< Zechariah 13 >

1 In that day, there will be a fountain open to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for the washing of the transgressor and of the defiled woman.
그 날에 죄와 더러움을 씻는 샘이 다윗의 족속과 예루살렘 거민을 위하여 열리리라
2 And this shall be in that day, says the Lord of hosts: I will disperse the names of the idols from the earth, and they will not be remembered any longer. And I will take away the false prophets and the unclean spirit from the earth.
만군의 여호와가 말하노라 그 날에 내가 못하게 할 것이며 거짓선지자와 더러운 사귀를 이 땅에서 떠나게 할 것이라
3 And this shall be: when any devotee will continue to prophesy, his father and his mother, who conceived him, will say to him, “You shall not live, because you have been speaking a lie in the name of the Lord.” And his father and his mother, his own parents, will pierce him, when he will prophesy.
사람이 오히려 예언할 것 같으면 그 낳은 부모가 그에게 이르기를 네가 여호와의 이름을 빙자하여 거짓말을 하니 살지 못하리라 하고 낳은 부모가 그 예언할 때에 칼로 찌르리라
4 And this shall be: In that day, the prophets will be confounded, each one by his own vision, when he will prophesy. Neither will they be covered with a garment of sackcloth in order to deceive.
그 날에 선지자들이 예언할 때에 그 이상을 각기 부끄러워할 것이며
5 But he will say, “I am not a prophet; I am a man of agriculture. For Adam has been my example from my youth.”
말하기를 나는 선지자가 아니요 나는 농부라 내가 어려서부터 사람의 종이 되었노라 할 것이요
6 And they will say to him, “What are these wounds in the middle of your hands?” And he will say, “I was wounded with these in the house of those who love me.”
혹이 그에게 묻기를 네 두팔 사이에 상처는 어찜이냐 하면 대답하기를 이는 나의 친구의 집에서 받은 상처라 하리라
7 Awake, O spear, against my shepherd and against the man that clings to me, says the Lord of hosts. Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered. And I will turn my hand to the little ones.
만군의 여호와가 말하노라 칼아 깨어서 내 목자, 내 짝된 자를 치라 목자를 치면 양이 흩어지려니와 작은 자들 위에는 내가 내 손을 드리우리라
8 And there will be in all the earth, says the Lord, two parts in it will be scattered and will pass away, and the third part will be left behind.
여호와가 말하노라 이 온 땅에서 삼분지 이는 멸절하고 삼분지 일은 거기 남으리니
9 And I will lead the third part through fire, and I will burn them just as silver is burned, and I will test them just as gold is tested. They will call on my name, and I will heed them. I will say, “You are my people.” And they will say, “The Lord is my God.”
내가 그 삼분지 일을 불 가운데 던져 은같이 연단하며 금 같이 시험할 것이라 그들이 내 이름을 부르리니 내가 들을 것이며 나는 말하기를 이는 내 백성이라 할 것이요 그들은 말하기를 여호와는 내 하나님이시라 하리라

< Zechariah 13 >