< Job 11 >
1 But Zophar the Naamathite, responding, said:
2 Will he who speaks much, not also listen? Or will a talkative man be justified?
言語多からば豈答へざるを得んや 口おほき人あに義とせられんや
3 Will men be silent only for you? And when you have mocked others, will no one refute you?
汝も空しき言あに人をして口を閉しめんや 汝嘲らば人なんぢをして羞しめざらんや
4 For you said: “My word is pure, and I am clean in your sight.”
汝は言ふ 我敎は正し 我は汝の目の前に潔しと
5 Yet I wish that God would speak with you, and would open his lips to you,
願くは神言を出し 汝にむかひて口を開き
6 so that he might reveal to you the secrets of wisdom, and how intricate his law is, and that you would understand how much less he requires of you than your iniquity deserves.
智慧の秘密をなんぢに示してその知識の相倍するを顯したまはんことを 汝しれ神はなんぢの罪よりも輕くなんぢを處置したまふなり
7 By chance, will you comprehend the footsteps of God and reach all the way to the perfection of the Almighty?
なんぢ神の深事を窮むるを得んや 全能者を全く窮むることを得んや
8 He is higher than heaven, and what will you do? He is deeper than hell, but how will you know? (Sheol )
その高きことは天のごとし 汝なにを爲し得んや 其深きことは陰府のごとし 汝なにを知えんや (Sheol )
9 His measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea.
10 If he overturns all things, or packs them together, who will contradict him?
11 For he knows the vanity of men, and when he sees iniquity, does he not evaluate it?
彼は僞る人を善く知りたまふ 又惡事は顧みること無して見知たまふなり
12 A vain man is lifted up in arrogance, and he thinks that he is born free like a wild ass’s colt.
虚しき人は悟性なし その生るるよりして野驢馬の駒のごとし
13 But you have fortified your heart and extended your hands to him.
汝もし彼にむかひて汝の心を定め 汝の手を舒べ
14 If you would send away from you the iniquity that is in your hand, and not let injustice remain in your tabernacle,
手に罪のあらんには之を遠く去れ 惡をなんぢの幕屋に留むる勿れ
15 then you would be able to lift up your face without blemish, and you would be steadfast and unafraid.
然すれば汝 面を擧て玷なかるべく堅く 立て懼るる事なかるべし
16 Misery, likewise, you would forget, or would remember only like waters that have passed by.
すなはち汝憂愁を忘れん 汝のこれを憶ゆることは流れ去し水のごとくならん
17 And brightness, like that of midday, will rise upon you until evening, and when you would think yourself consumed, you will rise up like the morning star.
なんぢの生存らふる日は眞晝よりも輝かん 假令暗き事あるとも是は平旦のごとくならん
18 And, when hope has been set before you, you will have faith, and, when buried, you will sleep secure.
なんぢは望あるに因て安んじ 汝の周圍を見めぐりて安然に寐るにいたらん
19 You will rest, and there will be nothing to make you afraid, and many will make requests before your face.
なんぢは何にも懼れさせらるること無して偃やまん 必ず衆多の者なんぢを悦こばせんと務むべし
20 But the eyes of the impious will fade away, and the path to escape will perish before them, for the abomination of the soul is their hope.
然ど惡き者は目曚み逃遁處を失なはん 其望は氣の斷ると等しかるべし