< Acts 19 >

1 And it came to pass, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul, having passed through the upper districts, came to Ephesus, and finding certain disciples,
Sa Afolos ma raa anyimo ukurinti, Bulus ma kase ani pin zalang uhana ani oin nu Afisa, abibime ma kem aye anu tarsa ume.
2 he said to them, Did ye receive [the] Holy Spirit when ye had believed? And they [said] to him, We did not even hear if [the] Holy Spirit was [come].
Bukus magun we, ''nani ya kaba bi be biriri uganiya sa nya kadure?'' wa kabirka, ''da tamu kunna abanga abi be biriri ba.''
3 And he said, To what then were ye baptised? And they said, To the baptism of John.
Bulus magun, ''nya uzurro uni awuzi shi?'' wagun me, ''uzuro uyahaya''
4 And Paul said, John indeed baptised [with] the baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe on him that was coming after him, that is, on Jesus.
Bulus ma kabrki magu, ''yahaya ma zurso anu in na banga u kaba Asere, magu wa nya mu ribe desa madi ē aduumo am, desa agusa me Yeso.''
5 And when they heard that, they were baptised to the name of the Lord Jesus.
Sa anu wa kunna anime, adusa azurso we anyimo aniza ni Yeso.
6 And Paul having laid [his] hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.
Uganiya sa Bulus ma tara we tari, bi be biriri bi tu awe wa boo tizze ina nymiran asessas nan uboo imum besa i eze aje.
7 And all the men were about twelve.
Wazi anu ukirau in ware.
8 And entering into the synagogue, he spoke boldly during three months, reasoning and persuading [the things] concerning the kingdom of God.
Bulus ma ribe udenge Asere unu dungara anu sarki biyau uhana ti pe ti taru, mazi utarsa ina anu sa wadi tinka me wa nya mu riba ini mum besa izi ati gomo ta Asere.
9 But when some were hardened and disbelieved, speaking evil of the way before the multitude, he left them and separated the disciples, reasoning daily in the school of Tyrannus.
Barki mare mayahudawa sa zi gbas, wa gawe u tarsa utizi me, wa tubi ucara uti naa ti Yeso aje anu. Barki anime bulus ma hunguko nice nume nan andesa wa zi nan me anu uhem. Ma tupi udungara a makaranta ma tiranus.
10 And this took place for two years, so that all that inhabited Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks.
Mari aje anime uhana atiwe tire vat adesa wa ciki anyimo Asiya wa kunna tizze ta Asere, ma yahudawa nan mahelenawa.
11 And God wrought no ordinary miracles by the hands of Paul,
Asere ma wuzi timum ti ririn ti unya biyau a tarti bulus.
12 so that even napkins or aprons were brought from his body [and put] upon the sick, and the diseases left them, and the wicked spirits went out.
Anu ti koni wa hunza, agbergene wa susi anyimo anu, uganiya sa wa kabsi mu tira nan ma gbeptu ahira a bulus.
13 And certain of the Jewish exorcists also, who went about, took in hand to call upon those who had wicked spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, I adjure you by Jesus, whom Paul preaches.
Mare mayahudawa wa rani a bare wa tarsi matara, wa ziki ace aweme agi uwadi wuzi katuma in niza ni Yeso, ''wagu ta gunan shi a nyimo niza ni bukus sa madungara tini, surono.''
14 And there were certain [men], seven sons of Sceva, Jewish high priest, who were doing this.
An desa wa wuzi anime anu usunare wani ahana unu udang ukatuma ka asere uyahudawa na zame siba.
15 But the wicked spirit answering said to them, Jesus I know, and Paul I am acquainted with; but ye, who are ye?
Bibe bizenzen sa ma kabirka magu, in rusa Yeso, in rusa bulus, shi aka veni?''
16 And the man in whom the wicked spirit was leaped upon them, and having mastered both, prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.
Ba bebi bizenzen sa bi raa anyimo unu me bi garte abe reme ma teki nikara nuwe ma tire we. Wa aki unu sum wa suri udenge nuwe yeyen peren unu sara ati hi hira.
17 And this became known to all, both Jews and Greeks, who inhabited Ephesus, and fear fell upon all of them, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.
18 And many of those that believed came confessing and declaring their deeds.
Anu tarsa gbardang, wa e wa boo timumum ti buri sa wa wuzi.
19 And many of those that practised curious arts brought their books [of charms] and burnt them before all. And they reckoned up the prices of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.
Abere wa ezin matagarda maweme wa punzi aje anu, abasa imum be sa wazini ya biki ma dubu akuri ucibi nan azumo a walwal.
20 Thus with might the word of the Lord increased and prevailed.
Tize ta Asere ta samirka in ni kara ati naa gbardang.
21 And when these things were fulfilled, Paul purposed in his spirit to go to Jerusalem, passing through Macedonia and Achaia, saying, After I have been there I must see Rome also.
Sa bulus ma maraa katuma ku wuzi tize ta Asere u afisa, bibe bi tarsi in me uhana umaki doniya nan akiya unaa uhana a urushalima tace, ''ingi ma hana abini me, indi haa uroma.''
22 And having sent into Macedonia two of those ministering to him, Timotheus and Erastus, he remained himself awhile in Asia.
Bukus matumi anu tarsa umeme ana ware timoti nan irastus uhana umaki doniya, adesa wa benki me. Me ince nume ma be a Asita uhana aku ganiya cin.
23 And there took place at that time no small disturbance about the way.
Uganiya uginome awuzi uhirza iriba idanga afisa barki unaa uginome.
24 For a certain [man] by name Demetrius, a silver-beater, making silver temples of Artemis, brought no small gain to the artisans;
Uye unu zunzume ni zame Damatrayus desa ma zumo makiri ma zumo abalbal ma dayana, desa katuma ka gino me ini ikirfi gbardang.
25 whom having brought together, and those who wrought in such things, he said, Men, ye know that our well-living arises from this work,
Ma urso anu zunzume magun we, ''irusa unu unaa ugino uni kenzi ikirfi gbardang.
26 and ye see and hear that this Paul has persuaded and turned away a great crowd, not only of Ephesus, but almost of all Asia, saying that they are no gods which are made with hands.
Ya ira ya kunna agi, dasi u afisawa cas ba, vat u pash unipin ni asiya bulus ugeme ma ranga we. Ma gusa we agi ada barame Asere in tari ba.
27 Now not only there is danger for us that our business come into discredit, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis be counted for nothing, and that her greatness should be destroyed whom the whole of Asia and the world reveres.
Katuma tari aru cas kadi ziti ba, nan udenge Asere aruma danyana udang madi cukuno sarki katuma. A'anime madi diri ni kara numeme, me nan vat nipin ni asiya sa une u wuza me ninonza.
28 And having heard [this], and being filled with rage, they cried out, saying, Great [is] Artemis of the Ephesians.
Sa wa kunna anime wa kunna iriba, wa titi ini kara wagu, ''une udang mani Dayana u afisa.''
29 And the [whole] city was filled with confusion, and they rushed with one accord to the theatre, having seized and carried off with [them] Gaius and Aristarchus, Macedonians, fellow-travellers of Paul.
Nioin ni curnome, anu wa hiri debe uhana ahira ani ori. Uganiya ugino me, wa mu miki aroni atanu ti bulus, wato Gayus nan Aristakus adesa wa ē usuru u makidoniya.
30 But Paul intending to go in to the people, the disciples suffered him not;
Bulus ma nya nice ma ribi anyimo anigura me, anu utara umeme wa karti me.
31 and some of the Asiarchs also, who were his friends, sent to him and urged him not to throw himself into the theatre.
Ane ani cangi are aroni a Bulus sa wazi anu adang ati kira ta anu asiya wa tuni me uni iko unio kara kati ma ribe anyimo ani ori me ba.
32 Different persons therefore cried out some different thing; for the assembly was tumultuous, and the most did not know for what cause they had come together.
Are anu wa zinu tira igiri ahira ire imum, sas barki mu riba ma anu mu hirsa. Gbardang anyimo aweme da wa rusi wa ornu barki nyanini ba.
33 But from among the crowd they put forward Alexander, the Jews pushing him forward. And Alexander, beckoning with his hand, would have made a defence to the people.
Mayahudawa wa turi iskandari aje ani gora na anu, iskandari ma witi tari tume aseseri barki ma buki nigora tizze.
34 But, recognising that he was a Jew, there was one cry from all, shouting for about two hours, Great [is] Artemis of the Ephesians.
Sa wa tinka me uyahudawa mani, vat uwe wa wu uhunu uhana uma awe ma ree, ''unu dang mani dayana u afisa.''
35 And the townclerk, having quieted the crowd, said, Ephesians, what man is there then who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is temple-keeper of Artemis the great, and of the [image] which fell down from heaven?
Sa unu yettike unipin ma gbarikawe ma si nice nuwe, magu, ''shi anu afisa, aveni mada rusa me nipin nu afisa nini ni ubu na Asere nan dayana, unu udang nan u hurtu ugebesa sa wa rizi usuro aseseri?
36 These things therefore being undeniable, it is necessary that ye should be calm and do nothing headlong.
Da aguna imum igino me macico mani ba, ingara ni tik kati iwuzi ire imum yak-yak.
37 For ye have brought these men, [who are] neither temple-plunderers, nor speak injuriously of your goddess.
Ya aye ni anu aginome, anyimo udenge u weki utize da agi we akeri udenge Asere wani ba nani adesa wa buka aburi ahira Asere aru ba.
38 If therefore Demetrius and the artisans who [are] with him have a matter against any one, the courts are being held, and there are proconsuls: let them accuse one another.
Barki anime ingi Damatrayus nan unu uzunzume sa wa zina nan barki tire tizze ahira uye, ti denge ti wasi utizze ti zi fong anu wesi utizze wa rani. Na wa han we inace awe.
39 But if ye inquire anything concerning other matters, it will be settled in the regular assembly.
Ingi tizze ti ugunkuno ti rani, adi barka we ani gora nuru uganiya-uganiya.
40 For also we are in danger to be put in accusation for sedition for this [affair] of to-day, no cause existing in reference to which we shall be able to give a reason for this concourse.
Barki ti raa anyimo ana ye ma bit barki uhirza umu riba mu kani me. Tizo duru ini mum me sa ya hirza mu riba ma anu ti kuri ti zon duru ini mumu ibuka aseseri imum ba.
41 And having said these things, he dismissed the assembly.
Sa ma buka anime, ma samirka nigora me.

< Acts 19 >