< Psalms 62 >

1 Unto the end. For Jeduthun. A Psalm of David. Will my soul not be subject to God? For from him is my salvation.
Psalmus David, in finem, pro Idithum. Nonne Deo subiecta erit anima mea? ab ipso enim salutare meum.
2 Yes, he himself is my God and my salvation. He is my supporter; I will be moved no more.
Nam et ipse Deus meus, et salutaris meus: susceptor meus, non movebor amplius.
3 How is it that you rush against a man? Every one of you puts to death, as if you were pulling down a ruined wall, leaning over and falling apart.
Quousque irruitis in hominem? interficitis universi vos: tamquam parieti inclinato et maceriae depulsae.
4 So, truly, they intended to reject my price. I ran in thirst. They blessed with their mouth and cursed with their heart.
Verumtamen pretium meum cogitaverunt repellere, cucurri in siti: ore suo benedicebant, et corde suo maledicebant.
5 Yet, truly, my soul will be subject to God. For from him is my patience.
Verumtamen Deo subiecta esto anima mea: quoniam ab ipso patientia mea.
6 For he is my God and my Savior. He is my helper; I will not be expelled.
Quia ipse Deus meus, et salvator meus: adiutor meus, non emigrabo.
7 In God is my salvation and my glory. He is the God of my help, and my hope is in God.
In Deo salutare meum, et gloria mea: Deus auxilii mei, et spes mea in Deo est.
8 All peoples gathered together: trust in him. Pour out your hearts in his sight. God is our helper for eternity.
Sperate in eo omnis congregatio populi, effundite coram illo corda vestra: Deus adiutor noster in aeternum.
9 So, truly, the sons of men are untrustworthy. The sons of men are liars in the scales, so that, by emptiness, they may deceive among themselves.
Verumtamen vani filii hominum, mendaces filii hominum in stateris: ut decipiant ipsi de vanitate in idipsum.
10 Do not trust in iniquity, and do not desire plunder. If riches flow toward you, do not be willing to set your heart on them.
Nolite sperare in iniquitate, et rapinas nolite concupiscere: divitiae si affluant, nolite cor apponere.
11 God has spoken once. I have heard two things: that power belongs to God,
Semel locutus est Deus, duo haec audivi, quia potestas Dei est,
12 and that mercy belongs to you, O Lord. For you will repay each one according to his works.
et tibi Domine misericordia: quia tu reddes unicuique iuxta opera sua.

< Psalms 62 >