< Psalms 61 >

1 Unto the end. With hymns, of David. O God, pay attention to my supplication. Be attentive to my prayer.
in finem in hymnis David exaudi Deus deprecationem meam intende orationi meae
2 I cried out to you from the ends of the earth. When my heart was in anguish, you exalted me on a rock. You have led me,
a finibus terrae ad te clamavi dum anxiaretur cor meum in petra exaltasti me deduxisti me
3 for you have been my hope, a tower of strength before the face of the enemy.
quia factus es spes mea turris fortitudinis a facie inimici
4 I will dwell in your tabernacle forever. I will be protected under the cover of your wings.
inhabitabo in tabernaculo tuo in saecula protegar in velamento alarum tuarum diapsalma
5 For you, my God, have listened to my prayer. You have granted an inheritance to those who fear your name.
quoniam tu Deus meus exaudisti orationem meam dedisti hereditatem timentibus nomen tuum
6 You will add days to the days of the king, to his years, even to the time of generation after generation.
dies super dies regis adicies annos eius usque in diem generationis et generationis
7 He remains in eternity, in the sight of God. Who will long for his mercy and truth?
permanet in aeternum in conspectu Dei misericordiam et veritatem quis requiret eius
8 So I will compose a psalm to your name, forever and ever, so that I may repay my vows from day to day.
sic psalmum dicam nomini tuo in saeculum saeculi ut reddam vota mea de die in diem

< Psalms 61 >