< Numbers 14 >

1 And so, crying out, the entire crowd wept throughout that night.
Tad visa draudze cēlās un pacēla savu balsi, un tie ļaudis raudāja to nakti.
2 And all the sons of Israel were murmuring against Moses and Aaron, saying:
Un visi Israēla bērni kurnēja pret Mozu un pret Āronu, un visa draudze uz tiem sacīja: kaut Ēģiptes zemē būtu nomiruši, jeb kaut šinī tuksnesī būtu nomiruši!
3 “If only we had died in Egypt,” and, “If only we would perish in this vast wilderness,” and, “May the Lord not lead us into this land, lest we fall by the sword, and our wives, as well as our children, be led away as captives. Is it not better to return to Egypt?”
Un kāpēc Tas Kungs mūs ved uz šo zemi, ka mums būs krist caur zobenu, mūsu sievām un mūsu bērniņiem būs palikt par laupījumu? Vai mums nebūtu labāki, griezties atpakaļ uz Ēģiptes zemi?
4 And they said to one another, “Let us appoint our leader, and so return to Egypt.”
Un tie sacīja viens uz otru: celsim sev virsnieku un griezīsimies atpakaļ uz Ēģiptes zemi.
5 And when Moses and Aaron heard this, they fell prone on the ground in the sight of the multitude of the sons of Israel.
Tad Mozus un Ārons nokrita uz savu vaigu priekš visa Israēla bērnu draudzes pulka.
6 Yet truly, Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, who themselves had also viewed the land, tore their garments,
Un Jozuas, Nuna dēls, un Kālebs, Jefunna dēls, no tiem zemes izlūkiem, saplēsa savas drēbes.
7 and they said to the entire multitude of the sons of Israel: “The land that we circled through is very good.
Un tie runāja uz visu Israēla bērnu draudzi un sacīja: tā zeme, ko esam pārstaigājuši izlūkot, ir ļoti varen laba zeme.
8 If the Lord will be gracious to us, he will lead us into it, and he will give us the land flowing with milk and honey.
Ja Tam Kungam ir labs prāts pie mums, tad Viņš mūs novedīs uz šo zemi un mums to dos, zemi, kur piens un medus tek.
9 Do not choose to be rebellious against the Lord. And do not fear the people of this land, for, like bread, so are we able to devour them. All protection has withdrawn from them. The Lord is with us. Do not be afraid.”
Tikai nesaceļaties pret To Kungu un nebīstaties no tās zemes ļaudīm; tie mums būs kā maizes kumoss. Viņu patvērums no tiem ir atstājies, un Tas Kungs ir ar mums; nebīstaties no tiem!
10 And when the entire multitude cried out, and they wanted to crush them with stones, the glory of the Lord appeared, over the roof of the covenant, to all the sons of Israel.
Tad visa draudze sacīja, ka tie akmeņiem jānomētā. Bet Tā Kunga godība parādījās saiešanas teltī priekš visiem Israēla bērniem.
11 And the Lord said to Moses: “How long will this people disparage me? How long will they refuse to believe me, despite all the signs that I have wrought before them?
Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu: cik ilgi šie ļaudis Mani kaitina? Un cik ilgi tie negrib Man ticēt, pie visām tām zīmēm, ko Es viņu vidū esmu darījis?
12 Therefore, I will strike them with a pestilence, and so I will consume them. But you I will make the ruler over a great nation, and one which is mightier than this one.”
Es tos sitīšu ar mēri un tos izdeldēšu, un tevi darīšu par lielāku un stiprāku tautu, nekā viņi.
13 And Moses said to the Lord: “But then the Egyptians, from whose midst you led out this people,
Bet Mozus sacīja uz To Kungu: taču ēģiptieši dzirdējuši, ka Tu caur Savu spēku šos ļaudis no viņiem esi izvedis,
14 and the inhabitants of this land, who have heard that you, O Lord, are among this people, and that you are seen face to face, and that your cloud protects them, and that you go before them with a column of cloud by day, and a column of fire by night,
Un sacījuši šās zemes iedzīvotājiem; tie dzirdējuši, ka Tu, ak Kungs, esi starp šiem ļaudīm, ka Tu, Kungs, acīm esi redzams, ka Tavs padebesis pār tiem stāv, un Tu viņu priekšā ej padebeša stabā dienu un uguns stabā nakti;
15 may hear that you have killed so great a multitude, as if they were one man, and they may say:
Ja Tu nu šos ļaudis nokautu tā kā vienu vienīgu vīru, - tad tie pagāni, kas Tavu slavu dzirdējuši, tiešām runātu un sacītu:
16 ‘He was not able to lead the people into the land about which he had sworn. Therefore, he slew them in the wilderness.’
Tāpēc ka Tas Kungs šos ļaudis nevarēja ievest tai zemē, ko Viņš tiem bija zvērējis, Viņš tos ir nokāvis tuksnesī.
17 Therefore, may the strength of the Lord be magnified, just as you swore, saying:
Nu tad, lai Tā Kunga spēks paaugstinājās, kā Tu esi runājis un sacījis:
18 ‘The Lord is patient and full of mercy, taking away iniquity and wickedness, and forsaking no one who is harmless. He visits the sins of the fathers upon the sons, to the third and fourth generation.’
Tas Kungs ir pacietīgs un no lielas žēlastības, piedodams noziegumus un pārkāpumus, bet Viņš arī nepamet nesodītus, piemeklēdams tēvu grēkus pie bērniem līdz trešam un ceturtam augumam.
19 Forgive, I beg you, the sins of this people, according to the greatness of your mercy, just as you have been gracious to them in their journey from Egypt to this place.”
Piedod jel šo ļaužu noziegumu pēc Savas lielās žēlastības un tā kā Tu šiem ļaudīm esi piedevis no Ēģiptes zemes līdz šim.
20 And the Lord said: “I have forgiven them according to your word.
Un Tas Kungs sacīja: esmu piedevis pēc tava vārda.
21 Also, as I live, the entire world shall be filled with the glory of the Lord.
Un nu, tik tiešām kā Es dzīvoju un visa pasaule taps pilna Tā Kunga godības,
22 And yet, all the men who have seen my majesty, and the signs that I have wrought in Egypt and in the wilderness, and who have tested me ten times already, and yet have not obeyed my voice,
Visi tie vīri, kas ir redzējuši Manu godību un Manas zīmes, ko Es esmu darījis Ēģiptes zemē un tuksnesī, un Mani nu ir kārdinājuši desmitkārt un Manai balsij nav paklausījuši,
23 these shall not see the land, about which I swore to their fathers, neither shall any of those who detracted me gaze upon it.
Tiem nebūs redzēt to zemi, ko Es viņu tēviem esmu zvērējis: nevienam no tiem, kas Mani apkaitinājuši, to nebūs redzēt.
24 My servant Caleb, who, being full of another spirit, has followed me, I will lead into this land, through which he has wandered, and his offspring shall possess it.
Bet Savu kalpu Kālebu, tāpēc ka cits gars ar to ir bijis, un ka tas pareizi Mani klausījis, to Es gribu ievest tai zemē, kur viņš ir bijis, un viņa dzimumam to būs iemantot.
25 For the Amalekites and the Canaanites live in the valleys. Tomorrow, move the camp and return into the wilderness, by the way of the Red Sea.”
Amalekieši un Kanaānieši dzīvo lejā. Griežaties rītā atpakaļ un ejat uz tuksnesi pa niedru jūras ceļu.
26 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:
Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un uz Āronu un sacīja:
27 “How long will this very wicked multitude murmur against me? I have heard the complaints of the sons of Israel.
Cik ilgi tā būs ar šo ļauno draudzi, kas pret Mani kurn? Es esmu dzirdējis Israēla bērnu kurnēšanu, ar ko tie pret Mani kurn.
28 Therefore, say to them: As I live, says the Lord, as you spoke in my hearing, so will I do to you.
Saki tiem: tik tiešām kā Es dzīvoju, saka Tas Kungs, Es jums tā darīšu, kā jūs Manās ausīs esat runājuši.
29 In the wilderness, here shall your carcasses lie. All you who were numbered from twenty years and above, and who have murmured against me,
Šinī tuksnesī būs krist jūsu miesām, un visiem jūsu skaitītiem, pēc visiem jūsu pulkiem, tiem, kas divdesmit gadus veci un pārāki, kas pret Mani esat kurnējuši.
30 you shall not enter into the land, over which I lifted up my hand to cause you to live there, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun.
Jums nebūs ieiet tai zemē, par ko Es Savu roku esmu pacēlis, lai tur mājojiet, bet tik vien Kālebam, Jefunna dēlam, un Jozuam, Nuna dēlam.
31 But your little ones, about whom you said that they would be a prey to the enemies, I will lead them in, so that they may see the land that has displeased you.
Un jūsu bērnus, par ko jūs sacījāt, tie būšot par laupījumu, tos Es ievedīšu, un tie dabūs pazīt to zemi, ko jūs nicinādami esat atmetuši.
32 Your carcasses shall lie in the wilderness.
Bet jums un jūsu miesām būs krist šinī tuksnesī.
33 Your sons shall wander in the desert for forty years, and they shall bear your fornication, until the carcasses of their fathers are consumed in the desert.
Un jūsu bērni būs gani tuksnesī četrdesmit gadus, un tiem būs jūsu maucību nest, tiekams jūsu miesas bojā iet tuksnesī.
34 According to the number of the forty days, during which you examined the land, one year shall be charged for each day. And so, for forty years you shall take back your iniquities, and you shall know my retribution.
Pēc to četrdesmit dienu skaita, cik ilgi jūs to zemi esat izlūkojuši, ikvienu dienu skaitot par gadu, jums būs nest savus noziegumus četrdesmit gadus; ka jūs atzīstat, kas tas ir, kad Es no jums nogriežos.
35 For just as I have spoken, so shall I do, to this entire most wicked multitude, which has risen up together against me. In the wilderness, here shall it fade away and die.”
Es Tas Kungs esmu runājis, Es to tiešām darīšu visai šai ļaunai draudzei, kas pret Mani sametusies; šinī tuksnesī tiem būs iet bojā, un tur tiem būs nomirt.
36 Therefore, all the men, whom Moses had sent to contemplate the land, and who, having returned, had caused the entire multitude to murmur against him, disparaging the land as if it were evil,
Tad nu tie vīri, ko Mozus bija sūtījis, to zemi izlūkot, kas bija atgriezušies atpakaļ un visu draudzi pret viņu rīdinājuši uz kurnēšanu un izpauduši nelabu slavu par to zemi,
37 suffered death and were struck down in the sight of the Lord.
Tie vīri, kas tai zemei darījuši nelabu slavu, nomira caur vienu mocību Tā Kunga priekšā.
38 But only Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh remained alive, out of all those who had journeyed to examine the land.
Bet Jozuas, Nuna dēls, un Kālebs, Jefunna dēls, palika dzīvi no tiem vīriem, kas bija nogājuši, to zemi izlūkot.
39 And Moses spoke all these words to all the sons of Israel, and the people mourned exceedingly.
Un Mozus runāja šos vārdus uz visiem Israēla bērniem; tad tie ļaudis ļoti bēdājās.
40 And behold, rising up at first light, they climbed to the top of the mountain, and they said, “We are prepared to ascend to the place, about which the Lord has spoken, for we have sinned.”
Un tie cēlās agri un devās augšā uz kalnu galu sacīdami: redzi, šeit esam un iesim uz to vietu, par ko Tas Kungs sacījis; jo mēs esam grēkojuši.
41 And Moses said to them: “Why do you transgress the word of the Lord, merely because it will not result in prosperity for you?
Bet Mozus sacīja: kāpēc jūs pārkāpjat Tā Kunga vārdu? Jo tas jums neizdosies.
42 Do not ascend, for the Lord is not with you, lest you be overthrown before your enemies.
Neejat uz augšu, Tas Kungs nav jūsu vidū, ka jūs netopat sakauti no saviem ienaidniekiem.
43 The Amalekite and the Canaanite are before you, by whose sword you shall be ruined, for you were not willing to consent to the Lord, and so the Lord is not with you.”
Jo Amalekieši un Kanaānieši tur ir jūsu priekšā, un jūs kritīsiet caur zobenu; jo tāpēc ka jūs no Tā Kunga esat atkāpušies, Tas Kungs nebūs ar jums.
44 But they, having been darkened, ascended to the top of the mountain. But the ark of the testament of the Lord, and Moses, did not withdraw from the camp.
Tomēr tie ar pārgalvību devās uz augšu, uz kalnu galu, bet Tā Kunga derības šķirsts un Mozus neatstājās no lēģera.
45 And the Amalekites descended, along with those Canaanites who were living in the mountains. And so, striking and cutting them down, they pursued them all the way to Hormah.
Tad Amalekieši un Kanaānieši, kas uz tiem kalniem dzīvoja, nāca un tos sita un sakāva līdz Hormai.

< Numbers 14 >