< Luke 9 >

1 Then calling together the twelve Apostles, he gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases.
Mme ya re ka letsatsi lengwe Jesu a phutha baaposetoloi ba gagwe ba ba lesome le bobedi! A ba naya taolo mo meweng e e bosula, a ba naya nonofo go e kgoromeletsa ntle go fodisa malwetse otlhe.
2 And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the infirm.
Hong a ba roma go ya go bolelela mongwe le mongwe kaga go tla ga Bogosi jwa Modimo le go fodisa balwetse.
3 And he said to them: “You should take nothing for the journey, neither staff, nor traveling bag, nor bread, nor money; and you should not have two tunics.
A ba laela a re, “Se tseyeng le fa e le seikokotlelo, kgotsa kgetsana ya loeto, kgotsa dijo, kgotsa madi le fa e le hempe e nngwe.
4 And into whatever house you shall enter, lodge there, and do not move away from there.
Lo nne fela fa lo gorogetseng teng mo motsing mongwe le mongwe.
5 And whoever will not have received you, upon departing from that city, shake off even the dust on your feet, as a testimony against them.”
“Fa batho ba motse ba sa lo reetse fa lo tsena, hularang lo tsamaye, lo supa bogale jwa Modimo kgatlhanong le motse o o ka go itlhotlhora lorole lwa one mo dinaong tsa lona fa lo tsamaya.”
6 And going forth, they traveled around, through the towns, evangelizing and curing everywhere.
Mme jalo ba simolola go tlhatlologanya metsana, ba rera Mafoko a a Molemo ba bile ba fodisa balwetse.
7 Now Herod the tetrarch heard about all the things that were being done by him, but he doubted, because it was said
Mme e rile fa dipolelo tsa dikgakgamatso tsa ga Jesu di tsena kwa go Herode wa mmusi, a tshwenyega thata a akabala, gonne bangwe ba ne ba re “Ke Johane wa Mokolobetsi o rudile”,
8 by some, “For John has risen from the dead,” yet truly, by others, “For Elijah has appeared,” and by still others, “For one of the prophets from of old has risen again.”
ba bangwe ba re, “Ke Elija kgotsa mongwe wa baporofiti ba bogologolo o tsogile mo losong.” Mme magatwe a a anama le lefatshe lotlhe.
9 And Herod said: “I beheaded John. So then, who is this, about whom I hear such things?” And he sought to see him.
Mme Herode a re, “Ke kgaotse Johane tlhogo.” “Jaanong ke mang monna yo ke utlwang dipolelo tse di sa tlwaelesegang ka ga gagwe?” Mme a eletsa go mmona.
10 And when the Apostles returned, they explained to him all the things that they had done. And taking them with him, he withdrew to a deserted place apart, which belongs to Bethsaida.
Mme ya re Baapostoloi ba sena go boela kwa go Jesu go ya go bolela se ba se dirileng, a ngwangwaela ka tidimalo le bone go ya kwa motsing wa Bethesaida.
11 But when the crowd had realized this, they followed him. And he received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God. And those who were in need of cures, he healed.
Mme bontsintsi jwa batho jwa bona kwa o yang gone, mme ba mo sala morago. A ba amogela a ba ruta gape kaga Bogosi jwa Modimo a ba a fodisa ba ba neng ba lwala.
12 Then the day began to decline. And drawing near, the twelve said to him: “Dismiss the crowds, so that, by going into the surrounding towns and villages, they may separate and find food. For we are here in a deserted place.”
Mo tshokologong barutwa botlhe ba ba lesome le bobedi ba tla ba mo kopa gore a phatlalaletse batho kwa metsaneng le masimo a a gautshwane go ya go batla dijo le marobalo. Ba re, “Gonne ga go na se se jewang fa mo sekakeng se.”
13 But he said to them, “You give them something to eat.” And they said, “There is with us no more than five loaves and two fish, unless perhaps we are to go and buy food for this entire multitude.”
Mme Jesu a fetola a re, “Ba feng dijo!” Mme bone ba re, “Go reng, re na le dinkgwe di le tlhano fela le ditlhapi tse pedi mo gare ga bontsintsi jwa rona, kgotsa o gopotse gore re ye go rekela bontsintsi jo dijo tse di lekaneng?”
14 Now there were about five thousand men. So he said to his disciples, “Have them recline to eat in groups of fifty.”
Gonne go ne go na le batho ba ka nna dikete tse tlhano foo. Jesu a fetola a re, “Ba reyeng ba nne fa fatshe ka ditlhopha tse di ka nnang tsa masome a matlhano.”
15 And they did so. And they caused them all to recline to eat.
Mme ba dira jalo.
16 Then, taking the five loaves and the two fish, he gazed up to heaven, and he blessed and broke and distributed them to his disciples, in order to set them before the crowd.
Mme Jesu a tsaya dinkgwe tse tlhano le ditlhapi tse pedi a leba kwa godimo mo loaping a leboga; mme a ngathoganyetsa barutwa ba gagwe go di abela batho.
17 And they all ate and were satisfied. And twelve baskets of fragments were taken up, which were left over from them.
Mme mongwe le mongwe a ja a kgora; mme ga sala diroto di le lesome le bobedi di tletse masalela!
18 And it happened that, when he was praying alone, his disciples also were with him, and he questioned them, saying: “Who do the multitudes say that I am?”
Ka letsatsi lengwe fa a le esi, a rapela le barutwa ba gagwe, a tla kwa go bone a ba botsa a re, “Batho ba re ke mang?”
19 But they answered by saying: “John the Baptist. But some say Elijah. Yet truly, others say that one of the prophets from before has risen again.”
Ba mo raya ba re, “Johane wa Mokolobetsi, kgotsa gongwe Elija kgotsa mongwe wa baporofiti ba bogologolo a tsogile mo losong.”
20 Then he said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” In response, Simon Peter said, “The Christ of God.”
Hong a ba botsa a re, “Lona lo akanya gore ke mang?” Mme Petere a fetola a re, “O Mesia Keresete wa Modimo!”
21 But speaking sharply to them, he instructed them not to tell this to anyone,
Mme a ba naya ditaolo tse di gagametseng gore ba se ka ba bolelela ope.
22 saying, “For the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and the leaders of the priests and the scribes, and be killed, and on the third day rise again.”
A re, “Gonne ke tlaa sotlega thata, e bile ke tlaa ganwa ke baeteledipele ba Sejuta, bagolwane, baperesiti ba bagolo le bomaitseanape ba molao, ke tlaa bolawa mme morago ga malatsi a mararo ke tlaa rula!”
23 Then he said to everyone: “If anyone is willing to come after me: let him deny himself, and take up his cross every day, and follow me.
Mme a ba raya botlhe a re, “Le fa e le mang yo o batlang go ntshala morago a a tseye mokgoro wa gagwe letsatsi le letsatsi a nne gaufi le nna!
24 For whoever will have saved his life, will lose it. Yet whoever will have lost his life for my sake, will save it.
Le fa e le mang yo o latlhegelwang ke botshelo ka ntlha ya me, o tlaa bo boloka mme le fa e le mang yo o tsweletseng a boloka botshelo jwa gagwe bo tlaa mo latlhegela;
25 For how does it benefit a man, if he were to gain the whole world, yet lose himself, or cause himself harm?
mme go thusang gore motho a gape lefatshe lotlhe mme a latlhegelwe ke botshelo jwa gagwe?
26 For whoever will be ashamed of me and of my words: of him the Son of man will be ashamed, when he will have arrived in his majesty and that of his Father and of the holy Angels.
“Fa nna Morwa Motho, ke tla ka kgalalelo ya ga Rara le baengele ba ba boitshepo, ke tlaa ba tlhabelwa ke ditlhong botlhe ba ba ntlhabelwang ke ditlhong le mafoko a me gompieno.
27 And yet, I tell you a truth: There are some standing here who shall not taste death, until they see the kingdom of God.”
Mme boammaaruri jo e leng jone ke jo, bangwe ba lona ba ba emeng fano fa nako e, ga ba kitla ba a swa go fitlhelela lo sena go bona Bogosi jwa Modimo!”
28 And it happened that, about eight days after these words, he took Peter and James and John, and he ascended onto a mountain, so that he might pray.
Morago ga malatsi a le lesome le bofera bobedi Jesu a tsaya Petere, Jakoba le Johane go ya go rapela kwa dithabeng.
29 And while he was praying, the appearance of his countenance was altered, and his vestment became white and shining.
Mme ya re a ntse a rapela, sefatlhogo sa gagwe sa simolola go phatsima le diaparo tsa gagwe tsa sweufala tsa lakasela.
30 And behold, two men were talking with him. And these were Moses and Elijah, appearing in majesty.
Hong banna ba babedi Moshe le Elija ba iponatsa mme ba simolola go bua nae.
31 And they spoke of his departure, which he would accomplish at Jerusalem.
Ba ne ba bonala ba galalela, ba le bantle thata; ba bua ka loso lwa gagwe lo lo tlaa diragalang kwa Jerusalema go diragatsa leano la Modimo.
32 Yet truly, Peter and those who were with him were weighed down by sleep. And becoming alert, they saw his majesty and the two men who were standing with him.
Petere le ba bangwe ba ne ba otsela ebile ba robetse. Hong ba tsoga ba bona Jesu a apesitswe ke phatsimo le kgalalelo, le banna ba babedi ba eme le ene.
33 And it happened that, as these were departing from him, Peter said to Jesus: “Teacher, it is good for us to be here. And so, let us make three tabernacles: one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” For he did not know what he was saying.
Erile fa Moshe le Elija ba simolola go tsamaya, Petere a sa itlhaloganye, a bile a sa itse se a se buang a kgomoga a re, “Morena, go molemo jang! Re tlaa aga metlaagana e le meraro, o mongwe e le wa gago o mongwe e le wa ga Moshe o mongwe e le wa ga Elija.”
34 Then, as he was saying these things, a cloud came and overshadowed them. And as these were entering into the cloud, they were afraid.
Mme ya re a santse a bua jaana leru le le phatsimang la ikaga mo godimo ga bone; mme ba tshwarwa ke poifo fa le ba khurumetsa.
35 And a voice came from the cloud, saying: “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.”
Mme lentswe le le tswang mo lerung la re, “Yo ke morwaake, yo ke mo itlhaoletseng; mo utlweng.”
36 And while the voice was being uttered, Jesus was found to be alone. And they were silent and told no one, in those days, any of these things, which they had seen.
Mme ya re morago, lentswe le sena go feta, Jesu a bo a le esi le barutwa ba gagwe. Mme ba seka ba bolelela ope se ba se boneng go fitlhelela morago ga lobaka lo lo leele.
37 But it happened on the following day that, as they were descending from the mountain, a great crowd met him.
Mme ya re ka letsatsi le le latelang fa ba fologa thaba, boidiidi jo bogolo jwa batho jwa mo kgatlhantsha,
38 And behold, a man from the crowd cried out, saying, “Teacher, I beg you, look kindly on my son, for he is my only son.
hong monna mongwe mo bontsing a mo tlhaeletsa a re, “Moruti, mosimane yo o fano yo ke ene fela morwaake,
39 And behold, a spirit takes hold of him, and he suddenly cries out, and it throws him down and convulses him, so that he foams. And though it tears him apart, it leaves him only with difficulty.
mme mowa o o maswe o tsweletse ka go mo tshwenya, o mo dira gore a goe; mme o mo karalatse gore a bo a phoke mafulo mo molomong; o aga o mo keteka, mme ga o ke o bo o mo tlogela.
40 And I asked your disciples to cast him out, and they were unable.”
Ke kopile barutwa ba gago gore ba kgoromeletse mowa o o maswe o kwa ntle mme ga ba a ka ba kgona.”
41 And in response, Jesus said: “O unfaithful and perverse generation! How long will I be with you and endure you? Bring your son here.”
Hong Jesu a raya barutwa ba gagwe a re, “Batho ba ba logwadi ke lona ba lo senang tumelo, ke tlaa nna le lona lobaka lo lo kae? Mo tliseng kwano.”
42 And as he was approaching him, the demon threw him down and convulsed him.
Ya re mosimane a tla mowa o o maswe wa mo digela fa fatshe wa mo karalatsa mo go botlhoko. Mme Jesu a laola mowa o o maswe gore o tswele kwa ntle, a fodisa mosimane mme a mo neela rraagwe.
43 And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and he healed the boy, and he restored him to his father.
Mme batho ba welwa ke kgakgamalo fa ba bona tiragalo ya nonofo ya Modimo. E rile ba sa ntse ba bolela dilo tse di molemo tse o neng a di dira, Jesu a raya barutwa ba gagwe a re,
44 And all were astonished at the greatness of God. And as everyone was wondering over all that he was doing, he said to his disciples: “You must set these words in your hearts. For it shall be that the Son of man will be delivered into the hands of men.”
“Ntheetsang lo bo lo gakologelwe se ke se buang. Nna, Morwa Motho, ke tlaa okwa.”
45 But they did not understand this word, and it was concealed from them, so that they did not perceive it. And they were afraid to question him about this word.
Mme barutwa ba gagwe ba ne ba sa itse gore o rayang, gonne megopolo ya bone e ne e kaneletswe, ba boifa go mmotsa.
46 Now an idea entered into them, as to which of them was greater.
Mme jaanong ga tsoga kgang mo gare ga bone gore ke ofe wa bone yo o tlaa nnang mogolo [mo Bogosingjo bo tlang]!
47 But Jesus, perceiving the thoughts of their hearts, took a child and stood him beside him.
Mme Jesu a bo a setse a itsile megopolo ya bone, a baya ngwanyana fa go ene,
48 And he said to them: “Whoever will receive this child in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives him who sent me. For whoever is the lesser among you all, the same is greater.”
mme a ba raya a re, “Le fa e le mang yo o tlhokomelang ngwananyana yo o tshwanang le yo, o tlhokomela nna! Mme le fa e le mang yo o ntlhokomelang o tlhokometse Modimo o o nthomileng. Tlhokomelo ya lona mo go ba bangwe ke sone selekanyo sa bogolo ba lona.”
49 And responding, John said: “Teacher, we saw a certain one casting out demons in your name. And we prohibited him, for he does not follow with us.”
Mme morutwa mongwe wa gagwe ebong Johane a tla kwa go ene a re, “Morena, re bone mongwe a dirisa leina la gago go kgoromeletsa mewa e e maswe kwa ntle. Mme ra mo itsa. Ka gonne e ne e se wa setlhopha sa rona!”
50 And Jesus said to him: “Do not prohibit him. For whoever is not against you, is for you.”
Mme Jesu a re, “Ga lo a tshwanela go ka bo lo dirile jalo! Gonne mongwe le mongwe yo o seng kgatlhanong le lona ke wa lona.”
51 Now it happened that, while the days of his dissipation were being completed, he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem.
Mme ya re ka lobaka lwa gagwe lwa go boela kwa legodimong lo atamela, a tsamaya ka boiketlo go ya Jerusalema ka maikaelelo a a tlhomameng.
52 And he sent messengers before his face. And going on, they entered into a city of the Samaritans, to prepare for him.
Mme ya re ka letsatsi lengwe a romela barongwa kwa pele go ya go ba baakanyetsa matlwana mo motseng wa Samaria.
53 And they would not receive him, because his face was going toward Jerusalem.
Mme batho ba motse oo ba ba koba ba gana go ba amogela ka gore ba ne ba fetela Jerusalema.
54 And when his disciples, James and John, had seen this, they said, “Lord, do you want us to call for fire to descend from heaven and consume them?”
Mme e rile fa ba utlwa gore go diragetseng, Jakobe le Johane ba raya Jesu ba re, “Morena, a ke re laole molelo gore o fologe kwa legodimong o ba laile?”
55 And turning, he rebuked them, saying: “Do you not know of whose spirit you are?
Mme Jesu a retologa a ba kgalemela,
56 The Son of man came, not to destroy lives, but to save them.” And they went into another town.
mme ba tsamaela kwa motseng o mongwe.
57 And it happened that, as they were walking along the way, someone said to him, “I will follow you, wherever you will go.”
Ya re ba ntse ba tsamaya mongwe a raya Jesu a re, “Nna ke tlaa go sala morago gongwe le gongwe kwa o yang teng.”
58 Jesus said to him: “Foxes have dens, and the birds of the air have nests. But the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head.”
Mme Jesu a mo fetola a re, “Gakologelwa gore ga ke na fa ke robalang teng, bophokoje ba na le mesima e ba nnang mo go yone, le dinonyane di na le dintlhaga, mme nna Morwa Motho ga ke na lelapa mo lefatsheng gotlhelele.”
59 Then he said to another, “Follow me.” But he said, “Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father.”
Mme ya re ka nako e nngwe fa a laletsa monna mongwe go nna morutwa wa gagwe, monna a dumela, mme a batla go leta go fitlhela loso lwa ga rraagwe.
60 And Jesus said to him: “Let the dead bury their dead. But you go and announce the kingdom of God.”
Hong Jesu a mo fetola a re, “Lesa ba ba senang botshelo jo bo sa khutleng ba dire dilo tse di ntseng jalo. Wena tiro ya gago ke go tla go rerela lefatshe lotlhe Bogosi jwa Modimo.”
61 And another said: “I will follow you, Lord. But permit me first to explain this to those of my house.”
Yo mongwe a re, “Ee, Morena, ke tlaa tla, mme ntetla go ya go kopa tetlelelo mo go bagaetsho.”
62 Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow, and then looks back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
Mme Jesu a mo raya a re, “Le fa ele mang yo o iteseletsang go tsietsega mo tirong e ke e mo laetseng ga a a nonofela Bogosi jwa Modimo.”

< Luke 9 >