< Psalms 19 >
1 Unto the end. A Psalm of David. The heavens describe the glory of God, and the firmament announces the work of his hands.
Amazulu alandisa ngodumo lukaNkulunkulu, lomkhathi utshumayela umsebenzi wezandla zakhe.
2 Day proclaims the word to day, and night to night imparts knowledge.
Usuku kusuku luphumisela inkulumo, lobusuku kubusuku butshengisa ulwazi.
3 There are no speeches or conversations, where their voices are not being heard.
Kakukho nkulumo, kawakho lamazwi, lapho ilizwi lawo elingezwakali khona.
4 Their sound has gone forth through all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.
Intambo yawo iphumele emhlabeni wonke, lamazwi awo emkhawulweni womhlaba. Ulimisele ilanga ithente kuwo.
5 He has placed his tabernacle in the sun, and he is like a bridegroom coming out of his bedroom. He has exulted like a giant running along the way;
Elinjengomyeni ephuma ekamelweni lakhe, lithokoza njengeqhawe ligijima endleleni.
6 his departure is from the summit of heaven. And his course reaches all the way to its summit. Neither is there anyone who can hide himself from his heat.
Ukuphuma kwalo kusukela emkhawulweni wamazulu, lokuzingeleza kwalo kuze kube semikhawulweni yawo; njalo kakukho okufihliweyo ekutshiseni kwalo.
7 The law of the Lord is immaculate, converting souls. The testimony of the Lord is faithful, providing wisdom to little ones.
Umlayo weNkosi uphelele, uphendula umphefumulo; ubufakazi beNkosi buqinisile, buhlakaniphisa ongelalwazi;
8 The justice of the Lord is right, rejoicing hearts. The precepts of the Lord are brilliant, enlightening the eyes.
izimiso zeNkosi zilungile, zithokozisa inhliziyo; umthetho weNkosi uhlambulukile, ukhanyisa amehlo.
9 The fear of the Lord is holy, enduring for all generations. The judgments of the Lord are true, justified in themselves:
Ukuyesaba iNkosi kuhlanzekile, kumi kuze kube nininini; izahlulelo zeNkosi ziliqiniso, zilungile ngokupheleleyo.
10 desirable beyond gold and many precious stones, and sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.
Ziyaloyiseka kakhulu kulegolide, yebo kulegolide elicwengekileyo elinengi; njalo zimnandi kuloluju lolujuluka ohlangeni loluju.
11 For, indeed, your servant keeps them, and in keeping them, there are many rewards.
Futhi inceku yakho iyelulekwa ngazo; ekuzigcineni kulomvuzo omkhulu.
12 Who can understand transgression? From my hidden faults, cleanse me, O Lord,
Ngubani oqedisisa iziphosiso zakhe? Ngikhulula kwezisithekileyo.
13 and from those of others, spare your servant. If they will have no dominion over me, then I will be immaculate, and I will be cleansed from the greatest transgression.
Igcine inceku yakho lezonweni zokuzincoma; kazingabusi phezu kwami. Khona ngizakuba ngoqondileyo, ngibe msulwa esiphambekweni esikhulu.
14 And the eloquence of my mouth will be so as to please, along with the meditation of my heart, in your sight, forever, O Lord, my helper and my redeemer.
Amazwi omlomo wami lezizindlo zenhliziyo yami kakwemukeleke phambi kwakho, Nkosi, dwala lami lomhlengi wami.