< Ecclesiastes 2 >

1 I said in my heart, Come now, I will try thee with mirth, therefore enjoy pleasure. But behold, this also is vanity.
Ne aparo e chunya niya, “Bi sani, abiro temi gi gik ma moro wangʼ mondo afwenyie gima ber.” To mano bende ne ayudo kaonge tiende.
2 I said of laughter, Madness! and of mirth, What availeth it?
Ne awacho niya, “Nyiero en fuwo kendo en angʼo ma mor makamano konyo?”
3 I searched in my heart how to cherish my flesh with wine, while practising my heart with wisdom; and how to lay hold on folly, till I should see what was that good for the children of men which they should do under the heavens all the days of their life.
Ne atemo bedo mamor kuom madho kongʼo, kendo bedo mofuwo, ka pacha pod telona gi rieko. Ne adwaro fwenyo ni en angʼo mowinjore mondo ji otim e bwo polo e ndalo matin mar ngimani.
4 I made me great works; I builded me houses; I planted me vineyards;
Ne achako tije madongo kaka: Ne agero ute ne an awuon kendo apidho mzabibu e puothe.
5 I made me gardens and parks, and I planted trees in them of every kind of fruit;
Kendo ne aloso puothe mamoko kod puothe mopidhie yiende mar yweyo mi apidho kit olembe mopogore opogore eigi.
6 I made me ponds of water, to water therewith the wood, where the trees are reared.
Ne akunyo yewni ma pi gudore mondo yiendego oyud pi.
7 I acquired servants and maidens, and had servants born in my house; also I had great possessions of herds and flocks, above all that had been in Jerusalem before me.
Ne angʼiewo jotich machwo kod mamon kendo ne an gi jotije mamoko mane onywol e oda. Bende ne an gi kweth mangʼeny mag dhok kod rombe moloyo ngʼato angʼata mane okuongona bedo jatelo e Jerusalem.
8 I gathered me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces; I got me men-singers and women-singers, and the delights of the children of men, a wife and concubines.
Ne achoko fedha gi dhahabu, kod girkeni mag ruodhi gi gwenge. Ne abedo bende gi jower machwo kod mamon, kendo gi mon duto mane nyalo moro chuny dichwo.
9 And I became great, and increased more than all that had been before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom remained with me.
Ne abedo ngʼama lich miwuoro moloyo ngʼato angʼata mane okuongona bedo jatelo e Jerusalem. E magi duto riekona matut nosiko koda.
10 And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them: I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour, and this was my portion from all my labour.
Ne ok atuono wangʼa gimoro amora mane onyalo gombo, kendo chunya bende ne ok atuono mor. Chunya nobedo gi mor kuom tijena duto mane atimo, kendo mano ema nobedo pok mar tijena duto.
11 Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that it had cost me to do [them]; and behold, all was vanity and pursuit of the wind, and there was no profit under the sun.
To kata kamano kane anono duto mane lweta osetiyo kod gino mane asenyagora mondo ayudi, gik moko duto ne onge tiendgi, mana kalawo bangʼ yamo; onge ohala mane ayudo e bwo wangʼ chiengʼ.
12 And I turned myself to behold wisdom, and madness, and folly; for what shall the man [do] that cometh after the king? — that which hath already been done.
Bangʼe ne aketo pacha mondo angʼe pogruok manie kind rieko, memruok kod fuwo. En angʼo ma ruoth mokawo kar ruoth machielo nyalo timo moloyo mano mosetim?
13 And I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as light excelleth darkness.
Ne afwenyo ni rieko matut ber moloyo fuwo, mana kaka ler ber moloyo mudho.
14 The wise man's eyes are in his head, and the fool walketh in darkness; but I myself also perceived that one event happeneth to them all.
Ngʼatno man-gi rieko neno kuma odhiye, to ngʼama ofuwo to wuotho e mudho, to kata kamano ne afwenyo ni gimoro achiel ema timore ni ji ariyogi.
15 And I said in my heart, As it happeneth to the fool so will it happen even to me; and why was I then so wise? Then I said in my heart that this also is vanity.
Eka ne aparo e chunya niya, “Gima yudo ngʼama ofuwo biro yuda an bende. Koro en ohala mane ma abiro yudo kuom bedo gi rieko?” Bangʼe ne awacho e chunya niya, “Kata mana ma bende onge tiende.”
16 For there shall be no remembrance of the wise more than of the fool for ever; because everything is already forgotten in the days which come. And how dieth the wise even as the fool?
Mana kaka ngʼama ofuwo ok par, e kaka ngʼama nigi rieko bende ok par; nikech e ndalo mabiro ok nopargi giduto. Ngʼama ofuwo gi ngʼama riek, giduto gibiro tho machalre!
17 And I hated life; for the work that is wrought under the sun was grievous unto me; for all is vanity and pursuit of the wind.
Omiyo ne asin gi ngima, nikech tich mitimo e bwo wangʼ chiengʼ ne pek mohewa. Magi duto onge tiendgi, gichalo gi lawo bangʼ yamo.
18 And I hated all my labour wherewith I had been toiling under the sun, because I should leave it unto the man that shall be after me.
Ne asin gi gik moko duto mane asenyagora godo e bwo wangʼ chiengʼ, nikech nyaka ne awegi ne ngʼatno mabiro bangʼa.
19 And who knoweth whether he will be a wise [man] or a fool? yet shall he have rule over all my labour at which I have laboured, and wherein I have been wise under the sun. This also is vanity.
To ere ngʼama ongʼeyo ni ngʼat mabiro luwano nobed ngʼama ofuwo kata ngʼama riek? Kata obed mariek kata mofuwo, to obiro kawo gimoro amora mane aloso gi lucha. Ma bende ne ayudo ni onge tiende.
20 Then I went about to cause my heart to despair of all the labour wherewith I had laboured under the sun.
Omiyo chunya nochako hum nono kuom tije duto mane asenyagorago e bwo wangʼ chiengʼ.
21 For there is a man whose labour hath been with wisdom, and with knowledge, and with skill, and who leaveth it to a man that hath not laboured therein, to be his portion. This also is vanity and a great evil.
Nimar dhano nyalo tiyo tije gi rieko, gi ngʼeyo kod lony mar tich, to bangʼe nyaka owe gik moko duto ma en godo ne ngʼato nono mane ok otiyo tijego. Ma bende onge tiende kendo en hawi marach miwuoro.
22 For what will man have of all his labour and of the striving of his heart, wherewith he hath wearied himself under the sun?
En angʼo ma ngʼato yudo kuom tije matek motimo e bwo wangʼ chiengʼ?
23 For all his days are sorrows, and his travail vexation: even in the night his heart taketh no rest. This also is vanity.
Ndaloge duto mag tich en lit gi kuyo; kata mana gotieno pache onge gi kwe. Ma bende ne ayudo ni onge tiende.
24 There is nothing good for man, but that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God.
Onge gima ber ma dhano nyalo timo moloyo chiemo kod metho mi oyud mor e tije. Ma bende, aneno ni oa mana e lwet Nyasaye.
25 For who can eat, or who be eager, more than I?
Nikech ka ok en Nyasaye, to en ngʼa manyalo chiemo kendo yudo mor?
26 For he giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy; but to the sinner he giveth travail to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good in God's sight. This also is vanity and pursuit of the wind.
Ngʼatno ma Nyasaye morgo, omiyo rieko, ngʼeyo kod mor, to jaricho omiyo tich mar choko kendo kano mwandu mondo omi ngʼatno ma Nyasaye morgo. Ma bende ne ayudo ni onge tiende, mana ka ngʼama lawo bangʼ yamo.

< Ecclesiastes 2 >