< Acts 26 >

1 And Agrippa said to Paul, It is permitted thee to speak for thyself. Then Paul stretching out his hand answered in his defence:
AKRIPA ap masani ong Paulus: Koe me saladoklar en kapakaparok ki pein uk. Paulus ap kapa wei lim a, kadededar pein i:
2 I count myself happy, king Agrippa, in having to answer to-day before thee concerning all of which I am accused by the Jews,
I ap peren kidar maing nanmarki Akripa, me i pan kapakaparok mo’mui ran wet duen meakan, me Sus oko pang kin ia la,
3 especially because thou art acquainted with all the customs and questions which are among the Jews; wherefore I beseech thee to hear me patiently.
Pwe komui me erekilar en Sus oko ar lamalam o peipeidok kan, i ap poeki re omui, en kotin kanongama mamangi ia.
4 My manner of life then from my youth, which from its commencement was passed among my nation in Jerusalem, know all the Jews,
Ai wiawia kan arain maur i, me tapida Ierusalem ren sau i kan, Sus akan karos asa due.
5 who knew me before from the outset [of my life], if they would bear witness, that according to the strictest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee.
Irail me asa ia sang mas kokodo, ma re men kadede ia, me ngai kisan pwin kelail en at lamalam, me ad a Parisär.
6 And now I stand to be judged because of the hope of the promise made by God to our fathers,
Ngai ari mi mon kadeik, pweki ai kaporoporeki inau o, me Kot kotiki ong sam at akan.
7 to which our whole twelve tribes serving incessantly day and night hope to arrive; about which hope, O king, I am accused of [the] Jews.
Nan i inau o, me at kainok eisokriau kin kaporoporeki, me re pan pwaiki ong ar nantiong kaudok ong Kot ni ran o ni pong. Maing nanmarki Akripa iei kaporopor me i pang kila ren Sus oko.
8 Why should it be judged a thing incredible in your sight if God raises the dead?
Da me komail sota kamelele, me Kot kotin kaiasada me melar akan?
9 I indeed myself thought that I ought to do much against the name of Jesus the Nazaraean.
Mas o i kiki ong, me i en wiada meakan, me kaokaoe mar en Iesus en Nasaret.
10 Which also I did in Jerusalem, and myself shut up in prisons many of the saints, having received the authority from the chief priests; and when they were put to death I gave my vote.
I me i pil wiadar nan Ierusalem; o me saraui kan toto me i saliedier ong nan imateng murin ai aleer manaman sang ren samero lapalap akan o irail lao kamelar, ngai pil sauasa.
11 And often punishing them in all the synagogues, I compelled them to blaspheme. And, being exceedingly furious against them, I persecuted them even to cities out [of our own land].
I kame irail pan pak toto nan sinakoke kan karos, o koidong ong irail, re en lalaue, o ngai lingarangar kaualap pa’rail; i kin kame irail lel ong kanim en wai kan.
12 And when, [engaged] in this, I was journeying to Damascus, with authority and power from the chief priests,
A ni ai wiawia mepukat, o kokolang Damaskus ni manaman en samero lapalap,
13 at mid-day, on the way, I saw, O king, a light above the brightness of the sun, shining from heaven round about me and those who were journeying with me.
Maing nanmarki, nin sauas i ap kilangadar nani al o marain eu sang nanlang, me lingan sang katipin, me sensereda imp ai o me iang ia kai.
14 And, when we were all fallen to the ground, I heard a voice saying to me in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? [it is] hard for thee to kick against goads.
Kit karos lao pupedier nani pwel, i ap rongadar ngil eu, katitiki ong ia ni lokaia en Ipru: Saul, Saul da me koe kamekame kin ia? Nan a pan apwal ong uk, en tametame tek o.
15 And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest:
Ngai ari idok: Is komui Maing? Kaun o ap kotin masani: Ngai Iesus, me koe kin kame.
16 but rise up and stand on thy feet; for, for this purpose have I appeared to thee, to appoint thee to be a servant and a witness both of what thou hast seen, and of what I shall appear to thee in,
Koe ari paurida, kasinenda, pwe i me I pwaraki dong uk, pwen kasapwil uk ada, pwe koe en papa o saunkadede men en meakan, me koe kilangada, o meakan, me I pan kapwara dong uk.
17 taking thee out from among the people, and the nations, to whom I send thee,
O I pan dondoro sang uk ni pa en aramas akan o men liki kan me I pan kadar uk wei ong,
18 to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive remission of sins and inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith in me.
Pwen kapad pasang mas arail, pwe re en wuki sang rotorot, wuki ong marain, o sang ni manaman en Satan ong Kot, pwe re en lapwa sang dip ar akan, o ren ale ar soso ren me kamakelekele kidar poson.
19 Whereupon, king Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision;
Ari maing nanmarki Akripa, i sota sopeiki ong kasansal en nanlang o.
20 but have, first to those both in Damascus and Jerusalem, and to all the region of Judaea, and to the nations, announced that they should repent and turn to God, doing works worthy of repentance.
Pwe mas i padaki ong toun Damaskus o Ierusalem, o sap en Iudäa kan, o men liki kan, en kalula o wuki ong Kot, o kapwaiada wan kalula mau.
21 On account of these things the Jews, having seized me in the temple, attempted to lay hands on and destroy me.
Nan i me Sus akan saik ia kidi nan im en kaudok o, o re song kame ia la.
22 Having therefore met with [the] help which is from God, I have stood firm unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying nothing else than those things which both the prophets and Moses have said should happen,
Ari so, en Kot a kotin ieiang ia, me i mimieki lao lel ran wet, padapadaki me tikitik o me laud akan, o sota me i inda, i eta, me saukop akan o Moses pil masanier, me pan wiaui:
23 [namely, ] whether Christ should suffer; whether he first, through resurrection of [the] dead, should announce light both to the people and to the nations.
Ieteten, Kristus en kamekam, o me a pan men mas en me pan iasada sang ren me melar akan, o padaki ong toun wei o pil ong men liki kan duen marain o.
24 And as he answered for his defence with these things, Festus says with a loud voice, Thou art mad, Paul; much learning turns thee to madness.
A ni a kapung kila mepukat, pein i Pestus ap ngil laudeda masani: Paulus, koe iakalar! Om sukusukul toto me kapwepwe uk adar.
25 But Paul said, I am not mad, most excellent Festus, but utter words of truth and soberness;
A Paulus kotin masani: I sota iakalar maing isou Pestus, a i kin kida kasoi melel o pung.
26 for the king is informed about these things, to whom also I speak with all freedom. For I am persuaded that of these things nothing is hidden from him; for this was not done in a corner.
Pwe nanmarki kotin mangi duen mepukat; i me i pil aima padapadakieki ong i, pwe i asa, sota meakot, me a sota kotin ereki, pwe kaidin wasa rir, me mepukat wiauier.
27 King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets? I know that thou believest.
Nanmarki Akripa, komui poson saukop akan? I asa, me komui kin poson.
28 And Agrippa [said] to Paul, In a little thou persuadest me to become a Christian.
Akripa ap masani ong Paulus: Me tar kis, a komui pan kainong ong ia en saulangala.
29 And Paul [said], I would to God, both in little and in much, that not only thou, but all who have heard me this day, should become such as I also am, except these bonds.
Paulus masani: I ngongki ong Kot, me komui o karos, me rongerong ia ran wet, en dueta ngai, a iermen sal mata pot et.
30 And the king stood up, and the governor and Bernice, and those who sat with them,
Nanmarki, o kopina, o Pernise, o me iang irail kaipokedi wasa o, ap kotida,
31 and having gone apart, they spoke to one another saying, This man does nothing worthy of death or of bonds.
O kelepala, ap kapakaparok nan pung ar mamasani: Aramas men et sota kin wiada me war ong kamela de salidi.
32 And Agrippa said to Festus, This man might have been let go if he had not appealed to Caesar.
Akripa ap masani ong Pestus: Aramas men et pan lapwada, ma a sota dorolang Sisa.

< Acts 26 >