< 1 Kings 10 >

1 And the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon in connection with the name of Jehovah, and came to prove him with enigmas.
Og Dronningen af Seba hørte Salomos Rygte i Herrens Navn og kom for at prøve ham med mørke Taler.
2 And she came to Jerusalem with a very great train, with camels that bore spices and gold in very great abundance, and precious stones; and she came to Solomon, and spoke to him of all that was in her heart.
Og hun kom til Jerusalem med en saare stor Skare, med Kameler, som bare vellugtende Urter og saare meget Guld og kostbare Stene; og hun kom til Salomo og talte med ham alt det, som var i hendes Hjerte.
3 And Solomon explained to her all she spoke of: there was not a thing hidden from the king that he did not explain to her.
Og Salomo udtydede hende alle hendes Ord; der var ikke et Ord skjult for Kongen, som han ej udtydede hende.
4 And when the queen of Sheba saw all Solomon's wisdom, and the house that he had built,
Da Dronningen af Seba saa al Salomos Visdom og Huset, som han havde bygget,
5 and the food of his table, and the deportment of his servants, and the order of service of his attendants, and their apparel, and his cupbearers, and his ascent by which he went up to the house of Jehovah, there was no more spirit in her.
og Maden til hans Bord og hans Tjeneres Bolig, og hvordan de stode, som opvartede ham, og deres Klæder og hans Mundskænke og hans Opgang, ad hvilken han gik op til Herrens Hus: Da var hun ude af sig selv.
6 And she said to the king, It was a true report that I heard in mine own land of thine affairs, and of thy wisdom;
Og hun sagde til Kongen: Det Ord er sandt, som jeg har hørt i mit Land om dine Sager og om din Visdom.
7 but I gave no credit to the words, until I came and mine eyes had seen; and behold, the half was not told me: in wisdom and prosperity thou exceedest the report that I heard.
Og jeg troede ikke Ordene, førend jeg kom, og mine Øjne saa det, og se, ikke Halvdelen er mig forkyndt; du har mere Visdom og godt end efter Rygtet, sofh jeg hørte.
8 Happy are thy men! happy are these thy servants, who stand continually before thee, who hear thy wisdom!
Salige ere dine Mænd, salige ere disse dine Tjenere, som stedse staa for dit Ansigt, og som høre din Visdom.
9 Blessed be Jehovah thy God, who delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel! Because Jehovah loves Israel for ever, therefore did he make thee king, to do judgment and justice.
Lovet være Herren din Gud, som havde Lyst til at sætte dig paa Israels Trone; fordi Herren elsker Israel evindeligt, derfor satte han dig til Konge at gøre Ret og Retfærdighed.
10 And she gave the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and spices in very great abundance, and precious stones: there came no more such abundance of spices as those which the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon.
Og hun gav Kongen Hundrede og tyve Centner Guld og saare mange vellugtende Urter og kostbare Stene, der kom ikke ydermere saadanne Urter i Mangfoldighed som disse, hvilke Dronningen af Seba gav Kong Salomo.
11 (And the fleet also of Hiram, which carried gold from Ophir, brought from Ophir sandal-wood in very great abundance, and precious stones.
Dertilmed havde Hirams Skibe, som bragte Guld fra Ofir, ført saare meget Hebentræ og kostbare Stene fra Ofir.
12 And the king made of the sandal-wood a balustrade for the house of Jehovah, and for the king's house, and harps and lutes for the singers. There came no such sandal-wood, nor was there seen to this day.)
Og Kongen lod gøre Piller i Herrens Hus og i Kongens Hus af Hebentræ og Harper og Salter til Sangerne; saadant Hebentræ kom ikke og blev ikke ydermere set indtil denne Dag.
13 And king Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatever she asked, besides what he gave her of the bounty of king Solomon. And she turned and went to her own land, she and her servants.
Og Kong Salomo gav Dronningen af Seba alt det, hun havde Lyst til, som hun begærede, foruden det, han gav hende efter Kong Salomos Formue; og hun vendte om og drog til sit Land, hun og hendes Tjenere.
14 And the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold,
Og Vægten paa det Guld, som kom til Salomo paa et Aar, var seks Hundrede seks og tresindstyve Centner Guld,
15 besides what [came] by the dealers, and by the traffic of the merchants, and by all the kings of Arabia, and by the governors of the country.
foruden det, som indkom fra Toldbetjentene og Kræmmernes Købmandskab og fra alle Kongerne i Arabien og Fyrsterne i Landet.
16 And king Solomon made two hundred targets of beaten gold, — he applied six hundred [shekels] of gold to one target;
Og Kong Salomo lod gøre to Hundrede Skjolde af drevet Guld; seks Hundrede Sekel Guld lod han gaa paa hvert Skjold;
17 and three hundred shields of beaten gold, — he applied three minas of gold to one shield; and the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon.
og tre Hundrede smaa Skjolde af drevet Guld; tre Pund Guld lod han gaa paa hvert Skjold; og Kongen lagde dem i Libanons Skovhus.
18 And the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with refined gold:
Og Kongen lod gøre en stor Trone af Elfenben og beslog den med lutret Guld.
19 the throne had six steps, and the top of the throne was rounded behind; and there were arms on each side at the place of the seat, and two lions stood beside the arms;
Tronen havde seks Trin, og Hovedet paa Tronen var rundt bagtil, og der var Arme paa begge Sider til Sædets Sted, og to Løver stode ved Armene.
20 and twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other upon the six steps: there was not the like made in any kingdom.
Og der stod tolv Løver paa de seks Trin paa begge Sider; saadant er ikke gjort i noget Rige.
21 And all king Solomon's drinking vessels were of gold, and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of precious gold: none were of silver, [which] was not of the least account in the days of Solomon.
Og alle Kong Salomos Drikkekar vare af Guld, og alle Kar i Libanons Skovhus vare af fint Guld; der var intet Kar af Sølv, det agtedes ikke for noget i Salomos Dage;
22 For the king had on the sea a Tarshish-fleet, with the fleet of Hiram: once in three years came the Tarshish-fleet, bringing gold and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.
fordi Kongen havde Tharsisskibe paa Havet med Hirams Skibe, een Gang i tre Aar kom Tharsisskibene, som bragte Guld og Sølv, Elfenben og Aber og Paafugle.
23 And king Solomon was greater than all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom.
Og Kong Salomo blev større end alle Konger paa Jorden ved Rigdom og ved Visdom.
24 And all the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.
Og fra alle Lande søgte de Salomo for at høre hans Visdom, som Gud havde givet i hans Hjerte.
25 And they brought every man his present, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and clothing, and armour, and spices, horses and mules, a rate year by year.
Og de førte hver sin Skænk, Sølvkar og Guldkar og Klæder og Rustning og vellugtende Urter, Heste og Muler, hvilket skete aarligt.
26 And Solomon gathered chariots and horsemen; and he had a thousand four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen; and he placed them in the chariot-cities, and with the king at Jerusalem.
Og Salomo samlede Vogne og Ryttere, saa at han havde Tusinde og fire Hundrede Vogne og tolv Tusinde Ryttere, og han lod dem blive i Vognstæderne og hos Kongen i Jerusalem.
27 And the king made silver in Jerusalem as stones, and cedars made he as the sycamores that are in the lowland for abundance.
Og Kongen gjorde Sølvet i Jerusalem som Stenene og gjorde Cedertræerne som Morbærtræerne, der ere i Lavlandet, i Mangfoldighed.
28 And the exportation of horses that Solomon had was from Egypt: a caravan of the king's merchants fetched a drove [of horses], at a price.
Og Udførselen af Heste skete for Salomo fra Ægypten; og en Skare af Kongens Købmænd hentede en Skare for rede Penge.
29 And a chariot came up and went out of Egypt for six hundred [shekels] of silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty; and so they brought [them] by their means, for all the kings of the Hittites and for the kings of Syria.
Og der kom op og udførtes en Vogn af Ægypten for seks Hundrede Sekel Sølv og en Hest for Hundrede og halvtredsindstyve; og saaledes førte de dem ud til alle Hethiternes Konger og til Kongerne i Syrien ved egen Haand.

< 1 Kings 10 >