< Acts 25 >

1 Festus therefore, being come into the eparchy, after three days went up to Jerusalem from Caesarea.
Ana sa, Festus ma eh anyimo una uribe uni pin me sa na ra atari timeme, sa tiye ti taru ta aki, ma dusa uKaseriya uka aka Urishalima.
2 And the chief priests and the chief of the Jews laid informations before him against Paul, and besought him,
Unu dang uka tuma udenge Asere nan a re anu anyimo ayahudawa wa eh in bi bukum bi Bulus ahira a Festus
3 asking as a grace against him that he would send for him to Jerusalem, laying people in wait to kill him on the way.
. A gi ma gu, Bulus ma eh a Urishalima bati wa kem unaa u huna ume.
4 Festus therefore answered that Paul should be kept at Caesarea, and that he himself was about to set out shortly.
Ba Festus kabirka we magu a impi Bulus u Kasariya, me in haza ukuro abini ne a, ana me.
5 Let therefore the persons of authority among you, says he, going down too, if there be anything in this man, accuse him.
Barki ani me, an desa wa daki,”wa gu,”wa tarsa duru. Ingi ya ira iri mum i buri ahira unu me, idiku wuzi ni eru nishi me. t
6 And having remained among them not more than eight or ten days, he went down to Caesarea; and on the next day, having sat down on the judgment-seat, commanded Paul to be brought.
Ma ciki abini me tiye uwititari uhana tiye ukirau, ma kuri uhana Ukasariya.
7 And when he was come, the Jews who were come down from Jerusalem stood round, bringing many and grievous charges which they were not able to prove:
Sa ma biki, a Yahudawa u Urishalima wa tonno mamu nan me, wa ezin in bibukum gwardan bige sa da ba zin ma saa ba.
8 Paul answering for himself, Neither against the law of the Jews, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar, have I offended [in] anything.
Ba Bulus ma buki tize ti bura uni ce nume, da ma ira imum ibur ya Yahudawa ba, da ma ira imum iburu anyimo udenge Asere ba, daki ma kuru ma ira imum iburu ahira Kayisar ba, nyanini ma wuza.
9 But Festus, desirous of obliging the Jews, to acquire their favour, answering Paul, said, Art thou willing to go up to Jerusalem, there to be judged before me concerning these things?
Festus ma nyari u tarsa ta Yahudawa, ma kabirka Bulus magu me, unyara tarsum uhan Urushalima me inka boo tize tuwe me bini me
10 But Paul said, I am standing before the judgment-seat of Caesar, where I ought to be judged. To the Jews have I done no wrong, as thou also very well knowest.
. Ba Bulus ma gu,”ma tonno aje ukponku uti Gomo ti Kyisar abuu tize me da akem ma wuna a Yahudawa mum ba hume urusa.
11 If then I have done any wrong and committed anything worthy of death, I do not deprecate dying; but if there is nothing of those things of which they accuse me, no man can give me up to them. I appeal to Caesar.
Bulus magu, ingi ma wuza ire mum ibur nani ma wuza imun gebe sa ya bari iwono, in da gam in wee ba. ingi bibukum bu we bini ahira hura ani, da ma ira de sa madi nyawe mi, ma tita anyimo ani za ni kayisar.
12 Then Festus, having conferred with the council, answered, Thou hast appealed to Caesar. To Caesar shalt thou go.
Ba festus ma buu tize nan ana katuma ka meme, magu, ma tita anyimo niza ni kayisar, madi ha ahira a kayisar.
13 And when certain days had elapsed, Agrippa the king and Bernice arrived at Caesarea to salute Festus.
Tiye cingilinti aki, Ogmo Agripa wan Bernice wa eh Ukaseriya ahira u orno uwe me uFestus.
14 And when they had spent many days there, Festus laid before the king the matters relating to Paul, saying, There is a certain man left prisoner by Felix,
Bulus ma ra abini me inti ye gwardan, Festus ma en Bulus ahira aroni me, magu we Felix ma ceki unu ugeme abame anyimo Ukorso.
15 concerning whom, when I was at Jerusalem, the chief priests and the elders of the Jews laid informations, requiring judgment against him:
Uganiya mara aUrishalima, un dandang ukatuma udenge Asere wan anu tarsa umeme anyimo a Yahudawa wa eh imalin mu nu geme ahira am, wa iki una uhuna u me.
16 to whom I answered, It is not [the] custom of the Romans to give up any man before that the accused have the accusers face to face, and he have got opportunity of defence touching the charge.
Ba ma gun we, a utanda wa yahudawa uni a nya unu ani me, barki ani me adi muti de sa a zin malin mame nan an de sa wa aye in malin me nani ma kyem ma buki tize tu bura uni ce nu meme.
17 When therefore they had come together here, without putting it off, I sat the next day on the judgment-seat and commanded the man to be brought:
Barki ani me, sa wa orno ahira am sarki ucara uganiya, ni ye ni kure in cukuno ukponku uti gomho in wu a en in nu nume anyimo.
18 concerning whom the accusers, standing up, brought no such accusation of guilt as I supposed;
Sa ana bibukum wa hiri wa buu bibukum me, in gusi nani wa zin in tize ti ka dure kani ahira unu me.
19 but had against him certain questions of their own system of worship, and concerning a certain Jesus who is dead, whom Paul affirmed to be living.
A, anime in iri tize tuwe me ta zome in ma saa ba, agi ma buu tizee ti bur asesere a uwe utanda me nan abanga iwono i Yesu sa Bulus ma inki iribani.
20 And as I myself was at a loss as to an inquiry into these things, I said, Was he willing to go to Jerusalem and there to be judged concerning these things?
Madiri imum i buka utize me ban, gume nani madi ha Urushalima waka buu tizee meni.
21 But Paul having appealed to be kept for the cognisance of Augustus, I commanded him to be kept till I shall send him to Caesar.
Ba a titi Bulus aka impo kasi ubuka me unu dang mi ingu me hana uka uwui ge sa ma tuburko we ahira kayisar.
22 And Agrippa [said] to Festus, I myself also would desire to hear the man. To-morrow, said he, thou shalt hear him.
Agrippa ma gu, in festus, indi nyari u kuna utize ti nume, “Nisizo,”festus magu,”uda kunname,”.
23 On the morrow therefore, Agrippa being come, and Bernice, with great pomp, and having entered into the hall of audience, with the chiliarchs and the men of distinction of the city, and Festus having given command, Paul was brought.
Sa, ahira sani, Agrippa wan Bernice wa eh nan nanu gwardan, wa eh anyimo anikubu ni tize me wanu unu cati uni pin udang nan nanu adang anipin me. Sa Festus ma guna a eh me, aka heze Bulus.
24 And Festus said, King Agrippa, and all men who are here present with us, ye see this person, concerning whom all the multitude of the Jews applied to me both in Jerusalem and here, crying out against [him] that he ought not to live any longer.
Festus magu Ogomo Agrippa, wan vat adesa wa zi na haru abame, ya irani unu ugeme, vat anu Uyahudawa wa han me a Urishalima nan a ba me, ba wa yeze a nyiran wagu nun ugeme ca a huu me.
25 But I, having found that he had done nothing worthy of death, and this [man] himself having appealed to Augustus, I have decided to send him;
Ba ma iri da ma wuna imum sa ya bari u huu na ba, barki sa anu dang ma titi me. Barki barki ani me aka aye me ahira Ogomo Agrippa. Barki in kem imum sa adi nyetike anyimo atize me.
26 concerning whom I have nothing certain to write to my lord. Wherefore I have brought him before you, and specially before thee, king Agrippa, so that an examination having been gone into I may have something to write:
Me da ma ira ma saa ba in tuburko unu wa ka kurso sarki u ira, azenzeng amem.
27 for it seems to me senseless, sending a prisoner, not also to signify the charges against him.
Barki u ira um i babana ini a tumum ahira avana Ugomo azo u ira imum be sa ma wuna ba.

< Acts 25 >