< Psalms 107 >

1 Alleluia. Confess to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is with every generation.
परमप्रभुलाई धन्यवाद देओ, किनकि उहाँ भलो हुनुहुन्छ र उहाँको करारको विश्‍वस्‍तता सदासर्वदा रहन्छ ।
2 Let those who have been redeemed by the Lord say so: those whom he redeemed from the hand of the enemy and gathered from the regions,
परमप्रभुले उद्धार गर्नुभएकाहरू बोलून्, जसलाई उहाँले शत्रुहरूका हातबाट बचाउनुभएको छ ।
3 from the rising of the sun and its setting, from the north and from the sea.
उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई विदेशी भूमिहरूबाट, पूर्वबाट र पश्‍चिमबाट, उत्तरबाट र दक्षिणबाट भेला पार्नुभएको छ ।
4 They wandered into solitude in a waterless place. They did not find the way of the city to be their dwelling place.
तिनीहरू मरुभूमिको बाटोमा उजाडस्‍थानमा भौंतारिए र बस्‍नलाई कुनै सहर भेट्टाएनन् ।
5 They were hungry, and they were thirsty. Their soul fainted within them.
किनभने तिनीहरू भोकाएका र तिर्खाएका थिए, तिनीहरू थकाइले मूर्छित भए ।
6 And they cried out to the Lord in tribulation, and he rescued them in their necessity.
तब तिनीहरूले आफ्‍ना कष्‍टमा परमप्रभुलाई पुकारा गरे र तिनीहरूका संकष्‍टबाट उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई बचाउनुभयो ।
7 And he led them in the right way, so that they might go forth to a city of habitation.
उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई सोझो बाटोमा लानुभयो ताकि तिनीहरू बस्‍नलाई एउटा सहरमा जान पाऊन् ।
8 Let his mercies confess to the Lord, and let his miracles confess to the sons of men.
परमप्रभुको करारको विश्‍वस्‍तता र उहाँले मानवजातिको निम्ति गर्नुभएका अचम्मका कुराहरूका निम्ति मानिसहरूले उहाँको प्रशंसा गरून्!
9 For he has satisfied the empty soul, and he has satisfied the hungry soul with good things:
किनकि उहाँले तिर्खाएकाहरूको तिर्खा मेटाउनुहुन्छ र भोकाहरूका इच्छाहरूलाई उहाँले असल थोकहरूले पुरा गर्नुहुन्छ ।
10 those sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death, shackled by extreme poverty and by iron.
कोही अँध्यारो र दुःखमा, कैदीहरू कष्‍ट र साङ्लाहरूमा बसे ।
11 For they exasperated the eloquence of God, and they irritated the deliberation of the Most High.
तिनीहरूले परमेश्‍वरको वचन विरुद्धमा विद्रोह गरेको र सर्वोच्‍चको सल्‍लाहलाई इन्कार गरेको हुनाले यसो भएको थियो ।
12 And their heart was brought low with hardships. They were weakened, and there was no one to help them.
उहाँले कठिनाइद्वारा तिनीहरूका हृदयलाई नम्र पार्नुभयो । तिनीहरूले ठेस खाए र तिनीहरूलाई उठ्न सहायता गर्ने कोही थिएन ।
13 And they cried out to the Lord in their tribulation, and he freed them from their distress.
तब तिनीहरूले आफ्‍ना कष्‍टमा परमप्रभुलाई पुकारा गरे र तिनीहरूका संकष्‍टबाट उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई बाहिर ल्‍याउनुभयो ।
14 And he led them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and he broke apart their chains.
उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई अन्धकार र दुःखबाट बाहिर निकाल्नुभयो र तिनीहरूका बन्धनहरू छिनाउनुभयो ।
15 Let his mercies confess to the Lord, and let his miracles confess to the sons of men.
परमप्रभुको करारको विश्‍वस्‍तता र उहाँले मानवजातिको निम्ति गर्नुभएका अचम्मका कुराहरूका निम्ति मानिसहरूले उहाँको प्रशंसा गरून्!
16 For he has crushed the gates of brass and broken the iron bars.
किनकि उहाँले काँसाका ढोकाहरू फुटाउनुभएको छ र फलामका डण्डाहरू काट्नुभएको छ ।
17 He has taken them up, from the way of their iniquity. For they were brought low, because of their injustices.
आफ्‍ना विद्रोही मार्गहरूमा तिनीहरू मूर्ख थिए र आफ्‍ना पापहरूका कारणले कष्‍टमा परे ।
18 Their soul abhorred all food, and they drew near even to the gates of death.
तिनीहरूले कुनै खानेकुरा खाने इच्छा हराए र तिनीहरू मृत्युको ढोकाहरूका नजिक पुगे ।
19 And they cried out to the Lord in their tribulation, and he delivered them in their necessity.
तब आफ्‍ना कष्‍टमा तिनीहरूले परमप्रभुलाई पुकारा गरे र तिनीहरूका संकष्‍टबाट उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई बाहिर ल्‍याउनुभयो ।
20 He sent his word, and he healed them, and he rescued them from their utter destruction.
उहाँ आफ्नो वचन पठाउनुभयो र तिनीहरूलाई निको पार्नुभयो, अनि तिनीहरूका विनाशबाट उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई बचाउनुभयो ।
21 Let his mercies confess to the Lord, and let his miracles confess to the sons of men.
परमप्रभुको करारको विश्‍वस्‍तता र उहाँले मानवजातिको निम्ति गर्नुभएका अचम्मका कुराहरूका निम्ति मानिसहरूले उहाँको प्रशंसा गरून्!
22 And let them offer sacrifice with the sacrifice of praise, and let them announce his works in exultation.
तिनीहरूले धन्यवादका बलिदानहरू चढाऊन् र गीतहरूले उहाँका कामहरू घोषणा गरून् ।
23 Those who descend to the sea in ships, making their livelihood in the great waters:
केहीले समुद्रमा यात्रा गर्छन् र समुद्रपारि व्यपार गर्छन् ।
24 these have seen the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep.
यिनीहरूले समुद्रमा परमप्रभुका कामहरू र उहाँका चमत्कारहरू देखे ।
25 He spoke: and a windstorm stood up, and its waves were exalted.
किनकि उहाँले आज्ञा दिनुभयो र समुद्रलाई नै छल्काउने आँधी चल्यो ।
26 They ascend even to the heavens, and they descend even to the abyss. Their soul will waste away in distress.
तिनीहरू माथि आकाशसम्म पुगे । तिनीहरू तल गहिराइहरूमा गए । तिनीहरूका जीवन संकष्‍टमा बिलेर गयो ।
27 They were troubled, and they moved like a drunkard, and all their wisdom was consumed.
तिनीहरू मद्यको मातेकाहरूझैं धरमराए र लडखडाए, र तिनीहरूका बुद्धि हरायो ।
28 And they cried out to the Lord in their tribulation, and he led them out of their distress.
तब तिनीहरूले आफ्‍ना कष्‍टमा परमप्रभुलाई पुकारा गरे र तिनीहरूका संकष्‍टबाट उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई बाहिर ल्‍याउनुभयो ।
29 And he replaced the storm with a breeze, and its waves were stilled.
उहाँले आँधीलाई शान्त पार्नुभयो र छालहरू शान्‍त भए ।
30 And they were joyful that it was stilled, and he led them into the haven that they desired.
तब तिनीहरू आनन्‍दित भए किनभने समुद्र शान्त भयो, र तिनीहरूले इच्‍छा गरेको बन्‍दरगाहमा उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई ल्याउनुभयो ।
31 Let his mercies confess to the Lord, and let his miracles confess to the sons of men.
परमप्रभुको करारको विश्‍वस्‍तता र उहाँले मानवजातिको निम्ति गर्नुभएका अचम्मका कुराहरूका निम्ति मानिसहरूले उहाँको प्रशंसा गरून्!
32 And let them exalt him in the Church of the people, and praise him in the chair of the elders.
तिनीहरूले उहाँलाई मानिसहरूको सभामा उच्‍च पारून् र धर्मगुरुहरूका सभामा उहँको प्रशंसा गरून् ।
33 He has placed rivers in the desert and sources of water in dry places,
उहाँले नदीहरूलाई उजाडस्‍थानमा र पानीका मूलहरूलाई सुख्खा जमिनमा,
34 a fruit-bearing land in the midst of brine, before the malice of those who dwell in it.
र यसका मानिसहरूका दुष्‍टताको कारणले उर्बर भूमिलाई बाँझो ठाउँमा बद्लिनुहुन्‍छ ।
35 He has placed a desert in the midst of pools of waters, and a land without water in the midst of sources of water.
उहाँले उजाडस्‍थानलाई पानीको तलाउ र सुख्खा जमिनलाई पानीको मूलमा बद्लिनुहुन्‍छ ।
36 And he has gathered the hungry together there, and they constructed a city of habitation.
भोकाहरूलाई उहाँले त्यहाँ बसाल्नहुन्छ र तिनीहरूले बस्‍नलाई एउटा सहर बनाउँछन् ।
37 And they sowed fields and planted vineyards, and they produced the fruit of nativity.
खेतबारीमा बीउ छर्नलाई, दाखबारी लगाउनलाई र प्रशस्‍त उब्‍जनी ल्‍याउनलाई तिनीहरूले एउटा सहर बनाउँछन् ।
38 And he blessed them, and they were multiplied exceedingly. And he did not diminish their beasts of burden.
उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई आशिष्‌‌‌ दिनुहुन्छ, यसैले तिनीहरू असंख्या हुन्‍छन् । उहाँले तिनीहरूका गाईवस्तुको संख्या घट्न दिनुहुन्‍न ।
39 And they became few, and they were afflicted by the tribulation of evils and of sorrow.
पीडादायी संकष्‍ट र दुःखले तिनीहरूको सङ्‍ख्‍या घट्‍यो र तल झारिए ।
40 Contempt was poured over their leaders, and he caused them to wander in an impassable place, and not on the way.
उहाँले अगुवाहरूमाथि घृणा खन्याउनुहुन्छ र तिनीहरूलाई उजाडस्‍थानमा भौंतारिन लगाउनुहुन्छ, जहाँ कुनै बाटो हुँदैन ।
41 And he helped the poor out of destitution, and he stationed families like sheep.
तर खाँचोमा परेकाहरूलाई उहाँले कष्‍टबाट सुरक्षा दिनुहुन्छ र बगाललाई झैं आफ्नो परिवारको वास्ता गर्नुहुन्छ ।
42 The upright will see, and they will rejoice. And every iniquity will block its mouth.
सोझो मन भएकाहरूले यो देख्‍नेछन् र आनन्‍दि हुनेछन् । सबै दुष्‍टताले आफ्‍नो मुख बन्द गर्छ ।
43 Who is wise and will keep these things? And who will understand the mercies of the Lord?
बुद्धिमान्‌हरूले यी कुराहरूमा ख्‍याल गर्नुपर्छ र परमप्रभुको करारको विश्‍वस्‍तताका कामहरूमा ध्‍यान गर्नुपर्छ ।

< Psalms 107 >