< Lamentations 5 >
1 Remember, O Lord, what has befallen us. Consider and look kindly upon our disgrace.
ヱホバよ我らにありし所の事をおもひたまへ 我らの恥辱をかへりみ觀たまへ
2 Our inheritance has been turned over to foreigners; our houses to outsiders.
われらの產業は外國人に歸し われらの家屋は他國人の有となれり
3 We have become orphans without a father; our mothers are like widows.
われらは孤子となりて父あらず われらの母は寡婦にひとし
4 We paid for our drinking water. We acquired our wood for a price.
われらは金を出して自己の水を飮み おのれの薪を得るにも價をはらふ
5 We were dragged by our necks. Being weary, no rest was given to us.
われらを追ふ者われらの頸に迫る 我らは疲れて休むことを得ず
6 We have given our hand to Egypt and to the Assyrians, so that we may be satisfied with bread.
7 Our fathers have sinned, and are not. And we have carried their iniquities.
われらの父は罪ををかして已に世にあらず 我らその罪を負ふなり
8 Servants have become rulers over us. There was no one to redeem us from their hand.
9 We obtained our bread at the risk of our lives, before the face of the sword, in the wilderness.
10 Our skin was burned, as if by an oven, before the face of the tempest of the famine.
11 They humiliated the women in Zion and the virgins in the cities of Judah.
12 The leaders were suspended by their hand. They were not ashamed before the faces of the elders.
侯伯たる者も敵の手にて吊され 老たる者の面も尊とばれず
13 They have sexually abused the adolescents, and the children were corrupted in the wood.
少き者は石磨を擔はせられ 童子は薪を負ふてよろめき
14 The elders have ceased from the gates, the youths from the choir of the psalms.
長老は門にあつまることを止め 少き者はその音樂を廢せり
15 The gladness of our heart has failed, our singing has been turned into mourning.
我らが心の快樂はすでに罷み われらの跳舞はかはりて悲哀となり
16 The crown has fallen from our head. Woe to us, for we have sinned.
われらの冠冕は首より落たり われら罪ををかしたれば禍なるかな
17 Because of this, our heart became gloomy; for this reason, our eyes have been darkened:
これが爲に我らの心うれへ これらのために我らが目くらくなれり
18 because of mount Zion, because it was ruined. Foxes have wandered upon it.
シオンの山は荒はて 山犬はその上を歩くなり
19 But you, O Lord, shall remain for eternity, your throne from generation to generation.
ヱホバよなんぢは永遠に在す なんぢの御位は世々かぎりなし
20 Why would you forget us forever? Why would you forsake us for a long time?
何とて我らを永く忘れ われらを斯ひさしく棄おきたまふや
21 Convert us, O Lord, to you, and we shall be converted. Renew our days, as from the beginning.
ヱホバよねがはくは我らをして汝に歸らしめたまへ われら歸るべし 我らの日を新にして昔日の日のごとくならしめたまへ
22 But you have utterly rejected us; you are vehemently angry against us.
さりとも汝まつたく我らを棄てたまひしや 痛くわれらを怒りゐたまふや