha, a kuma tone asirinka! Gama kwaf na hannun daman Ubangiji yana zuwa kewaye da kai, abin kunya kuma zai rufe darajarka.
17 For the violence [done] to Lebanon shall cover thee, and the destruction of beasts which made them afraid; because of men's blood, and for the violence [done] to the land, to the city, and all that dwell therein.
Ɓarnar da ka yi wa Lebanon zai komo kanka, kuma hallakar dabbobin da ka yi zai sa dabbobi su tsorata ka. Gama ka zub da jinin mutum; ka hallaka ƙasashe, da birane, da kuma kowa da yake cikinsu.
18 What profiteth the graven image that the maker thereof hath graven it? the molten image, and the teacher of falsehood, that the maker of his work dependeth thereon, to make dumb idols?
“Ina amfanin gunki da mutum ne ya sassaƙa? Ko siffar da take koyar da ƙarya? Gama wanda ya yi shi yana dogara ne ga halittarsa; ya yi gumakan da ba sa magana.
19 Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Awake! to the dumb stone, Arise! Shall it teach? Behold it is overlaid with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all in the midst of it.
Kaito wanda ya ce da katako, ‘Rayu!’ Ko kuwa dutse marar rai, ‘Farka!’ Zai iya bishewa ne? An dalaye shi da zinariya da azurfa; ba numfashi a cikinsa.”
20 But Jehovah is in his holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before him!
Amma Ubangiji yana a cikin haikalinsa mai tsarki; bari dukan duniya tă yi shiru a gabansa.

< Habakkuk 2 >