< Psalms 31 >

1 Unto the end. A Psalm of David according to an ecstasy. In you, Lord, I have hoped; let me never be confounded. In your justice, deliver me.
Načelniku godbe, psalm Davidov. K tebi, Gospod, pribegam, naj se ne osramotim vekomaj; s pravico svojo osvobodi me.
2 Incline your ear to me. Hasten to rescue me. Be for me a protector God and a house of refuge, so as to accomplish my salvation.
Nagni mi uho svoje, hitro me reši; močna skala mi bodi, trden grad, da se rešim.
3 For you are my strength and my refuge; and for the sake of your name, you will lead me and nourish me.
Ker skala moja si in trdnjava moja, torej zavoljo imena svojega vodi me in spremljaj me.
4 You will lead me out of this snare, which they have hidden for me. For you are my protector.
Izpelji me iz mreže, katero so skrili zoper mene: ker ti si moja moč.
5 Into your hands, I commend my spirit. You have redeemed me, O Lord, God of truth.
V roko tvojo izročam svoj duh; otél si me, Gospod, Bog mogočni, resnični.
6 You have hated those who practice emptiness to no purpose. But I have hoped in the Lord.
Sovražim nje, ki česté ničemurnosti prazne; ker jaz zaupam v Gospoda,
7 I will exult and rejoice in your mercy. For you have looked upon my humility; you have saved my soul from needfulness.
Da se bodem radoval in veselil dobrote tvoje, ko se bodeš ozrl v siromaštvo moje, spoznal duše moje stiske,
8 And you have not enclosed me in the hands of the enemy. You have set my feet in a spacious place.
In ne izdal me sovražniku v roko, na široko postavil noge moje.
9 Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am troubled. My eye has been disturbed by wrath, along with my soul and my gut.
Milost mi stórí, Gospod, ker v stiski sem; od žalovanja hira oko moje, duša moja in telo moje.
10 For my life has fallen into sorrow, and my years into sighing. My virtue has been weakened in poverty, and my bones have been disturbed.
Ker od žalosti peša življenje moje in leta moja od zdihovanja; od kazni krivice, katero trpim, hira krepost moja; in kosti moje ginejo.
11 I have become a disgrace among all my enemies, and even more so to my neighbors, and a dread to my acquaintances. Those who catch sight of me, flee away from me.
Pri vseh sovražnikih svojih sem v sramoto, in pri sosedih svojih jako, in strah znancem svojim; zagledavši me zunaj bežé od mene.
12 I have become forgotten, like one dead to the heart. I have become like a damaged utensil.
V pozabljenje me zagrebava srce, kakor mrtvega; jaz sem kakor orodje potrto.
13 For I have heard the harsh criticism of many who linger in the area. While assembled together against me in that place, they deliberated on how to take away my life.
Ker zasramovanje čujem od mnogih, strah okrog in okrog; posvetujoč se vkup zoper mene mislijo, kako bi prestregli dušo mojo.
14 But I have hoped in you, O Lord. I said, “You are my God.”
Jaz pa v té zaupam, Gospod, govoreč: Bog si moj;
15 My fate is in your hands. Rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from those who are persecuting me.
V rokah tvojih so časi moji; potegni me iz rok sovražnikov mojih in njih, ki me preganjajo.
16 Shine your face upon your servant. Save me in your mercy.
Daj, da sveti obličje tvoje nad tvojim hlapcem; reši me po milosti svoji.
17 Do not let me be confounded, Lord, for I have called upon you. Let the impious be ashamed and be drawn down into Hell. (Sheol h7585)
Gospod, naj se ne osramotim, ker te kličem; osramoté se naj krivični, pogubé se v grob. (Sheol h7585)
18 May deceitful lips be silenced: those that speak iniquity against the just, in arrogance and in abusiveness.
Neme naj postanejo ustne lažnjive, katere govoré zoper pravičnega trdó, z napuhom in zaničevanjem.
19 How great is the multitude of your sweetness, O Lord, which you keep hidden for those who fear you, which you have perfected for those who hope in you, in the sight of the sons of men.
Kako obila je dobrota tvoja, katero hraniš njim, ki te česté; izkazuješ njim, ki pribegajo k tebi pred sinovi človeškimi!
20 You hide them in the concealment of your face, from the disturbance of men. You protect them in your tabernacle, from the contradiction of tongues.
Skrivaš jih v skrivališči pričujočnosti svoje pred móž napuhom; skrivaš jih v koči pred prepirom jezikov.
21 Blessed is the Lord. For he has shown his wonderful mercy to me, in a fortified city.
Blagoslovljen Gospod, ker mi izkazuje čudovito milost svojo; stavi me kakor v trdno mesto.
22 But I said in the excess of my mind: “I have been cast away from the glance of your eyes.” And so, you heeded the voice of my prayer, while I was still crying out to you.
Jaz sem bil sicer rekel v naglici svoji; Iztrebljen sem izpred tvojih oči; vendar si slišal molitev mojih glas, ko semi vpil k tebi.
23 Love the Lord, all you his saints. For the Lord will require truth, and he will abundantly repay those who act with arrogance.
Ljubite Gospoda vsi, katerim izkazuje dobroto; Gospoda, ki varuje zveste, in povrača preobilno, dela reči veličastne.
24 Act manfully, and let your heart be strengthened, all you who hope in the Lord.
Potolažite se, in pokrepčal bode srce vaše, vsi, ki upate v Gospoda.

< Psalms 31 >