< Proverbs 28 >

1 The impious flees, though no one pursues. But the just, like a confident lion, shall be without dread.
Munhu akaipa anotiza kusina anomudzinganisa, asi vakarurama vakashinga seshumba.
2 Because of the sins of the land, it has many princes. And because of the wisdom of a man, and the knowledge of those things that are said, the life of the leader shall be prolonged.
Kana nyika ikapanduka, inova navatungamiri vakawanda, asi munhu anonzwisisa uye ane ruzivo anochengetedza runyararo.
3 A poor man slandering the poor is like a violent rainstorm in advance of a famine.
Mutongi anomanikidza varombo akaita semvura inokukura ichisiya pasina zvirimwa.
4 Those who abandon the law praise the impious. Those who guard it are inflamed against him.
Avo vanorasa murayiro vanorumbidza vakaipa, asi avo vanochengeta murayiro vanovapikisa.
5 Evil men do not intend judgment. But those who inquire after the Lord turn their souls toward all things.
Vanhu vakaipa havanzwisisi kururamisira, asi avo vanotsvaka Jehovha vanozvinzwisisa kwazvo.
6 Better is the pauper walking in his simplicity, than the rich walking in ways of depravity.
Zviri nani kuva murombo ane mafambiro akarurama pane mupfumi ane nzira dzakatsauka.
7 Whoever keeps the law is a wise son. But whoever feeds gluttons brings shame to his father.
Uyo anochengeta murayiro mwanakomana akachenjera, asi anofambidzana navanhu vane madyo anonyadzisa baba vake.
8 Whoever piles up riches by usury and profit gathers them for him who will give freely to the poor.
Uyo anowedzera pfuma yake nokutengesa nomutengo uri pamusoro-soro, anozviunganidzira mumwe, uyo anozonzwira varombo tsitsi.
9 Whoever turns away his ears from listening to the law: his prayer will be detestable.
Kana munhu akaramba kunzwa murayiro nenzeve dzake, kunyange minyengetero yake inonyangadza.
10 Whoever deceives the just in a malicious way will fall into his own perdition. And the simple shall possess his goods.
Uyo anotungamirira vakarurama panzira yakaipa, achawira mumuteyo wake pachake, asi vasina mhosva vachagamuchira nhaka yakanaka.
11 The rich one seems wise to himself. But the poor one, being prudent, shall evaluate him.
Munhu akapfuma angazviti akachenjera pakuona kwake, asi murombo ane njere anomuonorora.
12 In the exultation of the just, there is great glory. When the impious reign, men are brought to ruin.
Kana vakarurama vachikunda, kune mufaro mukuru; asi kana akaipa akava pachigaro chokutonga, vanhu vanohwanda.
13 Whoever hides his crimes will not be guided. But whoever will have confessed and abandoned them shall overtake mercy.
Uyo anofukidzira zvivi zvake haabudiriri, asi ani naani anozvireurura uye agozvirasa achawana nyasha.
14 Blessed is the man who is ever fearful. Yet truly, whoever is hardened in mind will fall into evil.
Akaropafadzwa munhu anogara achitya Jehovha, asi uyo anoomesa mwoyo wake achawira mudambudziko.
15 An impious leader over a poor people is like a roaring lion and a hungry bear.
Seshumba inoomba, kana bere rinodzingirira, ndizvo zvakaita munhu akaipa anobata ushe pamusoro pavarombo.
16 A leader destitute of prudence will oppress many through false accusations. But whoever hates avarice shall prolong his days.
Mutongi anoshusha haana njere, asi uyo anovenga pfuma yakapambwa achararama kwamakore mazhinji.
17 A man who slanders the blood of a life, even if he flees to the pit, no one will tolerate him.
Munhu anoshushikana nemhosva yake yokuuraya, acharamba ari wokutiza kusvikira pakufa; ngapasava nomunhu anomutsigira.
18 Whoever walks simply shall be saved. Whoever is perverse in his steps will fall all at once.
Uyo ano mufambiro wakarurama anogara akachengetedzeka, asi uyo ane nzira dzakatsauka achawa nokukurumidza.
19 Whoever works his land shall be satisfied with bread. But whoever pursues leisure will be filled with need.
Uyo anorima munda wake achava nezvokudya zvakawanda, asi uyo anodzinganisana nezviroto achava nourombo hwakamufanira.
20 A faithful man shall be greatly praised. But whoever rushes to become rich will not be innocent.
Munhu akatendeka acharopafadzwa zvikuru, asi uyo anokara pfuma haangaregi kurangwa.
21 Whoever shows favoritism in judgment does not do well; even if it is for a morsel of bread, he forsakes the truth.
Kuita rusarura hakuna kunaka, asi kunyange zvakadaro munhu anogona kuita zvakaipa kuti awane chimedu chechingwa.
22 A man who hurries to become rich, and who envies others, does not know that destitution will overwhelm him.
Munhu anonyima ane shungu dzokuda kupfuma asingazivi kuti urombo hwakamugaririra.
23 Whoever corrects a man, afterward he shall find favor with him, more so than he who deceives him with a flattering tongue.
Uyo anotsiura munhu iye achawana nyasha dzakawanda pakupedzisira, kupfuura uyo ane rurimi runonyengera.
24 Whoever takes away anything from his father or mother, and who says, “This is not a sin,” is the associate of a murderer.
Uyo anobira baba kana mai vake achiti, “Hazvina kuipa,” ndiye shamwari youya anoparadza.
25 Whoever boasts and enlarges himself stirs up conflicts. Yet truly, whoever trusts in the Lord will be healed.
Munhu ane ruchiva anomutsa kupesana, asi uyo anovimba naJehovha achabudirira.
26 Whoever trusts in his own heart is a fool. But whoever treads wisely, the same shall be saved.
Uyo anovimba nesimba rake ibenzi, asi uyo anofamba muuchenjeri achachengetedzeka.
27 Whoever gives to the poor shall not be in need. Whoever despises his petition will suffer scarcity.
Uyo anopa kuvarombo haangashayiwi chinhu, asi uyo anotsinzina meso ake kuvarombo achagamuchira kutukwa kuzhinji.
28 When the impious rise up, men will hide themselves. When they perish, the just shall be multiplied.
Kana akaipa achienda pachigaro chokutonga, vanhu vanohwanda; asi kana vakaipa vachiparara, vakarurama vanowanda.

< Proverbs 28 >