< 2 Kings 8 >

1 And Elisha had spoken to the woman whose son he had restored to life, saying, Rise up and go, thou and thy household, and sojourn wheresoever thou canst sojourn; for Jehovah has called for a famine, and it shall also come upon the land for seven years.
Hanki fri'negeno Elisa'ma azeri oti'nea rise'mofo nererana, Elisa'a mago zupa vuno nanekea amanage huno ome asami'ne, Otinka nagaka'a zamavarenka ina moparega atupa knafi umaniku'ma hanana moparega umanio. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamo'a huno, amama mani'nona mopafina 7ni'a kafufi ne'zana omanenesigeno zamaga tontozanku hugahaze huno hu'ne.
2 And the woman rose up, and did according to the saying of the man of God, and went, she and her household, and sojourned in the land of the Philistines seven years.
Higeno ana a'mo'a otino Ra Anumzamofo eri'za ne' Elisa'ma hianke antahino, naga'a zamavareno Filistia vahe'mokizmi moparega vu'za, anantega 7ni'a kafu umani'naze.
3 And it came to pass at the seven years' end, that the woman returned out of the land of the Philistines; and she went forth to cry to the king for her house and for her land.
Anante ana 7ni'a kafua evuvagaretegeno, ana a'mo'a Filistia mopa atreno, Israeli mopare eteno, mopa'ane noma'ane ete erinaku kini ne'mofonte vuno keaga ome hu'ne.
4 And the king was talking with Gehazi, the servant of the man of God, saying, Tell me, I pray thee, all the great things that Elisha has done.
Hagi ana knarera kini ne'mo'a Anumzamofo eri'za ne' Elisama azama nehia ne' Gehasina asmino, Elisa'ma maka ranra eri'zama eri'nea zamofo agenkea nasmio.
5 And it came to pass as he was telling the king how he had restored a dead body to life, that behold, the woman whose son he had restored to life cried to the king for her house and for her land. And Gehazi said, My lord, O king, this is the woman, and this is her son, whom Elisha restored to life.
Higeno Elisa'ma mago rise'ma fri'nefinti azeri oti'nea zamofo agenkea Gehasi'a kini nera nesamigeno, anante ana mofavremofo nerera'a, mopa'ane noma'anenku kini ne' antahigeno erisigu e'ne. Anante ana ara egeno Gehasi'a kini nera asmino, kema hua a'ene, fri'nefinti'ma azeri oti'nea mofavre'anena amu nea'anki ko.
6 And the king asked the woman, and she told him. And the king appointed a certain chamberlain, saying, Restore all that was hers, and all the revenue of the land since the day that she left the country even until now.
Hanki anante kini ne'mo'a Elisa'ma tro'ma hu'nea zanku ana ara antahigegeno, ana a'mo'a maka nanekea asmi vagare'ne. Ana hutegeno anante kini ne'mo'a mago eri'za vahe'a asmino, inazano agri'zama mene'niazane, mopa'ama atreno vu'nenia knareti'ma eno meninte'ma esnigeno'ma, ana mopafinti zama zagore'ma atreno eri'nesia zagone, ana maka mopanena ome eri amio.
7 And Elisha came to Damascus; and Ben-Hadad the king of Syria was sick; and it was told him saying, The man of God is come hither.
Hanki mago zupa Elisa'a Siria vahe'mokizmi rankumate Damaskasi vu'ne. Ana zupa Siria kini nera Ben-Hadati'a kri eri'nege'za, ana kini nera eme asami'za, Anumzamofo eri'za ne' Elisa'a ama emarerie.
8 And the king said to Hazael, Take a present in thy hand, and go, meet the man of God, and inquire of Jehovah by him, saying, Shall I recover from this disease?
Higeno kini ne'mo'a mago eri'za ne'a Hazaelina asmino, Mago musezana eri'nenka vunka Anumzamofo eri'za nera ome asamigeno nagra krifintira kanamregahufi, Ra Anumzamofona ome antahigeno keno.
9 And Hazael went to meet him, and took with him a present, even of every good thing of Damascus, forty camels' burden; and he came and stood before him, and said, Thy son Ben-Hadad king of Syria has sent me to thee, saying, Shall I recover from this disease?
Anage higeno Hazaeli'a ome amisia muse zantamima eri'neana, 40'a kemolimofo agumpi Damaskasiti maka knare'nare feno zantamina erinteno erino Elisante vu'ne. Anante uhanatiteno Elisana anage huno asmi'ne, Kagri eri'za ne' Ben-Hatati'a hunanteno, kri'afintira kanamregahufi ome antahigenka ko hige'na e'noe.
10 And Elisha said to him, Go, say to him, Thou wilt certainly recover. But Jehovah has shewn me that he shall certainly die.
Higeno Elisa'a kenona'a amanage huno asmi'ne, Vunka ome asmio, kri'afintira knamaregahie. Hianagi Ra Anumzamo'ma naveri hu'neana tamage huno frigahie.
11 And he settled his countenance stedfastly, until he was ashamed; and the man of God wept.
Anante Elisa'ma ana nanekema asmiteno'a, Hazaeli avufi keteno mani'negeno anama hiazanku Hazaeli'a agazegu higeno, anante Elisa'a zavi ate'ne.
12 And Hazael said, Why does my lord weep? And he said, Because I know the evil that thou wilt do to the children of Israel: their strongholds wilt thou set on fire, and their young men wilt thou kill with the sword, and wilt dash in pieces their children, and rip up their women with child.
Ana zavi'ma ateazanku, Hazaeli'a antahigeno, Kva vahenimoka na'a agafare zavira netane, huno higeno Elisa'a kenona'a huno, Zavi'ma toana na'ankure henka'a kagra Israeli vahera tusi hazenke nezaminka, kuma kegina'zamia anafenafu hunka teve negrenka, nehazaveramina kazinteti zamahe nefrinka, ne'onse mofavreramina zamazerinka mopafi ruhapatinka nezamahenka, zamu'enema hu'nenaza a'nea kazinteti zamarimpa retragufegahane.
13 And Hazael said, But what, is thy servant a dog, that he should do this great thing? And Elisha said, Jehovah has shewn me that thou wilt be king over Syria.
Hagi ana kema Hazaeli'ma nentahino'a kenona'a huno, Nagra kragna hu'na nagi omne vahe mani'noanki, inankna hu'na e'inahu zantamina hunaku hugenka nehane. Higeno anante Elisa'a asmino, Kagrikura henka'a Siria vahe kini fore hugahane huno Ra Anumzamo'a naveri hu'ne.
14 And he departed from Elisha, and came to his master, who said to him, What did Elisha say to thee? And he said, He told me [that] thou wouldest certainly recover.
Anagema hutegeno'a, anantetira Hazaeli'a atreno kini ne' Ben-Hadati'ma mani'nerega vigeno, kini ne'mo'a antahigeno, Na'ane huno Elisa'a kasami'ne. Higeno Hazaeli'a asmino, Elisa'a kagrikura huno, tamage hunka knamregahane hu'ne.
15 And it came to pass the next day, that he took the coverlet and dipped [it] in water, and spread it over his face, so that he died; and Hazael reigned in his stead.
Hianagi ana knamofo anante knazupa, Hazaeli'a kini ne ahefrinaku, mago franketa erino timpi rerinke huteno, erino vuno kini ne'mofo avugosafi ome rufiteno rentrako higeno fri'ne. Ana higeno Hazaeli'a agri kuma erino kini fore huno mani'ne.
16 And in the fifth year of Joram the son of Ahab, king of Israel, Jehoshaphat being then king of Judah, Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, began to reign.
Hanki Ahapu nemofo, Joramu'a 5fu'a kafuma Israeli vahe kinima nemanigeno'a, Jehosafati nemofo Jehoramu'a nefa no erino, agafa huno Juda vahe'mokizmi kinia mani'ne.
17 He was thirty-two years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem.
Hanki Joramu'a 32'a kafu hu'neno kinia efore huno, 8'a kafufi Jerusalemi kumatera kinia mani'ne.
18 And he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, as did the house of Ahab, for the daughter of Ahab was his wife; and he did evil in the sight of Jehovah.
Ana huteno Joramu'a, Ra Anumzamofo avure'ma kumi'ma hu'neana, Ahapu mofa ara eriteno, Ahapu naga'mo'zama nehaza havi zamavu'zmava'ene, Israeli kini vahe'mo'zama nehaza havi zamavu'zmavara zamage anteno hu'ne.
19 But Jehovah would not destroy Judah, for David his servant's sake, as he had promised him to give him always a lamp for his sons.
Hianagi Ra Anumzamo'a eri'za vahe'a Devitina antahinemino, Juda vahera zamazeri havizana osu'ne. Na'ankure Agrama huvempa huno, Deviti naga'pintike maka zupa kinia mani anante nante hu'za nevanageno, Deviti nagamofo lamu tavimo'a asu osugahiema huno hu'nea kegu agesa nentahino anara osu'ne.
20 In his days Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah, and they set a king over themselves.
Hanki Jehoramu'ma Juda vahe kinima mani'neno kegavama huzmante'nea knafina, Idomu vahe'mo'za Juda vahe kinimofo kea ontahi'za zamagra'a kini azeri oti'zageno kegava huzmante'ne.
21 And Joram went over to Zair, and all the chariots with him; and he rose up by night, and smote the Edomites who had surrounded him, and the captains of the chariots; and the people fled into their tents.
Hanki anama hazageno'a, Jehoramu'a karisifima mani'ne'za ha'ma nehaza sondia vahe zamavareno, Zairi kumate Idomu vahe ha' huzmanteku vu'ne. Anantega vutazage'za Idomu vahe'mo'za e'za kafona eme regagi zamante'naze. Anama hazage'za, kenage Jehoramu'ene karisire ugota hu'naza sondia vahe'mo'za hara hanaveti'za hu'naze. Hianagi Idomu vahe'mo'za hara huzmagaterage'za atre'za koro fre'za nozamirega e'naze.
22 But the Edomites revolted from under the hand of Judah unto this day. Then Libnah revolted at the same time.
Ana hazage'za Juda vahera, Idomu vahe'mo'za hara hu zamagatere'ne'za zamagra'a kegava hu'za mani'ne'za meninena mani'za neaze. Hanki ana knafina Libna ran kumate'ma nemaniza vahe'mo'za anahukna hu'za Juda vahe'mokizmi kea ontahi'za ha' rezmante'za zamagra'a zamagiare oti'naze.
23 And the rest of the acts of Joram and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?
Hanki ruga'a zantamima Jehoramu'ma kinima mani'neno tro'ma hu'nea zamofo agenkea, Juda kini vahe'mokizmi zamagi zamagenkema krenentaza avontafepi krente'naze.
24 And Joram slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David; and Ahaziah his son reigned in his stead.
Hagi Jehoramu'a frige'za, Deviti rankumapi agehemozama frizage'zama asezmante'nafi ome asente'naze. Ana hutegeno nemofo Ahazia'a agri no erino kinia mani'ne.
25 In the twelfth year of Joram the son of Ahab, king of Israel, Ahaziah the son of Jehoram, king of Judah, began to reign.
Hanki Ahapu nemofo, Joramu'ma 12fu'a kafuma Israeli vahe'mokizmi kinima nemanigeno'a, Jehoramu nemofo Ahazia'a agafa huno Juda vahe'mokizmi kinia mani'ne.
26 Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he began to reign; and he reigned one year in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was Athaliah, the daughter of Omri king of Israel.
Hagi Ahazia'a 22'a kafu nehuno, kinia efore huno, magoke kafufi Jerusalemi kumatera kinia mani'ne. Ahazia nerera agi'a Atalia'kino agra Ahapu mofa mani'neankino, Israeli vahe'mokizmi korapa kini ne' Omri negeho mani'ne.
27 And he walked in the way of the house of Ahab, and did evil in the sight of Jehovah, like the house of Ahab; for he was the son-in-law of the house of Ahab.
Hanki Ahazia'a Ahapu naga'mo'zama nehaza zamavu'zmava huno, Ra Anumzamofo avurera havi avu'avaza hu'ne. Na'ankure agra Ahapu naga'pinti ara eri'negu zamage anteno anara hu'ne.
28 And he went with Joram the son of Ahab to the war against Hazael the king of Syria at Ramoth-Gilead; and the Syrians wounded Joram.
Hanki mago zupa Ahazia'ene, Ahapu nemofo Israeli kini ne Joramukea, Giliati kaziga Ramoti kumate vuke, Siria kini ne' Hazaelina ha' ome hunte'na'e. Ana hu'na'anagi Siria sondia vahe'mo'za Joramuna keve aheguzafa ante'naze.
29 And king Joram returned to be healed in Jizreel of the wounds that the Syrians had given him at Ramah, when he fought with Hazael king of Syria. And Ahaziah the son of Jehoram, king of Judah, went down to see Joram the son of Ahab at Jizreel, for he was sick.
Hanki Ramoti kumate'ma ha'ma nehigeno Siria vahe'mo'zama kevema ahe'naza zampinti knamrenigu kini ne' Ahapu nemofo Joramu'a atreno vuno Jezrili kumate umani'negeno, Juda vahe kini ne' Jehoramu nemofo Ahazia'a ome kenaku anantega urami'ne.

< 2 Kings 8 >