< Proverbs 31 >

1 The words of king Lamuel. The vision by which his mother instructed him:
Ko nga kupu a Kingi Remuera; ko te poropititanga i whakaakona ai ia e tona whaea.
2 “What, O my beloved? What, O beloved of my womb? What, O beloved of my vows?
He aha, e taku tama? He aha, e te tama a toku kopu? A he aha, e te tama a aku kupu taurangi?
3 Do not give your substance to women, or your riches to overthrow kings.
Kaua e hoatu tou kaha ki nga wahine, ou ara hoki ki te mea whakangaro o nga kingi.
4 Not to kings, O Lamuel, not to kings give wine. For there are no secrets where drunkenness reigns.
Ehara ma nga kingi, e Remuera, ehara ma nga kingi te inu waina; ehara hoki ma nga rangatira te mea, Kei hea he wai kaha?
5 And perhaps they may drink and forget judgments, and alter the case of the sons of the poor.
Kei inu ratou, a ka wareware ki te ture, a ka whakapeau ke i te whakawa o te tangata e tukinotia ana.
6 Give strong drink to the grieving, and wine to those who are bitter in soul.
Hoatu he wai kaha ma te tangata e tata ana te marere, he waina hoki ki nga wairua pouri:
7 Let them drink, and forget their needs, and remember their sorrow no more.
Tukua ia kia inu, kia wareware ai ki tona rawakore, a kore ake he mahara ki ona mate.
8 Open your mouth for the mute and for all the cases of the sons who are passing through.
Kia puaki tou mangai mo te wahangu, i te whakawakanga o te hunga katoa kua waiho mo te mate.
9 Open your mouth, declare what is just, and do justice to the indigent and the poor.
Kia puaki tou mangai, whakaritea te whakawa i runga i te tika, tohea te tohe a te ware, a te rawakore.
10 Who shall find a strong woman? Far away, and from the furthest parts, is her price.
Ko wai e kite i te wahine e u ana tona pai? Ko tona utu hoki kei runga noa atu i to nga rupi.
11 The heart of her husband confides in her, and he will not be deprived of spoils.
Ka whakapono te ngakau o tana tane ki a ia, a kahore ona hapanga i te taonga.
12 She will repay him with good, and not evil, all the days of her life.
He pai tana e mea ai ki a ia, kahore hoki he kino, i nga ra katoa e ora ai ia.
13 She has sought wool and flax, and she has worked these by the counsel of her hands.
E kimi ana ia i te huruhuru hipi, i te muka, a ka ngakau nui te mahi a ona ringa.
14 She has become like a merchant’s ship, bringing her bread from far away.
Ko tona rite kei nga kaipuke o nga kaihokohoko; e mauria mai ana e ia tana kai i tawhiti.
15 And she has risen in the night, and given a prey to her household, and provisions to her maids.
E maranga ana hoki ia i te mea e po tonu ana, a hoatu ana e ia he kai ma tona whare, he mahi hoki e rite ana ma ana kotiro.
16 She has considered a field and bought it. From the fruit of her own hands, she has planted a vineyard.
E whakaaroaro ana ia ki tetahi mara, a ka hokona e ia: whakatokia ana e ia he mara waina, he hua na ona ringa.
17 She has wrapped her waist with fortitude, and she has strengthened her arm.
E whitiki ana ia i tona hope ki te kaha, e mea ana i ona takakau kia pakari.
18 She has tasted and seen that her tasks are good; her lamp shall not be extinguished at night.
Ka kite ia he pai tana i hokohoko ai: e kore tana rama e mate i te po.
19 She has put her hand to strong things, and her fingers have taken hold of the spindle.
Ka totoro atu ona ringa ki te mea takai miro, ka pupuri ona ringa ki te pou muka.
20 She has opened her hand to the needy, and she has extended her hands to the poor.
Ka wherahia tona ringa ki te ware; ae ra, ka totoro atu ona ringa ki te rawakore.
21 She shall not fear, in the cold of snow, for her household. For all those of her household have been clothed two-fold.
E kore ia e wehi i te hukarere mo tona whare; no te mea kua kakahuria tona whare katoa ki te ngangana.
22 She has made embroidered clothing for herself. Fine linen and purple is her garment.
Oti ake i a ia te whatuwhatu he whariki mona; he rinena pai, he papura ona kakahu.
23 Her husband is noble at the gates, when he sits among the senators of the land.
E mohiotia ana tana tane i nga kuwaha, ina noho tahi ia ki nga kaumatua o te whenua.
24 She has made finely woven cloth and sold it, and she has delivered a waistband to the Canaanite.
E hanga ana e ia he rinena pai, a hokona atu ana; e hoatu ana e ia he whitiki ki nga kaihoko.
25 Strength and elegance are her clothing, and she will laugh in the final days.
He kaha, he honore ona kakahu; a e kata ana ia ki nga ra o muri atu.
26 She has opened her mouth to wisdom, and the law of clemency is on her tongue.
He nui ona whakaaro ina puaki tona mangai; kei tona arero te ture o te atawhai.
27 She has considered the paths of her household, and she has not eaten her bread in idleness.
Ka ata tirohia e ia nga ara o tona whare, e kore ano ia e kai i te taro o te mangere.
28 Her sons rose up and predicted great happiness; her husband rose up and praised her.
Ka whakatika ana tamariki, a he kupu manaaki ta ratou mona; Tana tane hoki, ka whakamoemiti ano ia ki a ia, ka mea:
29 Many daughters have gathered together riches; you have surpassed them all.
He tokomaha nga tamahine i u te pai o ta ratou mahi, otiia hira ake tau i a ratou katoa.
30 Charm is false, and beauty is vain. The woman who fears the Lord, the same shall be praised.
He mea teka noa te manako, he mea horihori te ataahua: tena ko te wahine e wehi ana i a Ihowa, ko ia e whakamoemititia.
31 Give to her from the fruit of her own hands. And let her works praise her at the gates.
Hoatu ki a ia o nga hua o ona ringa; a ma ana mahi ia e whakamoemiti i nga kuwaha.

< Proverbs 31 >