< Genesis 6 >

1 And it came to pass when mankind began to multiply on the earth, and daughters were born to them,
Veamo'za ama mopafina vahera kase hakare hazageno, knare'nare mofa'nerami fore hu'naze.
2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and took themselves wives of all that they chose.
Hanki vahe'mo'za rama'a mofane zaga kasezmantage'za, Anumzamofo mofavre naga'mo'za ke zamasane nehu'za zamavesia a'ne eri'naze.
3 And Jehovah said, My Spirit shall not always plead with Man; for he indeed is flesh; but his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.
Ana hianagi Ra Anumzamo'a amanage hu'ne, Avamunimo'a vahe'mofompina mani'neno zamasimura zami vava osugahie. Na'ankure vahera fri'zaga mani'nazanki'za, 120'a zagegafua agateore'neza frigahaze.
4 In those days were the giants on the earth, and also afterwards, when the sons of God had come in to the daughters of men, and they had borne [children] to them; these were the heroes, who of old were men of renown.
Ana knafine henka'anena tusinasi vahe'mo'za ama mopafina mani'nazankino, Anumzamofo mofavremo'za e'za vahe'mokizmi mofane zagane emasageno mofavrea kasezmante'naze. Hanki'za fore'ma hazana korapa knafina hankavenentake hu'za hihamu'ane vahe fore hu'naze.
5 And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of Man was great on the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart only evil continually.
Hianagi Ra Anumzamo'ma vahe'mokizmima zamage'neana, mika kna havi avu'avazamo ama mopafina ra huno vahe'mofo antahi antahifina, havi avu ava'zamo aviteno meno vu'ne.
6 And Jehovah repented that he had made Man on the earth, and it grieved him in his heart.
E'ina nehazageno Anumzamo'a nezamageno rimpa haviza higeno muse osuno, nahige'na vahera trohu'noe huno asunke nehuno,
7 And Jehovah said, I will destroy Man, whom I have created, from the earth — from man to cattle, to creeping things, and to fowl of the heavens; for I repent that I have made them.
Ra Anumzamo'a amanage hu'ne, Vahe'ene, zagagafane, namaramine, mopafi ne'onse zagarami'nena zamahe fanane hugahue. Nagrama tro'ma huzmante'noa zankura nasunku hue hu'ne.
8 But Noah found favour in the eyes of Jehovah.
Hianagi Noa'a agrake Ra Anumzamofo avurera fatgo nera mani'negeno muse hunte'ne.
9 This is the history of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect amongst his generations: Noah walked with God.
Hagi Noa nagamofo nanekea amanahu me'ne. Ana knafima mani'naza vahepina Noa'a fatgo huno hazenke'zama'a omanegeno Anumzane tragoteno mani'neno amage anteno vu'ne.
10 And Noah begot three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Noa'a ne' mofavre tagufa zamanteno zamagi'a Semi'e, Hamu'e, Jafeti'e huno antezmi'ne.
11 And the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was full of violence.
Ama mopamo'a Anumzamofo avurera haviza hu'ne, ha' zamo'ene, kefo avu'avazamo enena avite'ne.
12 And God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted its way on the earth.
Anumzamo'ma ama mopafima ke'neana, tamage huno makazamo'a haviza hu'ne, ama mopafima me'neazama keana kumike'za huvagare'naze.
13 And God said to Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me, for the earth is full of violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
Hagi Anumzamo'a anage huno Noana asmi'ne, Ke ontahizageno kefo avu'ava zamo'a aviteankina zamagri'ene mopazimine zamahe fanane huku Nagra nagesa nentahue.
14 Make thyself an ark of gopher wood: [with] cells shalt thou make the ark; and pitch it inside and outside with pitch.
Hagi kagra hanave zafareti ra ventea tro nehunka, asa hutanenka hunaraginto. Timo'ma ufre'zankura agu'ane megi'anena fukinu renkaniro.
15 And thus shalt thou make it: let the length of the ark be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.
Ana ventema kisanana, zanra'a 150'a mitagi, kahesa'a 25 mitagi, atrure'a 15 mitagi hunka neginka,
16 A light shalt thou make to the ark; and to a cubit high shalt thou finish it above. And the door of the ark shalt thou set in its side: [with] a lower, second, and third [story] shalt thou make it.
anagamu no amumpa tvaonte mago mitamofona agema'a hafu'a mita zasikana hagento. Magokaziga kaha hagentenka, ana ventemofo agu'afina ese nonki, anante nonki, agofetu nonki hunka kio.
17 For I, behold, I bring a flood of waters on the earth, to destroy all flesh under the heavens in which is the breath of life: everything that is on the earth shall expire.
Hagi Nagra ha'nenkeno tusi'a ti hageno mopa refitena mani'ne'za zamasimu nentaza zane, maka'zanena zamahe fanane hugahue.
18 But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt go into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.
Hu'neanagi kagrane huhagerafinugu huvempa hu'na negasamue. Kagrane a'mofavre ka'ane knoferahe'zane tamagra maka ventefi marerigahaze.
19 And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every [sort] shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep [them] alive with thee: they shall be male and female.
Hagi rumofo rumofo zagagafama mani'nazafintira vene, a'ene zamavaretere huge'za kahefa hu'za mani'sagu ventefi mareriho.
20 Of fowl after their kind, and of the cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, two of each shall go in to thee, to keep [them] alive.
Zgagafama nama, rumofo rumofo kumate zagane, mopafi ne'onse zagarmine, vene a'ene kasefa hu'za manisnagu kagrite egahaze.
21 And take thou of all food that is eaten, and gather [it] to thee, that it may be for food for thee and for them.
Ana nehunka aru ne'za aru ne'zana, tamagrane maka zagagafanema nesazazana erinka eme eritru huo.
22 And Noah did it; according to all that God had commanded him, so did he.
Higeno Anumzamo'ma asmi'neaza huno Noa'a maka'zana tro hu'ne.

< Genesis 6 >

The World is Destroyed by Water
The World is Destroyed by Water