< Psalms 58 >
1 Unto the end. May you not destroy. Of David, with the inscription of a title. If, truly and certainly, you speak justice, then judge what is right, you sons of men.
Zborovođi. Po napjevu “Ne pogubi!” Davidov. Miktam. Zar doista krojite pravdu, vi moćni, zar sudite pravo, sinovi ljudski?
2 For, even in your heart, you work iniquity. Your hands construct injustice on the earth.
Ne, već bezakonje smišljeno činite, po zemlji vam ruke dijele nepravde.
3 Sinners have become foreigners from the womb; they have gone astray from conception. They have been speaking falsehoods.
Na krivu su putu bezbošci od krila majčina, na krivu su putu lašci od utrobe.
4 Their fury is similar to that of a serpent; it is like a deaf asp, who even blocks her ears,
U njima je otrov kao u zmije, kao u ljutice što uši začepljuje
5 who will not listen to the voice of charmers, nor even to the enchanter who chants wisely.
da glas čarobnjakov ne čuje ni glas bajača vješta bajanju.
6 God will crush their teeth within their own mouth. The Lord will break the molars of the lions.
O Bože, polomi im zube u ustima; razbij, o Jahve, čeljusti lavićima!
7 They will come to nothing, like water flowing away. He has aimed his bow, while they are being weakened.
K'o vode što hitro otječu neka se razliju, k'o zgažena trava neka se osuše.
8 Like wax that flows, they will be carried away. Fire has fallen upon them, and they will not see the sun.
Nek' budu k'o puž koji se pužuć' rastoči, k'o pometnut plot nek' sunca ne vide.
9 Before your thorns could know the brier, he consumes them alive, as if in rage.
Prije nego vam kotlovi trnje osjete, dok je zeleno, neka ga vihor odnese.
10 The just one will rejoice when he sees vindication. He will wash his hands in the blood of the sinner.
Radostan će biti pravednik kad ugleda odmazdu, noge će prati u krvi zlotvora.
11 And man will say, “If the just one is fruitful, then, truly, there is a God judging them on earth.”
I reći će ljudi: “Pravednik plod svoj ima! Još ima Boga da sudi na zemlji!”