< Job 12 >

1 Then Job, answering, said:
Job je odgovoril in rekel:
2 Are you, therefore, alone among men, and will wisdom die with you?
»Brez dvoma ste vi samo ljudje in modrost bo umrla z vami.
3 And I have a heart just as you also do, and I am not inferior to you. For who is ignorant of these things, which you know?
Toda jaz imam razumevanje prav tako kakor vi. Nisem slabši od vas. Da, kdo ne pozna takšnih stvari, kakor so te?
4 He who is mocked by his friends as I am, will call upon God, and he will listen to him because it is the sincerity of the just that is being mocked.
Jaz sem kakor nekdo, zasmehovan od svojega bližnjega, ki kliče k Bogu in ta mu odgovarja. Pravičen človek je zasmehovan do norčevanja.
5 The lamp that is despised in the thoughts of the rich is ready for the appointed time.
Kdor je pripravljen, da zdrsne s svojimi stopali, je kakor svetilka, prezirana v mislih tistega, ki je ohol.
6 The tabernacles of robbers are numerous, and they provoke God boldly; whereas, it is he who has given all things into their hands.
Šotori roparjev uspevajo in tisti, ki izzivajo Boga, so varni; v katerih roko Bog obilno prinaša.
7 In truth, ask the mules, and they will teach you, and the birds of the sky, and they will reveal to you.
Toda vprašaj sedaj živali in te bodo poučile in perjad neba in ti bodo povedale.
8 Speak with the earth, and it will respond to you, and the fish of the sea will explain.
Ali govori zemlji in te bo poučila in morske ribe ti bodo oznanile.
9 Who is ignorant that the hand of the Lord has made all these things?
Kdo v vsem tem ne spoznava, da je to naredila Gospodova roka?
10 In his hand is the soul of all the living and the spirit of all the flesh of mankind.
V čigar roki je duša vsake žive stvari in dih vsega človeštva.
11 Does not the ear perceive words, and the palate, when eating, perceive flavor?
Mar uho ne preizkuša besed? In usta ne okusijo njegove hrane?
12 In old age is wisdom, and in length of days is prudence.
S starcem je modrost, in v dolžini dni razumnost.
13 With him is wisdom and strength, he has counsel and understanding.
Z njim je modrost in moč, on ima nasvet in razumevanje.
14 If he tears down, there is no one who can build up; if he encloses a man, there is no one who can open.
Glej, on poruši in to ne more biti ponovno zgrajeno. On zapre človeka in ne more biti odpiranja.
15 If he restrains the waters, everything will dry up; and if he sends them forth, they will subdue the land.
Glej, on zadržuje vode in se posušijo. On jih prav tako pošilja ven in razrijejo zemljo.
16 With him is strength and wisdom; he knows both the deceiver and he who is deceived.
Z njim je moč in modrost; prevarani in slepar sta njegova.
17 He leads advisors to a foolish end and judges to stupidity.
Svetovalce odvede oplenjene in sodnike dela bedake.
18 He removes the belt of kings and encircles their waist with a rope.
Kraljem razvezuje vez in njihova ledja opasuje s pasom.
19 He leads away priests in dishonor and displaces nobles,
Prince odvede oplenjene in podira močne.
20 altering the lips of those who speak the truth and sweeping away the teaching of the aged.
Odstranja govor zanesljivih in odvzema razumnost ostarelih.
21 He pours disdain upon the leaders, relieving those who had been oppressed.
Na prince izliva zaničevanje in slabi moč močnih.
22 He reveals the depths of the darkness, and he brings the shadow of death into the light.
Odkriva globoke stvari teme in na svetlobo prinaša smrtno senco.
23 He multiplies peoples, and destroys them, and, having been overthrown, he restores them anew.
Povečuje narode in jih uničuje. Razširja narode in jih ponovno vodi v suženjstvo.
24 He transforms the heart of the leaders of the people on earth, and misleads those who in vain advance upon the inviolable.
Odvzema srce vodjem ljudstva zemlje in jim povzroča, da tavajo v divjini, kjer ni poti.
25 They will grope as in the darkness, not the light, and he will make them stagger like drunkards.
Tipajo v temi brez svetlobe in on jim povzroča, da se opotekajo kakor pijan človek.

< Job 12 >