< Zechariah 7 >
1 And it happened, in the fourth year of king Darius, that the word of the Lord came to Zechariah, on the fourth day of the ninth month, which is Kislev.
Потом четврте године цара Дарија дође реч Господња Захарији четвртог дана деветог месеца, Хаслева,
2 And Sharezer and Regemmelech, and the men who were with them, sent to the house of God, to entreat the face of the Lord,
Кад послаше у дом Божји Сарасара и Регемелеха и људе своје да моле Господа,
3 to speak to the priests of the house of the Lord of hosts and to the prophets, saying: “Must there be weeping with me in the fifth month, and must I sanctify myself, as I have now done for many years?”
И да говоре свештеницима, који беху у дому Господа над војскама, и пророцима, и кажу: Хоћемо ли плакати петог месеца одвајајући се, како чинисмо већ толико година?
4 And the word of the Lord of hosts came to me, saying:
И дође ми реч Господња Говорећи:
5 Speak to all the people of the land, and to the priests, saying: Although you may have fasted and mourned in the fifth and the seventh month for these seventy years, did you indeed keep a fast unto me?
Кажи свему народу земаљском и свештеницима, и реци: Кад постисте и тужисте петог и седмог месеца за седамдесет година, еда ли мени постисте?
6 And when you did eat and drink, did you not eat for yourselves, and drink only for yourselves?
А кад једете и пијете, не једете ли и не пијете ли сами?
7 Are not these the words that the Lord has spoken by the hand of the former prophets, when Jerusalem was still inhabited, so that it would prosper, itself and the cities around it, and those inhabitants towards the South and in the plains?
Нису ли то речи које је Господ прогласио преко пређашњих пророка, кад Јерусалим беше насељен и миран и градови његови око њега, и кад беше насељен јужни крај и равница?
8 And the word of the Lord came to Zechariah, saying:
Дође реч Господња Захарији говорећи:
9 Thus says the Lord of hosts, saying: Judge with true judgment, and act with mercy and compassion, each and every one with his brother.
Овако говори Господ над војскама: Судите право и будите милостиви и жалостиви један другом.
10 And do not find fault with the widow, and the orphan, and the newcomer, and the poor. And let not a man consider evil in his heart towards his brother.
И не чините криво удовици ни сироти, иностранцу ни сиромаху, и не мислите зло један другом у срцу свом.
11 But they were not willing to pay attention, and they turned aside their shoulder to depart, and they pressed upon their ears, so that they would not hear.
Али не хтеше слушати, и узмакоше раменом натраг, и затискоше уши своје да не чују.
12 And they set their heart like the hardest stone, so that they would not hear the law and the words that the Lord of hosts has sent with his Spirit by the hand of the former prophets. And so a great indignation came from Lord of hosts.
И срцем својим отврднуше као дијамант да не чују закон и речи које сла Господ над војскама духом својим преко пророка пређашњих; зато дође велик гнев од Господа над војскама.
13 And it happened, just as he had spoken, and they did not pay attention. So then, they shall cry out, and I will not heed, says the Lord of hosts.
Зато као што Он вика, а они не слушаше, тако и они викаше а ја их не слушах, говори Господ над војскама.
14 And I dispersed them throughout all the kingdoms that they did not know. And the land was left desolate behind them, so that no one was passing through or returning. And they made the desirable land into a deserted place.
Него их разметнух вихором по свим народима, којих не познаваше, и земља опусте иза њих да нико у њу не дохођаше нити се из ње враћаше, и обратише милу земљу у пустош.