< Deuteronomy 13 >

1 If there arise among you a prophet, or one that dreameth dreams, and he give thee a sign or a wonder,
Hagi kasnampa vahero, ava'nama ke vahe'ma amu'notmifima fore huno henkama fore'ma hania avame'zanku tamasamige, kaguvazanku tamasamige hanigeno,
2 and the sign or the wonder come to pass that he told unto thee, when he said, Let us go after other gods, whom thou hast not known, and let us serve them,
ana avame'zano kaguvazama efore hina, ana ava'nama ke vahe'mo'zama tamagrama antahita keta osu'ne'naza anumzanku'ma enketa mono huntamneno hanagetma,
3 — thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams; for Jehovah your God proveth you, to know whether ye love Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
ana kasanampa vahe keo, ava'na vahe'mofo ava'na kea ontahiho. Na'ankure Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamo'a tumotamireti'ene tamagu'areti huta avesintegahazo, reramaheno kegahie.
4 Ye shall walk after Jehovah your God, and ye shall fear him, and his commandments shall ye keep, and his voice shall ye hear; and ye shall serve him, and unto him shall ye cleave.
Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamofona amage'nentetma, koro huntetma agorga'a nemanitma, kasege'a nevariritma, ke'a nentahitma monora hunentetma, Agrira azeri kona hiho.
5 And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; for he hath spoken revolt against Jehovah your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, — to draw thee out of the way that Jehovah thy God commanded thee to walk in; and thou shalt put evil away from thy midst.
Hianagi e'i ana kasanampa vahero ava'na kema nehaza vahe'mo'zama tamazeri savari'ma hanaza vahera, zamahe friho. Na'ankure Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamo'ma Isipima kazokazo eri'za e'neritma mani'nazageno tamavreno atirami'nea Anumzana ha'renente'za, Agrama avaririhoma hu'nea kefintira tamazeri rukrahe hu'za havigante tamavrente'za nehaze. E'ina hu'negu kefozana amu'no tamifintira eritretma agru hiho.
6 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, who is to thee as thy soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods (whom thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers;
Hagi negafu'o, neka'amo'o, mofaka'amo'o, kavesinente'nana a'ka'amo'o, tavaonte roneka'amo oku'ama eme kasamino, egeta ru anumzama kagri negageho'ma keno antahino osu'nenia anumzante'ma mono ome huntamneno hu'za hanagenka,
7 of the gods of the peoples which are round about you, near unto thee, or far from thee, from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth),
e'i ana anumzantmina mago'a tavaontamire'ma manigagi'naza vahe'tmimofo anumzantminku hugahaze. Hagi mago'a anumzantmina afete moparega anumzantminku mono huzmante'nune hu'za hugahaze.
8 thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye spare him, neither shalt thou pity him, neither shalt thou screen him,
Hianagi kezmia ontahiho. Tamasunkura huzamanteta zamazeri frakinezmanteta zamagura ovaziho.
9 but thou shalt in any case kill him: thy hand shall be the first against him to put him to death, and afterwards the hands of all the people;
Hianagi tamagra zamahe friho. Ina a'mo'o ne'mo'ma tamavazuma hunaku'ma hanimofona tamagra ese havenknona zmahetenke'za, mago'a vahe'mo'za henka eme zamaheho.
10 and thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; for he hath sought to draw thee away from Jehovah thy God who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage;
E'ina hu'negu ana vahetmina havenknonu zamahe frinke'za friho. Na'ankure Isipima kazokazo eri'za e'nerita mani'nazageno tamavreno atiramino'ma e'nea Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamofontetira tamavre havifi netre.
11 and all Israel shall hear, and fear, and shall do no more any such wicked thing as this in thy midst.
E'ina hinkeno mago'a Israeli vahe'mo'zama ana nanekema antahisu'za, koro nehu'za mago'enena anahu kefo avu'ava zana amu'nontamifina osugahaze.
12 If in one of thy cities, which Jehovah thy God hath given thee to dwell there, thou hearest, saying,
Hagi Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamo'ma neramia kumatamimpi umani'neta antahi'nazana, mago kea anage huta antahigahaze.
13 There are men, children of Belial, gone out from among you, and they have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, whom ye have not known;
Hagi mago'a hazenke vahe'mo'za tamagri amu'nompinti oti'za ruga'a kumapi vu'za, enketa vuta ru anumzantami keta antahitama osu'nesaza anumzante monora ome huzmantamneno hu'za antahintahitamia tamazeri savari hugahaze.
14 then shalt thou inquire, and make search, and ask diligently; and if it be truth, [and] the thing be certain, that this abomination hath happened in the midst of thee,
Hagi e'inama hanaza kema antahisuta, havigefi tamagefi tamagra'a hakreta antahi so'e nehuta, kasri avu'avazama tamagema hu'ne'naza vahe'ma haketa erifore'ma hanuta,
15 thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, devoting it to destruction, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword.
ana kumapi vahe'tamine bulimakao afutaminena, kazinteti maka zamahe fri vagareho.
16 And all the spoil of it shalt thou gather into the midst of the open place thereof, and shalt burn the city with fire, and all the spoil thereof, wholly to Jehovah thy God; and it shall be a heap for ever; it shall not be built again.
Maka ana kumapinti'ma erisaza zantamina ana kuma amu'nompi eritru hutetma, Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamofontega ofagna hutma ana kuma'enena krefanane hinkeno, mago'anena eri fatgo hu'za ana kumapina omaniho.
17 And thou shalt not let anything cleave to thy hand of the devoted thing; that Jehovah may turn from the fierceness of his anger, and shew thee mercy, and have compassion upon thee, and multiply thee, as he hath sworn unto thy fathers;
Hagi krefanane hihoma hu'nenia zana magore hutma e'oriho. E'ina hutama ana zantmima e'orisageno'a, Ra Anumzamo'a rimpa aheoramantegosianki, asunku huramantegahie. Agra asunku huramanteno, tamagehe'ima huhampri zamante'nea kante tamazeri ra hina, rama'a vahekrerfa fore hutma manigahaze.
18 when thou hearkenest to the voice of Jehovah thy God, to keep all his commandments which I command thee this day, that thou mayest do what is right in the eyes of Jehovah thy God.
Hagi Agra e'inama haniana tamagrama menima neramasmua kema antahitama Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamofo kasegema nevariritma, Agri avure'ma fatgo hu'nesia avu'avazama hanageno'a, e'inahura hugahie.

< Deuteronomy 13 >