< Joshua 6 >

1 Now Jericho was closed as well as fortified, out of fear of the sons of Israel, and no one dared to depart or to enter.
Men Jeriko var lukket og stængt for Israelitterne, ingen gik ud eller ind.
2 And the Lord said to Joshua: “Behold, I have given Jericho into your hand, with its king and all the strong men.
Da sagde HERREN til Josua: "Se, jeg giver Jeriko og dets Konge og Krigere i din Hånd.
3 Have all the warriors circle the city once each day; you shall do so for six days.
Alle eders våbenføre Mænd skal gå rundt om Byen, een Gang rundt; det skal I gøre seks Dage;
4 Then, on the seventh day, the priests shall take the seven trumpets, which are used on the jubilee, and they shall precede the ark of the covenant. And you shall circle the city seven times, and the priests shall sound the trumpets.
og syv Præster skal bære syv Væderhorn foran Arken. Men den syvende Dag skal I gå rundt om Byen syv Gange, og Præsterne skal støde i Hornene.
5 And when the voice of the trumpet sounds longer and with interruptions, and it increases in your ears, then all the people shall cry out together with a very great shout, and the walls of the city shall fall to the foundation, and they shall enter it, each from a place opposite where they are standing.”
Når der så blæses i Væderhornet, og I hører Hornets Lyd, skal alt Folket opløfte et vældigt Krigsskrig; så skal Byens Mur styrte sammen, og Folket kan gå lige ind, hver fra sin Plads."
6 Then Joshua, the son of Nun, called the priests, and he said to them, “Take the ark of the covenant, and let seven other priests take the seven trumpets of the jubilee, and advance before the ark of the Lord.”
Josua, Nuns Søn, lod da Præsterne kalde og sagde til dem: "I skal bære Pagtens Ark, og syv Præster skal bære syv Væderhorn foran HERRENs Ark!"
7 He also said to the people, “Go, and circle the city, armed, preceding the ark of the Lord.”
Og han sagde til Folket: "Drag ud og gå rundt om Byen, således at de, som bærer Våben, går foran HERRENs Ark!"
8 And when Joshua had finished his words, and the seven priests sounded the seven trumpets before the ark of the covenant of the Lord,
Da nu Josua havde talt til Folket, gik de syv Præster, som bar de syv Væderhorn foran HERREN, frem og stødte i Hornene, medens HERRENs Pagts Ark fulgte efter;
9 and all the armed soldiers went ahead, the remainder of the common people followed the ark, and the sound of the trumpets grew louder everywhere.
og de, som bar Våben, gik foran Præsterne, som stødte i Hornene, og de, som sluttede Toget, fulgte efter Arken, medens der blæstes i Hornene.
10 But Joshua had instructed the people, saying, “You shall not cry out, nor shall your voice be heard, and no word at all shall proceed from your mouth, until the day arrives on which I will say to you, ‘Cry out, and shout.’”
Men Josua bød Folket: "I må ikke opløfte Krigsskrig eller lade eders Røst høre, og intet Ord må udgå af eders Mund, før den Dag jeg siger til eder: Råb! Men så skal I råbe!"
11 Thus, the ark of the Lord circled the city once each day, and returning to the camp, it remained there.
Så lod han HERRENs Ark bære rundt om Byen, een Gang rundt, og derpå begav de sig tilbage til Lejren og overnattede der.
12 And so, with Joshua, arising in the night, the priests took the ark of the Lord,
Tidligt næste Morgen gjorde Josua sig rede, og Præsterne bar HERRENs Ark,
13 and seven of them took the seven trumpets, which are used in the jubilee, and they preceded the ark of the Lord, walking and sounding the trumpets. And the armed men went before them, and the remainder of the common people followed the ark, and they were blaring the trumpets.
og de syv Præster, som bar de syv Væderhorn foran HERRENs Ark, gik og stødte i Hornene; de, som bar Våben, gik foran dem, og de, som sluttede Toget, fulgte efter HERRENs Ark, medens der blæstes i Hornene.
14 And they circled the city on the second day, once, and they returned to the camp. They did so for six days.
Anden Dag gik de een Gang rundt om Byen, hvorefter de vendte tilbage til Lejren; således gjorde de seks Dage.
15 Then, on the seventh day, rising at first light, they circled the city, just as had been ordered, seven times.
Men den syvende Dag brød de op tidligt, ved Morgenrødens frembrud og gik på samme Måde syv Gange rundt om Byen; kun på denne Dag drog de syv Gange rundt om Byen;
16 And at the seventh circling, when the priests sounded the trumpets, Joshua said to all of Israel: “Shout! For the Lord has delivered the city to you.
og syvende Gang stødte Præsterne i Hornene, og Josua sagde til Folket: "Opløft Krigsskriget! Thi HERREN har givet eder Byen.
17 And let this city be anathema, with all the things that are within it, before the Lord. May only Rahab the harlot live, with all who are with her in the house. For she hid the messengers whom we sent.
Og Byen skal lyses i Band for HERREN med alt, hvad der er i den; kun Skøgen Rahab skal blive i Live tillige med alle dem, som er i hendes Hus, fordi hun skjulte Sendebudene, som vi udsendte.
18 But you must be careful that you do not touch any of those things, as you have been instructed, for then you would be guilty of transgression, and all the camp of Israel would be under sin and would be troubled.
Men I skal tage eder vel i Vare for det bandlyste, så I ikke attrår og tager noget af det bandlyste og derved bringer Bandet over Israels lejr og styrter den i Ulykke.
19 But whatever gold and silver there will be, and vessels of brass or of iron, let these be consecrated to the Lord and be stored in his treasuries.”
Men alt Sølv og Guld og alle Kobber og Jernsager skal helliges HERREN; det skal bringes ind i HERRENs Skatkammer!"
20 Therefore, with all the people shouting, and the trumpets blaring, after the voice and the sound increased in the ears of the multitude, the walls promptly fell to ruin. And each one climbed up at the place which was opposite where he was. And they seized the city.
Så opløftede Folket Krigsskrig, og de stødte i Hornene og da Folket hørte Hornene, opløftede det et vældigt Krigsskrig; da styrtede Muren sammen, og Folket gik lige ind i Byen; således indtog de Byen.
21 And they put to death all who were in it, from man even to woman, from infant even to elder. Likewise, the oxen and sheep and donkeys, they struck down with the edge of the sword.
Derpå lagde de med Sværdet Band på alt, hvad der var i Byen, Mænd og Kvinder, unge og gamle, Hornkvæg, Småkvæg og Æsler.
22 But Joshua said to the two men who had been sent to explore, “Enter the house of the harlot woman, and bring her out, and all the things that are hers, just as you assured her by oath.”
Men til de to Mænd, som havde udspejdet Landet, sagde Josua: "Gå ind i Skøgens Hus og før Kvinden og alt, hvad hendes er, ud derfra, som I tilsvor hende!"
23 And the youths entered, and they led out Rahab, and her parents, also her brothers, and all her goods and kindred, and they caused them to dwell outside the camp.
De unge Mænd, som havde været Spejdere, gik da ind og førte Rabab ud tillige med hendes Fader og Moder og hendes Brødre, hele hendes Slægt og alt, hvad hendes var; de førte dem ud og lod dem stå uden for Israels Lejr.
24 Then they set fire to the city and all the things that were within it, except the gold and silver, and the vessels of brass or of iron, which they consecrated into the treasury of the Lord.
Men på Byen og alt, hvad der var i den, stak de Ild; kun Sølvet og Guldet og Kobber og Jernsagerne bragte de ind i HERRENs Hus's Skatkammer.
25 Yet truly, Joshua caused Rahab the harlot, and her father’s household, and all she had, to survive. And they lived in the midst of Israel, even to the present day. For she hid the messengers, whom he had sent to explore Jericho. At that time, Joshua made an invocation, saying:
Men Skøgen Rahab og hendes Fædrenehus og alt, hvad hendes var, lod Josua blive i Live, og hun kom til at bo blandt Israeliterne og gør det den Dag i Dag, fordi hun havde skjult Sendebudene, som Josua havde sendt ud for at udspejde Jeriko.
26 “Cursed before the Lord is the man who will raise up and rebuild the city of Jericho! With his firstborn, may he lay its foundation, and with the last of his children, may he set up its gates.”
På den Tid tog Josua Folket i Ed, idet han sagde: "Forbandet være den Mand for HERRENs Åsyn, som indlader sig på at opbygge denne By, Jeriko. Det skal koste ham hans førstefødte at lægge Grunden og hans yngste at sætte dens Portfløje ind."
27 And so the Lord was with Joshua, and his name was made known throughout all the land.
Således var HERREN med Josua, og hans Ry udbredte sig over hele Landet.

< Joshua 6 >