< Job 12 >

1 Then Job, answering, said:
2 Are you, therefore, alone among men, and will wisdom die with you?
なんぢら而已まことに人なり 智慧は汝らと共に死ん
3 And I have a heart just as you also do, and I am not inferior to you. For who is ignorant of these things, which you know?
我もなんぢらと同じく心あり 我はなんぢらの下に立ず 誰か汝らの言し如き事を知ざらんや
4 He who is mocked by his friends as I am, will call upon God, and he will listen to him because it is the sincerity of the just that is being mocked.
我は神に龥はりて聽るる者なるに今その友に嘲けらるる者となれり 嗚呼正しくかつ完たき人あざけらる
5 The lamp that is despised in the thoughts of the rich is ready for the appointed time.
安逸なる者は思ふ 輕侮は不幸なる者に附そひ足のよろめく者を俟と
6 The tabernacles of robbers are numerous, and they provoke God boldly; whereas, it is he who has given all things into their hands.
掠奪ふ者の天幕は繁榮え 神を怒らせ自己の手に神を携ふる者は安泰なり
7 In truth, ask the mules, and they will teach you, and the birds of the sky, and they will reveal to you.
今請ふ獸に問へ然ば汝に敎へん 天空の鳥に問へ然ばなんぢに語らん
8 Speak with the earth, and it will respond to you, and the fish of the sea will explain.
地に言へ然ばなんぢに敎へん 海の魚もまた汝に述べし
9 Who is ignorant that the hand of the Lord has made all these things?
10 In his hand is the soul of all the living and the spirit of all the flesh of mankind.
11 Does not the ear perceive words, and the palate, when eating, perceive flavor?
耳は説話を辨へざらんや その状あたかも口の食物を味ふがごとし
12 In old age is wisdom, and in length of days is prudence.
老たる者の中には智慧あり 壽長者の中には穎悟あり
13 With him is wisdom and strength, he has counsel and understanding.
智慧と權能は神に在り 智謀と穎悟も彼に屬す
14 If he tears down, there is no one who can build up; if he encloses a man, there is no one who can open.
視よ彼毀てば再び建ること能はず 彼人を閉こむれば開き出すことを得ず
15 If he restrains the waters, everything will dry up; and if he sends them forth, they will subdue the land.
視よ彼水を止むれば則ち涸れ 水を出せば則ち地を滅ぼす
16 With him is strength and wisdom; he knows both the deceiver and he who is deceived.
權能と穎悟は彼に在り 惑はさるる者も惑はす者も共に彼に屬す
17 He leads advisors to a foolish end and judges to stupidity.
彼は議士を裸體にして擄へゆき 審判人をして愚なる者とならしめ
18 He removes the belt of kings and encircles their waist with a rope.
19 He leads away priests in dishonor and displaces nobles,
祭司等を裸體にして擄へゆき 權力ある者を滅ぼし
20 altering the lips of those who speak the truth and sweeping away the teaching of the aged.
言爽なる者の言語を取除き 老たる者の了知を奪ひ
21 He pours disdain upon the leaders, relieving those who had been oppressed.
侯伯たる者等に恥辱を蒙らせ 強き者の帶を解き
22 He reveals the depths of the darkness, and he brings the shadow of death into the light.
暗中より隱れたる事等を顯し 死の蔭を光明に出し
23 He multiplies peoples, and destroys them, and, having been overthrown, he restores them anew.
國々を大にしまた之を滅ぼし 國々を廣くしまた之を舊に歸し
24 He transforms the heart of the leaders of the people on earth, and misleads those who in vain advance upon the inviolable.
地の民の長たる者等の了知を奪ひ これを路なき荒野に吟行はしむ
25 They will grope as in the darkness, not the light, and he will make them stagger like drunkards.
彼らは光明なき暗にたどる 彼また彼らを醉る人のごとくによろめかしむ

< Job 12 >