< 1 Corinthians 15 >

1 But I make known to you, brethren, the glad tidings which I announced to you, which also ye received, in which also ye stand,
Jaanong mmang ke lo gakolole, bakaulengwe, gore Efangele tota ke eng, gonne ga e a fetoga, e ntse ke one Mafoko a a Molemo a ke a lo reretseng pele. Lo a amogetse mme le gompieno lo santse lo le mo go one, gonne tumelo ya lona e agilwe ka go lekalekana mo godimo ga molaetsa o o hakgamatsang o;
2 by which also ye are saved, (if ye hold fast the word which I announced to you as the glad tidings, ) unless indeed ye have believed in vain.
mme ke Mafoko a a Molemo a, a a lo bolokang fa lo santse lo a dumela ka tlhomamo, fa e se fela fa lo ne lo se ka lwa a dumela lwa ntlha.
3 For I delivered to you, in the first place, what also I had received, that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures;
Ke lo boleletse fela go tswa kwa tshimologong se ke se boleletsweng gore Keresete o swetse dibe tsa rona fela jaaka Dikwalo di boletse.
4 and that he was buried; and that he was raised the third day, according to the scriptures;
Le gore o ne a fitlhwa le gore morago ga malatsi a le mararo o ne a tsoga mo phupung fela jaaka baporofiti ba boletse pele.
5 and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.
O bonywe ke Petere mme morago a bonwa ke botlhe “ba ba lesome le bobedi”.
6 Then he appeared to above five hundred brethren at once, of whom the most remain until now, but some also have fallen asleep.
Morago ga moo o bonywe ke bakaulengwe mo Moreneng ba feta makgolo a matlhano ka nako e le nngwe fela, ba bontsi jwa bone bo santseng bo tshela, le fa ba bangwe ba setse ba sule.
7 Then he appeared to James; then to all the apostles;
Mme Jakobe a mmona mme morago a bonwa ke baaposetoloi botlhe.
8 and last of all, as to an abortion, he appeared to me also.
Morago ga bone botlhe le nna ka mmona, lobaka lo lo leele morago ga ba bangwe, jaaka e ka re ke tsetswe moragorago mabapi le se.
9 For I am the least of the apostles, who am not fit to be called apostle, because I have persecuted the assembly of God.
Gonne ke mmotlana mo baaposetoloing botlhe, ebile ke ne ke sa tshwanela go bidiwa moaposetoloi gotlhelele ka ntlha ya ka fa ke neng ke bogisa phuthego ya Modimo ka teng.
10 But by God's grace I am what I am; and his grace, which [was] towards me, has not been vain; but I have laboured more abundantly than they all, but not I, but the grace of God which [was] with me.
Mme se ke leng sone gompieno, ke ka ntlha ya gore Modimo o tshetse bopelonomi jo bogolo le tshegofatso mo go nna, e seng kwa ntle ga maduo: gonne ke dirile thata go gaisa baaposetoloi ba bangwe botlhe, le fa go ntse jalo e ne e sa dirwe ke nna, mme Modimo o dira mo go nna, go ntshegofatsa.
11 Whether, therefore, I or they, thus we preach, and thus ye have believed.
Ga go na pharologanyo epe mo go yo o dirileng thata, nna kgotsa bone; selo sa botlhokwa ke gore re lo reretse Efangele, le gore lo e dumetse.
12 Now if Christ is preached that he is raised from among [the] dead, how say some among you that there is not a resurrection of [those that are] dead?
Mme mpolelelang se! Ka lo dumela se re se rerang, gore Keresete o ne a tsoga mo baswing, ke eng fa bangwe ba lona ba re baswi ga ba kitla ba rula?
13 But if there is not a resurrection of [those that are] dead, neither is Christ raised:
Gonne fa go se na tsogo ya baswi, jalo Keresete o tshwanetse a bo a santse a sule.
14 but if Christ is not raised, then, indeed, vain also [is] our preaching, and vain also your faith.
Mme fa a santse a sule, go raya gore thero yotlhe ya rona ga e na molemo le go tshepa Modimo ga lona ga go reye sepe, ga go na thuso, ga go na tsholofelo;
15 And we are found also false witnesses of God; for we have witnessed concerning God that he raised the Christ, whom he has not raised if indeed [those that are] dead are not raised.
mme le rona baaposetoloi re maaka rotlhe ka gore re rile Modimo o tsositse Keresete mo phupung, mme moo ga se boammaaruri fa baswi ba sa rule.
16 For if [those that are] dead are not raised, neither is Christ raised;
Fa ba sa rule, jalo go raya gore Keresete o santse a sule,
17 but if Christ be not raised, your faith [is] vain; ye are yet in your sins.
ebile lo dieleele thata go tswelela lo tshepa Modimo go lo boloka, mme lo santse lo le ka fa tlase ga katlholo ya maleo a lona;
18 Then indeed also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.
ka tsela eo, Bakeresete botlhe ba ba suleng ba latlhegile!
19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are [the] most miserable of all men.
Mme fa go nna Mokeresete go re solegela molemo gompieno mo botshelong jo, re dibopiwa tse di tlhomolang pelo.
20 (But now Christ is raised from among [the] dead, first-fruits of those fallen asleep.
Mme boammaaruri ke gore Keresete o tsogile mo baswing mme a nna wa ntlha wa batho ba ba didikadike ba ba tlaa rulang letsatsi lengwe.
21 For since by man [came] death, by man also resurrection of [those that are] dead.
Loso lo tsile mo lefatsheng ka ntlha ya se motho a le esi (Adamo) o se dirileng, ebile ke ka ntlha ya se motho yo mongwe yo (Keresete) o se dirileng gore jaanong go nne le tsogo ya baswi.
22 For as in the Adam all die, thus also in the Christ all shall be made alive.
Mongwe le mongwe o a swa ka ntlha ya gore rotlhe re ba losika lwa ga Adamo, re le maloko a lotso lwa gagwe a sebe, mme gongwe le gongwe kwa go nnang le sebe, loso lo a diragala. Mme botlhe ba losika lwa ga Keresete ba tlaa tsoga gape.
23 But each in his own rank: [the] first-fruits, Christ; then those that are the Christ's at his coming.
Mme le fa go ntse jalo mongwe le mongwe o tlaa tsoga ka fa thulaganong: Keresete o tsogile pele; mme fa Keresete a bowa, batho botlhe ba gagwe ba tlaa rula.
24 Then the end, when he gives up the kingdom to him [who is] God and Father; when he shall have annulled all rule and all authority and power.
Morago ga moo bokhutlo bo tlaa tla fa o tlaa busetsang bogosi kwa go Modimo Rara, a beile fa fatshe baba botlhe ba mefuta mengwe le mengwe.
25 For he must reign until he put all enemies under his feet.
Gonne Keresete o tlaa nna Kgosi go fitlhelela a fenya baba botlhe ba gagwe,
26 [The] last enemy [that] is annulled [is] death.
mmogo le mmaba wa bofelo ebong, loso. Le lone lo tshwanetse go fenngwa lwa ba lwa khutlisiwa.
27 For he has put all things in subjection under his feet. But when he says that all things are put in subjection, [it is] evident that [it is] except him who put all things in subjection to him.
Gonne Keresete o neetswe puso le taolo mo dilong tsotlhe ke Rraagwe; fa e se fela gore, Keresete ga a buse Rara ka bo ene, yo o mo neileng nonofo ya go busa.
28 But when all things shall have been brought into subjection to him, then the Son also himself shall be placed in subjection to him who put all things in subjection to him, that God may be all in all.)
Fa Keresete a sena go fenya baba ba gagwe mo ntweng, mme ene Morwa Modimo, o tlaa ipaya ka fa tlase ga ditaolo tsa ga Rraagwe, gore Modimo o o mo neileng phenyo mo go sengwe le sengwe o nne mogolo mo go tsotlhe.
29 Since what shall the baptised for the dead do if [those that are] dead rise not at all? why also are they baptised for them?
Fa baswi ba sa rule, jaanong go thusang gore batho ba kolobelediwe ba ba suleng? Ke eng fa lo go dira fa ele gore ga lo dumele gore letsatsi lengwe baswi ba tlaa tsoga.
30 Why do we also endanger ourselves every hour?
Mme ke eng fa rona re aga re tsenya matshelo a rona mo diphatseng re lebagana le loso nako le nako?
31 Daily I die, by your boasting which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Gonne ke boammaaruri gore ke lebagane le loso letsatsi le letsatsi; moo go boammaaruri fela jaaka boipelafatso jwa me mo go goleng ga lona mo Moreneng.
32 If, [to speak] after the manner of man, I have fought with beasts in Ephesus, what is the profit to me if [those that are] dead do not rise? let us eat and drink; for to-morrow we die.
Mme go ne go na le thuso ya eng mo go lona go lwantsha dibatana tsa naga, ebong batho bale ba Efeso, fa e ne e le ka ntlha ya se ke se amogelang mo botshelong jono? Fa e le gore ga re kitla re tshela gape re sena go swa, le rona go ka nna botoka gore re tsamaye re ye go iitumedisa; a re jeng, re nweng, mme re itumeleng. Pharologanyo ke eng? Gonne ka moso re a swa, mme seo se lere sengwe le sengwe kwa bokhutlong.
33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
Lo se ka lwa tsiediwa ke ba ba buang dilo tseo. Fa lo ba reetsa lo tlaa simolola go dira jaaka bone.
34 Awake up righteously, and sin not; for some are ignorant of God: I speak to you as a matter of shame.
Itharabologelweng, lo tlogele go leofa. Gonne go tlhabisa ditlhong go re, bangwe ba lona ga se Bakeresete gotlhelele ebile ga ba ise ba ke ba itse Modimo.
35 But some one will say, How are the dead raised? and with what body do they come?
Mme mongwe o ka botsa a re, “Baswi ba tlaa rudisiwa jang? Ba tlaa nna le mebele e e ntseng jang?”
36 Fool; what thou sowest is not quickened unless it die.
Ke potso ya boeleele jang! Fa o tsenya peo mo mmung ga e gole e nna setlhatshana fa e se gore e “swe” pele.
37 And what thou sowest, thou sowest not the body that shall be, but a bare grain: it may be of wheat, or some one of the rest:
Mme fa mogwang o motala o tswa mo teng ga peo, o pharologanyo thata le peo eo e o e jetseng lwa ntlha. Gonne se o se tsentseng mo mmung ke peo e nnye ya mabele e e omeletseng, kgotsa le fa e ka nna eng se o se jalang,
38 and God gives to it a body as he has pleased, and to each of the seeds its own body.
fela jalo Modimo o e neye mmele o montle o mosha, mofuta fela o o batlang e nna le one; ditlhatshana tse di farologaneng di tswa mo mofuteng mongwe le mongwe wa peo.
39 Every flesh [is] not the same flesh, but one [is] of men, and another flesh of beasts, and another [flesh] of birds, and another of fishes.
Mme fela jaaka go na le mefuta e e farologanyeng ya dipeo le ditlhatshana, fela jalo go na le mefuta e e farologanyeng ya nama. Batho, diphologolo, ditlhapi le dinonyane tsotlhe di a farologana.
40 And [there are] heavenly bodies, and earthly bodies: but different is the glory of the heavenly, different that of the earthly:
Baengele ba ba mo legodimong ba na le mebele e e farologanyeng thata le ya rona, le bontle le kgalalelo ya mebele ya bone e farologanye le bontle le kgalalelo ya rona.
41 one [the] sun's glory, and another [the] moon's glory, and another [the] stars' glory; for star differs from star in glory.
Letsatsi le na le kgalalelo e le nngwe fa ngwedi le dinaledi di na le mofuta o mongwe. Mme dinaledi le tsone di farologanye le tse dingwe ka bontle jwa tsone le phatsimo.
42 Thus also [is] the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruptibility.
Fela jalo, mebele ya rona ya selefatshe e e swang, e bo e bola, e farologanye le mebele e re tlaa nnang le yone fa re rula, gonne ga e kitla ee swa.
43 It is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power.
Mebele e re nang nayo gompieno e a re bogisa gonne e a lwala ebile e a swa; mme e tlaa tlala kgalalelo fa re rula. Ee, e bokoa, mebele e e swang gompieno, mme fa re sena go rula e tlaa bo e tletse nonofo.
44 It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body: if there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual [one].
Ke mebele ya setho fela mo losong, mme fa e rula e tlaa bo e le mebele e e nonofileng thata. Gonne fela jaaka go na le mebele ya tlholego, go na le mebele e e nonofileng ya semowa.
45 Thus also it is written, The first man Adam became a living soul; the last Adam a quickening spirit.
Dikwalo di bolela gore motho wa ntlha Adamo, o ne a neilwe mmele wa tlholego, mme Keresete o feta moo, gonne o ne a le Mowa o o nayang botshelo.
46 But that which is spiritual [was] not first, but that which is natural, then that which is spiritual:
Lwa ntlha, re na le mebele e ya setho mme moragonyana Modimo o tlaa re naya mebele ya semoya ya selegodimo.
47 the first man out of [the] earth, made of dust; the second man, out of heaven.
Adamo o ne a dirilwe ka lorole lwa lefatshe, mme Keresete o dule kwa legodimong.
48 Such as he made of dust, such also those made of dust; and such as the heavenly [one], such also the heavenly [ones].
Motho mongwe le mongwe o na le mmele o o tshwanang fela le wa ga Adamo, o dirilwe ka lorole, mme botlhe ba ba nnang ba ga Keresete ba tlaa nna le mmele o o tshwanang le wa gagwe mmele o o tswang kwa legodimong.
49 And as we have borne the image of the [one] made of dust, we shall bear also the image of the heavenly [one].
Fela jaaka mongwe le mongwe wa rona a na le mmele o o tshwanang le wa ga Adamo, jalo e tlaa re letsatsi lengwe re bo re na le mmele o tshwanang le wa ga Keresete.
50 But this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit God's kingdom, nor does corruption inherit incorruptibility.
Ke lo bolelela se, bakaulengwe: mmele wa selefatshe o o dirilweng ka nama le madi ga o kake wa tsena mo Bogosing jwa Modimo. Mebele e ya rona e e swang ga e a siamela go ka tshelela ruri.
51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all fall asleep, but we shall all be changed,
Mme ke lo bolelela sephiri se se sa tlwaelesegang se, se se hakgamatsang: ga re kitla re e swa rotlhe, mme re tlaa newa mebele e mesha rotlhe!
52 in an instant, in [the] twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
Go tlaa diragala gotlhe ka nakonyana ka ponyo ya leitlho, fa torompeta ya bofelo e lela. Gonne go tlaa nna le go galaotega ga torompeta mo loaping mme Bakeresete botlhe ba ba suleng ba tlaa rula, ka mebele e mesha e e se kitlang e tlhola ee swa; mme rona ba re sa ntseng re tshela re tlaa akofa re nna le mebele e mesha.
53 For this corruptible must needs put on incorruptibility, and this mortal put on immortality.
Gonne mebele ya rona ya selefatshe, e re nang nayo gompieno e e swang, e tlaa tshwanelwa ke go fetolelwa mo mebeleng ya selegodimo e e se ka keng ya a swa mme e tlaa tshela ka bosakhutleng.
54 But when this corruptible shall have put on incorruptibility, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall come to pass the word written: Death has been swallowed up in victory.
Fa se se direga, mme kwa bofelong lokwalo lo lo tlaa diragadiwa, lo lo reng, “Loso lo meditswe ke phenyo.”
55 Where, O death, [is] thy sting? where, O death, thy victory? (Hadēs g86)
Loso ana phenyo ya gago e kae? Go loma ga gago go kae? Gonne sebe, lobolela lo lo dirang loso, lo tlaa bo lo nyeletse; mme molao o o senolang dibe tsa rona o tlaa bo o sa tlhole o le moatlhodi wa rona. (Hadēs g86)
56 Now the sting of death [is] sin, and the power of sin the law;
57 but thanks to God, who gives us the victory by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Re leboga Modimo jang ka mo! Ke one o o re dirileng gore re fenye ka Jesu Keresete Morena wa rona.
58 So then, my beloved brethren, be firm, immovable, abounding always in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in [the] Lord.
Jalo bakaulengwe ba me, e re ka phenyo e e tlang e tlhomamisega, nonofang lo nitame, lo tshwaragane mo tirong ya Morena ka nako tsotlhe, gonne lo itse gore ga go sepe se lo se direlang Morena se se senyegang jaaka go ne go ka nna fa go ne go sena tsogo ya baswi.

< 1 Corinthians 15 >