< Isaiah 51 >

1 Listen to me, you who follow what is just and who seek the Lord. Pay attention to the rock from which you have been hewn, and to the walls of the pit from which you have been dug.
你们这追求公义、 寻求耶和华的,当听我言! 你们要追想被凿而出的磐石, 被挖而出的岩穴。
2 Pay attention to Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who bore you. For I called him alone, and I blessed him, and I multiplied him.
要追想你们的祖宗亚伯拉罕 和生养你们的撒拉; 因为亚伯拉罕独自一人的时候, 我选召他,赐福与他, 使他人数增多。
3 Therefore, the Lord will console Zion, and he will console all its ruins. And he will turn her desert into a place of delights, and her wilderness into a garden of the Lord. Gladness and rejoicing will be found in her, thanksgiving and a voice of praise.
耶和华已经安慰锡安 和锡安一切的荒场, 使旷野像伊甸, 使沙漠像耶和华的园囿; 在其中必有欢喜、快乐、感谢, 和歌唱的声音。
4 Pay attention to me, my people, and listen to me, my tribes. For a law will go forth from me, and my judgment will rest as a light for the nations.
我的百姓啊,要向我留心; 我的国民哪,要向我侧耳; 因为训诲必从我而出; 我必坚定我的公理为万民之光。
5 My just one is near. My savior has gone forth. And my arms will judge the people. The islands will hope in me, and they will patiently wait for my arm.
我的公义临近; 我的救恩发出。 我的膀臂要审判万民; 海岛都要等候我,倚赖我的膀臂。
6 Lift up your eyes to heaven, and look down to the earth below. For the heavens will vanish like smoke, and the earth will be worn away like a garment, and its inhabitants will pass away in like manner. But my salvation will be forever, and my justice will not fail.
你们要向天举目, 观看下地; 因为天必像烟云消散, 地必如衣服渐渐旧了; 其上的居民也要如此死亡。 惟有我的救恩永远长存; 我的公义也不废掉。
7 Listen to me, you who know what is just, my people who have my law in their heart. Do not be afraid of disgrace among men, and do not dread their blasphemies.
知道公义、将我训诲存在心中的民, 要听我言! 不要怕人的辱骂, 也不要因人的毁谤惊惶。
8 For the worm will consume them like a garment, and the moth will devour them like wool. But my salvation will be forever, and my justice will be from generation to generation.
因为蛀虫必咬他们,好像咬衣服; 虫子必咬他们,如同咬羊绒。 惟有我的公义永远长存, 我的救恩直到万代。
9 Rise up, Rise up! Clothe yourself in strength, O arm of the Lord! Rise up as in the days of antiquity, as in generations long past. Have you not struck the arrogant one and wounded the dragon?
耶和华的膀臂啊,兴起!兴起! 以能力为衣穿上, 像古时的年日、上古的世代兴起一样。 从前砍碎拉哈伯、 刺透大鱼的,不是你吗?
10 Have not you dried up the sea, the waters of the great abyss, and turned the depths of the sea into a road, so that the delivered could cross over it?
使海与深渊的水干涸、 使海的深处变为赎民经过之路的, 不是你吗?
11 And now, those who have been redeemed by the Lord will return. And they will arrive in Zion, praising. And everlasting rejoicing will be upon their heads. They will take hold of gladness and rejoicing. Anguish and mourning will flee away.
耶和华救赎的民必归回, 歌唱来到锡安; 永乐必归到他们的头上。 他们必得着欢喜快乐; 忧愁叹息尽都逃避。
12 It is I, I myself, who will console you. Who are you that you would be afraid of a mortal man, and of a son of man, who will wither like the grass?
惟有我,是安慰你们的。 你是谁,竟怕那必死的人? 怕那要变如草的世人?
13 And have you forgotten the Lord, your Maker, who extended the heavens, and who founded the earth? And have you been in constant dread, all day long, at the face of his fury, of the one who afflicted you and who had prepared to destroy you? Where is the fury of the oppressor now?
却忘记铺张诸天、立定地基、 创造你的耶和华? 又因欺压者图谋毁灭要发的暴怒, 整天害怕, 其实那欺压者的暴怒在哪里呢?
14 Advancing quickly, he will arrive to be revealed, and he will not kill unto utter destruction, nor will his bread fail.
被掳去的快得释放, 必不死而下坑; 他的食物也不致缺乏。
15 But I am the Lord, your God, who stirs up the sea, and who makes the waves swell. The Lord of hosts is my name.
我是耶和华—你的 神— 搅动大海,使海中的波浪匉訇— 万军之耶和华是我的名。
16 I have placed my words in your mouth, and I have protected you in the shadow of my hand, so that you might plant the heavens, and found the earth, and so that you might say to Zion, “You are my people.”
我将我的话传给你, 用我的手影遮蔽你, 为要栽定诸天,立定地基, 又对锡安说:你是我的百姓。
17 Lift up, Lift up! Arise, O Jerusalem! You drank, from the hand of the Lord, the cup of his wrath. You drank, even to the bottom of the cup of deep sleep. And you were given to drink, all the way to the dregs.
耶路撒冷啊,兴起! 兴起!站起来! 你从耶和华手中喝了他忿怒之杯, 喝了那使人东倒西歪的爵,以致喝尽。
18 There is no one who can uphold her, out of all the sons whom she has conceived. And there is no one who would take her by the hand, out of all the sons whom she has raised.
她所生育的诸子中,没有一个引导她的; 她所养大的诸子中,没有一个搀扶她的。
19 There are two things which have happened to you. Who will be saddened over you? There is devastation and destruction, and famine and sword. Who will console you?
荒凉、毁灭、饥荒、刀兵, 这几样临到你, 谁为你举哀? 我如何能安慰你呢?
20 Your sons have been cast out. They have slept at the head of all the roads, and they have been ensnared like a gazelle. They have been filled by the indignation of the Lord, by the rebuke of your God.
你的众子发昏, 在各市口上躺卧, 好像黄羊在网罗之中, 都满了耶和华的忿怒 —你 神的斥责。
21 Therefore, listen to this, O poor little ones, and you who have been inebriated, but not by wine.
因此,你这困苦却非因酒而醉的, 要听我言。
22 Thus says your Sovereign, the Lord, and your God, who will fight on behalf of his people: Behold, I have taken the cup of deep sleep from your hand. You shall no longer drink from the bottom of the cup of my indignation.
你的主耶和华— 就是为他百姓辨屈的 神如此说: 看哪,我已将那使人东倒西歪的杯, 就是我忿怒的爵, 从你手中接过来; 你必不致再喝。
23 And I will set it in the hand of those who have humiliated you, and who have said to your soul: “Bow down, so that we pass over.” And you placed your body on the ground, as a path for them to pass over.
我必将这杯递在苦待你的人手中; 他们曾对你说:你屈身, 由我们践踏过去吧! 你便以背为地, 好像街市,任人经过。

< Isaiah 51 >