< 1 Kings 3 >

1 And Solomon allied himself by marriage with Pharaoh king of Egypt, and took Pharaoh's daughter, and brought her into the city of David, until he had ended building his own house, and the house of Jehovah, and the wall of Jerusalem round about.
Hagi Solomoni'a Isipi kini ne' Fero mofa'a ara erigeke, hara osuke mago zanarimpa huke manisaku kea huhagerafi'na'e. Hagi ana ara agra avreno Deviti rankumapi Jerusalemi ome ante'neno, noma'ane, Ra Anumzamofo none, Jerusalemi kumamofo vihunena trohu vagare'ne.
2 Only, the people sacrificed on the high places; for there was no house built to the name of Jehovah, until those days.
Hagi ana knafina Israeli agonaramintega mareri'za ofa ome Ra Anumzamofontega kresramna vu'naze. Na'ankure e'ina knafina Ra Anumzamofo agirera mono nona onki'nazage'za anara hu'naze.
3 And Solomon loved Jehovah, walking in the statutes of David his father; only, he sacrificed and burned incense on the high places.
Hagi Solomoni'a Ra Anumzamofona Deviti'ma hu'neaza huno avesinenteno trakea avaririneanagi, agonarega vuno Anumzamofontega ofa'a ome kresramna vu'ne.
4 And the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there; for that was the great high place: a thousand burnt-offerings did Solomon offer up upon that altar.
Hagi kini ne'mo'a Gibioni kumate ofa ome Kresramana vuku vu'ne. Na'ankure Gibioni agonaramimpina mareri agatereno agi me'nea kre sramnavu ita me'negeno vu'ne. Hagi e'i ana kre sramnavu itarera Solomoni'a 1tauseni'a bulimakaone sipisipi afuzaga tevefina kre fananehu ofa hu'ne.
5 In Gibeon Jehovah appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said, Ask what I shall give thee.
Hagi Gibioni kumate Ra Anumzamo'a Solomonina ava'nafi efore huno amanage huno asami'ne, Kavesinia zanku nantahigege'na kami'neno.
6 And Solomon said, Thou hast shewn unto thy servant David my father great loving-kindness, according as he walked before thee in truth, and in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with thee; and thou hast kept for him this great loving-kindness, that thou hast given him a son who sits upon his throne, as it is this day.
Higeno Solomoni'a amanage huno asami'ne, Kagri eri'za vaheka'a nenfa Devitina mevava kavesi'zanteti avesinte'nane. Na'ankure agra fatgo avu'ava nehuno tamage huno tumo'areti huno kavariri'ne. Hagi kagra vagaore kavesizanteti ne' mofavrea aminkeno menina agri nona erino kini tra'arera mani'ne.
7 And now, Jehovah my God, thou hast made thy servant king instead of David my father; and I am but a little child: I know not to go out and to come in.
Hagi nagra osi mofavregi'na vahe'ma kegavama hu'zana ontahi'noanagi, menina Ra Anumzana nagri Anumzamoka eri'za neka'a kinia nazeri otinke'na nenfa Deviti nona eri'noe.
8 And thy servant is in the midst of thy people which thou hast chosen, a great people, that cannot be numbered nor counted for multitude.
Hagi nagri vahere hunkama huhamprinana vahe amu'nompi menina nagra eri'za vahekamo'na mani'noe. Hagi e'i ana vahera rama'a vahekrerfa mani'nage'za, hamprigara osu'ne.
9 Give therefore to thy servant an understanding heart, to judge thy people, to discern between good and bad; for who is able to judge this thy numerous people?
E'ina hu'negu muse hugantoanki vahe'ma kegavama hu knare antahi'za namige'na vahera kegava hu'ne'na havi zane knare zanena refko hu'na kegava ha'neno. Na'ankure nagra knarera osu'noanki'na ama vahekrerfa kegava osugahue.
10 And the word pleased the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing.
Hagi Solomoni'ma knare antahi'zanku'ma antahigegeno'a Ra Anumzamo'a tusi muse nehuno,
11 And God said to him, Because thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for thyself long life, neither hast asked riches for thyself, nor hast asked the life of thine enemies, but hast asked for thyself discernment to understand judgment;
amanage huno asami'ne, Kagra kafuni'a erizaza huo hunka osuge, fenozankura nantahionkege, naza huge'na ha' vaheni'a zamaha'neno hunka osananki, knare antahi'za naminege'na havi zane knare zanena refko ha'neno hunka hananki'na,
12 behold, I have done according to thy word: behold, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart, so that there hath been none like unto thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee.
menina Nagra kema hana kante ante'na knare antahi'zana kamigahue. Hagi havi zane knare'zane refkohu knare antahi'zana ko'ma mani'za e'naza vahe'mo'za e'orinazankna antahi'za kamisugeno, ete henka kagrikna antahintahine vahera forera osutfa hugahie.
13 And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches and glory; so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days.
Hagi nantahima onke'nana zana fenone, ra agima ami'zanena antegofetu hu'na kaminena, maninkama vanampina mago kini ne'mo'a kagateoregahie.
14 And if thou wilt walk in my ways, to keep my statutes and my commandments, as thy father David did walk, then I will prolong thy days.
Hagi negafa'ma hu'neaza hunka Nagri navu'nava'ma nevaririnka, trake'ni'ane kasege'ni'anema kegavama hunka avaririsankena, kafuzageka'a eri za'za ha'nena zazate manigahane.
15 And Solomon awoke, and behold, it was a dream. And he came to Jerusalem, and stood before the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, and offered up burnt-offerings, and offered peace-offerings, and made a feast to all his servants.
Higeno anante Solomoni'a mase'nefintira antri huno otino keana amne ava'na ke'ne. Hagi anantetira atreno Jerusalemi kumate vuno Ra Anumzamofo huhagerafi huvempage bogisimofo avuga kre fananehu ofane, rimpa fru ofanena ome nehuno, eri'za vahe'anena ra ne'za kreno ne'ne.
16 Then came two women, harlots, to the king, and stood before him.
Hagi mago zupa savri atremokea Solomoni avuga eoti'na'e.
17 And the first woman said, Ah, my lord! I and this woman abode in one house; and I was delivered of a child with her in the house.
Hagi mago a'mo'a otiazamo amanage hu'ne, ranimoka, ama a'ene nagranena mago nompi nemanu'ankita, ama a'mo'a magoka nompi mani'nege'na mofavrea kasente'noe.
18 And it came to pass the third day after I was delivered, that this woman was delivered also; and we were together; no stranger was with us in the house, only we two were in the house.
Hagi 3'a zagegna evutegeno ama a'mo'a, mofavrea kasente'ne. Hagi ana nompina tagrake mani'noanki, mago vahera omanitfa hu'ne.
19 And this woman's child died in the night; because she had lain upon it.
Hianagi agra kenage mase'neno, mase rukrahe hirega mofavre'a rehapatigeno fri'ne.
20 And she arose at midnight, and took my son from beside me, while thy handmaid slept, and laid it in her bosom, and laid her dead son in my bosom.
Ana'ma nehuno'a mase himamrenoama'a agra kenage otiazamo nagri mofavrea eme avreno asumpinka agra aminte ome nenteno, fri'nea mofavre'a avreno nagri nasumpinka aminte eme ante'ne.
21 And when I rose in the morning to give my child suck, behold, it was dead; and I considered it in the morning, and behold, it was not my son, whom I bore.
Ana'ma hutege'na nanterama otina mofavreni'ama amima ami'za nehu'na koana, agra ko fri'ne. Hianagi ana mofavrema nanterama masama hige'na oti'na amima aminaku'ma koana, nagrama kasente'noa mofavrea omani'ne.
22 And the other woman said, No, for the living is my son, and the dead is thy son. And this one said, No, but the dead is thy son, and the living is my son. Thus they spoke before the king.
Hianagi mago a'mo'a ke'amofona anintaka huno amanage huno hu'ne, I'o mani'nea mofavrea nagri mofavregi, fri'nea mofavrea kagri mofavre. Anagema higeno'a, ese'ma nanekema hu'nea a'mo'a amanage hu'ne, I'o fri'nea mofavrea kagriki, mani'nea mofavrea nagri mofavre. Anage huke kini ne'mofo avuga fravazi'na'e.
23 Then said the king, The one says, This that is living is my son, and thy son is the dead; and the other says, No, for thy son is the dead, and my son is the living.
Hagi kini ne'mo'a amanage hu'ne, Tanagra huta nagri mofavremo kasefa huno mani'neanki, kagri mofavremo fri'ne, higeno, ete mago'mo'a huno, I'o kagri mofavremo fri'neanki, nagri mofavremo kasefa huno manine huta ha'e.
24 And the king said, Bring me a sword. And they brought a sword before the king.
Ha knareki bainati kazi erinka eme namio, huno kini ne'mo'a eri'za ne'agura higeno, bainati kazina erino avuga egeno,
25 And the king said, Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other.
amanage hu'ne, Kasefa huno mani'nea mofavrea amu'nompinti rutanerare hunka mago kaziga magomofo aminka, magokaziga magomofo amio.
26 Then spoke the woman whose was the living child to the king, for her bowels yearned over her son, and she said, Ah, my lord! give her the living child, and in no wise put it to death. But the other said, Let it be neither mine nor thine; divide it.
Anagema higeno'a ana mofavremofo nerera fatgo'amo'a tusiza huno avesi nenteankino amanage hu'ne, I'o ranimoka muse hugantoanki ohenka, agri amio huno hu'ne. Hianagi mago a'ma havigema nehia a'mo'a amanage hu'ne, Tamage hananki agri mofavrea omanige nagri mofavrea omanige hanianki, rutnerare huramio huno hu'ne.
27 And the king answered and said, Give this one the living child, and in no wise put it to death: she is its mother.
Hagi anante kini ne'mo'a amanage huno kenona hu'ne, Ese a'mo'ma ahe ofrita antu a' amiho huno'ma hia a'mo ana mofavremofona nerera fatgo mani'neanki ahe ofrita agri amiho.
28 And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had judged; and they feared the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him, to do justice.
Hagi kini ne'mo'ma knare'ma huno kema refko'ma hianke'ma maka Israeli vahe'mo'zama nentahi'za, kini nera koro hunte'naze. Na'ankure Anumzamofo knare antahizama me'negeno knare'ma huno nanekema refkoma hu'neazana zamagra ke'za antahiza hu'naze.

< 1 Kings 3 >