< Zechariah 14 >

1 Behold, the days of the Lord will arrive, and your spoils will be divided in your midst.
Bal eeg, waxaa imanaysa maalintii Rabbiga ee waxaagii la dhacay dhexdaada lagu qaybsan doono.
2 And I will gather all the Gentiles in battle against Jerusalem, and the city will be captured, and the houses will be ravaged, and the women will be violated. And the central part of the city will go forth into captivity, and the remainder of the people will not be taken away from the city.
Waayo, quruumaha oo dhan waan u soo wada ururin doonaa inay Yeruusaalem la diriraan, oo magaalada waa la qabsan doonaa, guryahana waa la dhici doonaa, naagahana waa la kufsan doonaa, oo magaalada badhkeedna maxaabiis ahaan baa loo kaxaysan doonaa, laakiinse dadka intiisii hadhay magaalada lagama baabbi'in doono.
3 Then the Lord will go forth, and he will fight against those Gentiles, just as when he fought in the day of conflict.
Markaasaa Rabbigu soo bixi doonaa, oo quruumahaas buu la diriri doonaa, siduu u diriray maalintii dagaalka.
4 And his feet will stand firm, in that day, upon the Mount of Olives, which is opposite Jerusalem towards the East. And the mount of Olives will be divided down its center part, towards the East and towards the West, with a very great rupture, and the center of the mountain will be separated towards the North, and its center towards the Meridian.
Oo maalintaas cagihiisu waxay ku istaagi doonaan Buur Saytuun, taasoo Yeruusaalem ka horraysa oo xagga bari ka xigta, oo Buur Saytuunna dhexday uga kala dillaaci doontaa xagga bari iyo xagga galbeed, oo waxaa jiri doonta dooxo aad u weyn, oo buurta badhkeed wuxuu u durki doonaa xagga woqooyi, oo badhkeeda kalena wuxuu u durki doonaa xagga koonfureed.
5 And you will flee to the valley of those mountains, because the valley of the mountains will be joined all the way to the next. And you will flee, just as you fled from the face of the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. And the Lord my God will arrive, and all the saints with him.
Markaasaad ku carari doontaan dooxadii buurahayga, waayo, dooxada buuruhu waxay gaadhi doontaa tan iyo Aaseel. Oo waxaad u carari doontaan sidaad ugu hor cararteen dhulgariirkii dhacay wakhtigii Cusiyaah boqorka ka ahaa dalka Yahuudah. Oo Rabbiga Ilaahayga ahu wuu iman doonaa, oo waxaa la iman doonaa kuwa quduuska ah oo dhan.
6 And this shall be in that day: there will not be light, only cold and frost.
Oo waxay maalintaas noqon doontaa in iftiinku uusan yeelanayn dhalaal iyo gudcur toona,
7 And there will be one day, which is known to the Lord, not day and not night. And in the time of the evening, there will be light.
laakiinse waxay ahaan doontaa maalin uu Rabbigu og yahay, taasoo aan maalin ahayn, oo aan habeenna ahayn, laakiinse waxay ahaan doontaa in markay fiidkii tahay uu iftiin jiri doono.
8 And this shall be in that day: the living waters will go out from Jerusalem, half of them towards the East sea, and half of them towards the furthest sea. They will be in summer and in winter.
Oo waxay maalintaas noqon doontaa inay biyo noolu Yeruusaalem ka soo baxaan, oo badhkood wuxuu u qulquli doonaa xagga badda bari, oo badhkooda kalena wuxuu u qulquli doonaa xagga badda galbeed, oo waxay ahaan doontaa wakhtiga kulaylka iyo wakhtiga qabowga.
9 And the Lord will be King over all the earth. In that day, there will be one Lord, and his name will be one.
Oo Rabbigu boqor buu ka ahaan doonaa dunida oo dhan, oo maalintaas Rabbigu mid buu ahaan doonaa, oo magiciisuna mid buu ahaan doonaa.
10 And all the land will return even to the desert, from the hill of Rimmon to the South of Jerusalem. And she will be exalted, and she will dwell in her own place, from the gate of Benjamin even to the place of the former gate, and even to the gate of the corners, and from the tower of Hananel even to the pressing room of the king.
Oo dalka oo dhammuna wuxuu u rogman doonaa sida Caraabaah, tan iyo Gebac iyo ilaa Rimmoon oo Yeruusaalem xagga koonfureed ka jirta. Oo Yeruusaalemna kor baa loo qaadi doonaa oo waxay iska degganaan doontaa meesheeda, tan iyo iridda Benyaamiin iyo ilaa meesha iridda kowaad, iyo ilaa iridda geeska ku taal, iyo tan iyo munaaradda Xananeel iyo ilaa boqorka macsarooyinkiisa khamriga.
11 And they will dwell in it, and there will be no further anathema, but Jerusalem shall sit securely.
Oo dad baa dhexdeeda degganaan doona, oo innaba habaar dambe ma jiri doono, laakiinse Yeruusaalem si ammaan ah ayay u degganaan doontaa.
12 And this will be the plague by which the Lord will strike all the Gentiles that have fought against Jerusalem. The flesh of each one will waste away while they are standing on their feet, and their eyes will be consumed in their sockets, and their tongue will be consumed in their mouth.
Oo tanuna waa belaayada Rabbigu ku dhufan doono dadyowga Yeruusaalem la diriray oo dhan. Iyagoo cagahooda ku taagan ayaa hilibkoodu iska dhammaan doona, oo indhahoodu waxay ku dhex baabbi'i doonaan godadkooda, carrabkooduna afkooda.
13 In that day, there will be a great tumult from the Lord among them. And a man will take the hand of his neighbor, and his hand will be clasped upon the hand of his neighbor.
Oo wakhtigaas rabshad weyn oo xagga Rabbiga ka timid ayaa dhexdooda jiri doonta, oo midkood kastaaba wuxuu qabsan doonaa gacanta deriskiisa, oo gacantiisu waxay ku kici doontaa gacanta deriskiisa.
14 And even Judah will fight against Jerusalem. And the riches of all the Gentiles will be gathered together around them: gold, and silver, and more than enough garments.
Oo weliba dadka dalka Yahuudah Yeruusaalem bay ku dagaallami doonaan, oo maalka quruumaha hareeraheeda ku wareegsan oo dhanna waa la soo wada ururin doonaa, kaasoo ah dahab iyo lacag iyo dhar aad u badan.
15 And, like the ruin of the horse, and the mule, and the camel, and the donkey, and all the beasts of burden, which will have been in those encampments, so will be this ruination.
Oo saasay noqon doontaa belaayada faraska, iyo tan baqalka, iyo tan awrka, iyo tan dameerka, oo xayawaanka xerooyinkaas jooga oo dhanba waxaa ku dhici doonta belaayadan.
16 And all those who will be the remnant of all the Gentiles that came against Jerusalem, will go up, from year to year, to adore the King, the Lord of hosts, and to celebrate the feast of tabernacles.
Oo waxay noqon doontaa in mid kasta oo ka hadhay quruumihii Yeruusaalem ku soo kacay oo dhan uu u kici doono inuu soo caabudo Boqorka ah Rabbiga ciidammada, iyo inuu soo dhawro Iiddii Waababka.
17 And this shall be: whoever will not go up, from the families of the earth to Jerusalem, so as to adore the King, the Lord of hosts, there will be no showers upon them.
Oo qolooyinka dhulka deggan oo dhan ku alla kii aan Yeruusaalem ugu kicin inuu soo caabudo Boqorka ah Rabbiga ciidammada innaba roob kuma di'i doono.
18 But if even the family of Egypt will go not up, nor approach, neither will it be upon them, but there will be ruin, by which the Lord will strike all the Gentiles, who will not go up to celebrate the feast of tabernacles.
Oo haddii uusan reer Masar u kicin, oo uusan iman, iyagana roob kuma di'i doono, oo waxaa jiri doonta belaayo taasoo Rabbigu ku dhufan doono quruumihii aan u kicin inay soo dhawraan Iiddii Waababka.
19 This will be the sin of Egypt, and this will be the sin of all the Gentiles, who will not go up to celebrate the feast of tabernacles.
Taasu waxay ahaan doontaa ciqaabta Masar, iyo ciqaabta dhammaan quruumaha aan u kicin inay soo dhawraan Iiddii Waababka.
20 In that day, that which is on the bridle of the horse will be holy to the Lord. And even the cooking pots in the house of the Lord will be like holy vessels before the altar.
Wakhtigaas dawannada fardaha waxaa ku qornaan doona, WAA U QUDUUS RABBIGA, oo dheryaha guriga Rabbiga ku jiraana waxay ahaan doonaan sida maddiibadaha meesha allabariga hor yaal.
21 And every cooking pot in Jerusalem and Judah will be sanctified to the Lord of hosts. And all those who make sacrifices will come and take from them, and will cook with them. And the merchant will no longer be in the house of the Lord of hosts, in that day.
Oo xataa dheri kasta oo Yeruusaalem dhex yaal iyo mid kasta oo dalka Yahuudah dhex yaalba quduus buu u ahaan doonaa Rabbiga ciidammada, oo kuwa allabariga bixiya oo dhammu way iman doonaan oo intay qaataan ayay wax ku karsan doonaan, oo wakhtigaas ka dib mid reer Kancaan ahu guriga Rabbiga ciidammada kuma jiri doono.

< Zechariah 14 >