< Jeremiah 12 >

1 Certainly, O Lord, you are just. But if I may contend with you, while still speaking what is just to you: Why does the way of the impious prosper? Why is it well with all those who transgress and act unfairly?
Tú eres justo, Yahvé, cuando me enfrento a ti; Sin embargo, me gustaría exponer un caso ante usted. ¿Por qué prospera el camino de los malvados? ¿Por qué están tranquilos los que tratan con mucha alevosía?
2 You planted them, and they took root. They are prospering and bearing fruit. You are near to their mouths, but far from their hearts.
Tú los has plantado. Sí, han echado raíces. Crecen. Sí, producen frutos. Estás cerca de su boca, y lejos de su corazón.
3 And you, O Lord, have known me well. You have seen me, and you have tested my heart with you. Gather them together like a flock for the sacrifice and sanctify them for the day of slaughter.
Pero tú, Yahvé, me conoces. Me ves, y pruebas mi corazón hacia ti. Sácalos como ovejas para el matadero, y prepararlos para el día de la matanza.
4 How long shall the earth mourn? And how long shall the plants of every field whither because of the wickedness of the inhabitants within them? It has consumed the wild animals and the birds. For they said: “He will not see our very end.”
Hasta cuándo estará de luto la tierra, ¿y las hierbas de todo el país se marchitan? A causa de la maldad de los que la habitan, los animales y las aves se consumen; porque dijeron, “No verá nuestro último fin”.
5 “If you have struggled to run on foot, how will you be able to compete with horses? And if you have been secure in a land of peace, what will you do about the arrogance of the Jordan?
“Si has corrido con los lacayos, y te han cansado, ¿entonces cómo se puede competir con los caballos? Aunque en una tierra de paz estás seguro, pero, ¿cómo lo harás en el orgullo del Jordán?
6 For even your brothers, and the house of your father, even these have fought against you. And they have cried out after you with loud voice: ‘You should not believe them, when they speak good things to you.’”
Porque incluso tus hermanos, y la casa de tu padre, ¡hasta ellos te han tratado con traición! Incluso ellos han gritado después de ti. No les creas, aunque te digan palabras bonitas.
7 “I have abandoned my house. I have disowned my inheritance. I have given my beloved soul into the hand of its enemies.
“He abandonado mi casa. He desechado mi herencia. He entregado a la amada de mi alma en manos de sus enemigos.
8 My inheritance has become for me like a lion in the forest. It has uttered a voice against me, therefore, I have hated it.
Mi herencia se ha convertido para mí en un león en el bosque. Ella ha pronunciado su voz contra mí. Por eso la he odiado.
9 Is my inheritance to me like a discolored bird? Is it like a bird that has entirely changed color? Approach and assemble, all beasts of the earth! Hurry, so that you may devour!
¿Es mi herencia como un ave de rapiña moteada? ¿Están las aves de rapiña contra ella por todas partes? Ve, reúne a todos los animales del campo. Tráelos para devorarlos.
10 Many pastors have demolished my vineyard. They have trampled my portion. They have made my desirable portion into a desert of solitude.
Muchos pastores han destruido mi viña. Han pisoteado mi porción. Han convertido mi agradable porción en un desierto desolado.
11 They have squandered it, and it has grieved concerning me. The entire earth has become utterly desolate, because there is no one who understands with the heart.”
La han convertido en una desolación. Me llora, estando desolado. Toda la tierra queda desolada, porque a nadie le importa.
12 The devastators have arrived, over all the ways of the wilderness. For the sword of the Lord will devour, from one end of the earth even to its furthest limits. There is no peace for all that is flesh.
Los destructores han llegado a todas las alturas desnudas del desierto; porque la espada de Yahvé devora desde un extremo de la tierra hasta el otro. Ninguna carne tiene paz.
13 They sowed wheat, but they reaped thorns. They received an inheritance, but it will not benefit them. You will be confounded by your own fruits, because of the wrath of the fury of the Lord.
Han sembrado trigo, y han cosechado espinas. Se han agotado, y no se aprovecha nada. Se avergonzarán de sus frutos, a causa de la feroz ira de Yahvé”.
14 Thus says the Lord against all my wicked neighbors, who touch the inheritance that I have distributed to my people Israel: “Behold, I will root them out of their own land, and I will root the house of Judah out of their midst.
Dice el Señor: “Con respecto a todos mis malos vecinos, que tocan la herencia que he hecho heredar a mi pueblo Israel: He aquí que yo los arrancaré de su tierra, y arrancaré de entre ellos a la casa de Judá.
15 And when I have rooted them out, I will turn back and take pity on them. And I will lead them back, one man to his inheritance, and another man to his land.
Sucederá que después de haberlos arrancado, volveré y me compadeceré de ellos. Los haré volver, cada uno a su heredad, y cada uno a su tierra.
16 And this shall be: if they are taught and they learn the ways of my people, so that they swear by my name, ‘As the Lord lives,’ just as they had taught my people to swear by Baal, then they will be built up in the midst of my people.
Sucederá que si aprenden con diligencia los caminos de mi pueblo, para jurar por mi nombre, ‘Vive Yahvé’; así como enseñaron a mi pueblo a jurar por Baal, entonces serán edificados en medio de mi pueblo.
17 But if they will not listen, I will uproot that nation unto utter destruction and perdition, says the Lord.”
Pero si no escuchan, entonces arrancaré a esa nación, arrancándola y destruyéndola”, dice Yahvé.

< Jeremiah 12 >