< Leviticus 21 >

1 The Lord also said to Moses: Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and you shall say to them: Do not allow a priest to be contaminated by the death of his citizens,
Og HERREN sagde til Moses: Tal til Præsterne, Arons Sønner, og sig til dem: Præsten må ikke gøre sig uren ved Lig blandt sin Slægt,
2 except only by his blood-relatives and near-relatives, that is, by a father or mother, or by a son or daughter, or also a brother,
medmindre det er hans nærmeste kødelige Slægtninge, hans Moder eller Fader, hans Søn eller Datter, hans Broder
3 or a virgin sister, who is not married to a husband.
eller Søster, for så vidt hun var Jomfru og endnu hørte til hans Familie og ikke var gift; i så Fald må han gøre sig uren ved hende;
4 But not even by the leader of his people shall he be contaminated.
men han må ikke gøre sig uren ved hende, når hun var gift med en Mand af hans Slægt, og således pådrage sig Vanhelligelse.
5 Neither shall they shave their head or their beard, and they shall not make incisions in their flesh.
De må ikke klippe sig en skaldet Plet på deres Hoved, ikke studse deres Skæg eller gøre Indsnit i deres Legeme.
6 They shall be holy to their God, and they shall not pollute his name. For they offer the incense of the Lord and the bread of their God, and because of this they shall be holy.
Hellige skal de være for deres Gud og må ikke vanhellige deres Guds Navn, thi de frembærer HERRENs Ildofre, deres Guds Spise; derfor skal de være hellige.
7 They shall not take as a wife a promiscuous woman, or a prostitute, or her who has been repudiated by her husband. For they are consecrated to their God,
En Horkvinde og en skændet Kvinde må de ikke ægte; heller ikke en Kvinde, der er forstødt af sin Mand, må de ægte; thi han er helliget sin Gud.
8 and they offer the bread of the presence. Therefore, let them be holy, for I also am holy: the Lord, who sanctifies them.
Du skal regne ham for hellig, thi han frembærer din Guds Spise; han skal være dig hellig, thi hellig er jeg HERREN, som helliger dem.
9 If the daughter of a priest will have been taken into prostitution, and will have violated the name of her father, she shall be consumed by fire.
Når en Præstedatter vanhelliger sig ved at bedrive Hor, da vanhelliger hun sin Fader; hun skal brændes på Bål,
10 The high priest, that is, the priest who is the greatest among his brothers, upon whose head the oil of anointing has been poured, and whose hands have been consecrated for the priesthood, and who has been vested with the holy vestments: he shall not expose his head; he shall not rend his vestments.
Den Præst, der er den ypperste blandt sine Brødre, han, over hvis Hoved Salveolien udgydes, og som indsættes ved at iføres Klæderne, må hverken lade sit Hovedhår vokse frit eller sønderrive sine Klæder.
11 And he shall not enter to any dead body whatsoever; likewise, not even by his father or mother shall he be contaminated.
Han må ikke gå hen til noget som helst Lig, end ikke ved sin Fader eller Moder må han gøre sig uren.
12 Neither shall he exit from the holy places, lest he pollute the Sanctuary of the Lord. For the oil of the holy anointing of his God is upon him. I am the Lord.
Han må ikke forlade Helligdommen for ikke at vanhellige sin Guds Helligdom, thi hans Guds Salveolies Vielse er på ham; jeg er HERREN!
13 He shall take a virgin as his wife.
Han skal ægte en Kvinde, der er Jomfru;
14 But a widow, or one who has been repudiated or defiled, or also a mistress, he shall not accept, but only a maiden from among his own people.
en Enke, en forstødt, en skændet, en Horkvinde må han ikke ægte, kun en Jomfru af sin Slægt må han tage til Hustru,
15 He shall not mingle the stock of his family with the common people of his nation. For I am the Lord, who sanctifies him.
for at han ikke skal vanhellige sit Afkom blandt sin Slægt; thi jeg er HERREN, som helliger ham.
16 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
HERREN talede fremdeles til Moses og sagde:
17 Say to Aaron: A man from your offspring, throughout their families, who has a blemish, shall not offer the bread to his God.
Tal til Aron og sig: Ingen af dit Afkom i de kommende Slægter, som har en Legemsfejl, må træde frem for at frembære sin Guds Spise,
18 Neither shall he approach to minister to him: if he is blind, if he is lame, if he is small, or large, or has a crooked nose,
det må ingen, som har en Legemsfejl, hverken en blind eller en halt eller en med vansiret Ansigt eller for lang en Legemsdel
19 if his foot or hand is broken,
eller med Brud på Ben eller Arm
20 if he has a bulging back or bleary eyes, or if he has a white spot in his eye, or a chronic scab, or a skin disease on his body, or a hernia.
eller en pukkelrygget eller en med Tæring eller en, der har Pletter i Øjnene eller lider af Skab eller Ringorm eller har svulne Testikler.
21 Anyone from the offspring of Aaron, the priest, who has a blemish, shall not approach to offer sacrifices to the Lord, nor the bread to his God.
Af Præsten Arons Efterkommere må ingen, som har en Legemsfejl, nærme sig for at frembære HERRENs Ildofre; han har en Legemsfejl, han må ikke nærme sig for at frembære sin Guds Spise.
22 Nevertheless, he shall eat from the loaves which are offered in the Sanctuary.
Han må vel spise sin Guds Spise, både det, som er højhelligt, og det, som er helligt,
23 But even so, he may not enter within the veil, nor approach to the altar. For he has a blemish, and he must not contaminate my Sanctuary. I am the Lord, who sanctifies them.
men til Forhænget må han ikke komme, og Alteret må han ikke nærme sig, thi han har en Legemsfejl og må ikke vanhellige mine hellige Ting; thi jeg er HERREN, som helliger dem.
24 Therefore, Moses spoke to Aaron, and to his sons, and to all of Israel, everything that had been commanded to him.
Og Moses talte således til Aron og hans Sønner og alle Israeliterne.

< Leviticus 21 >